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Kota University Syllabus 2022 UOK BA/B.Sc/B.Ed/BBA/MBA/M.Tech Syllabi

Kota University Syllabus

Get Here Kota University Syllabus PDF for BA/ B.Sc/ B.Ed /BBA/ MfBA/ M.Tech and other programmers. Students studying in the University of Kota can now check and download the Kota University Syllabi 2022 for UG/PG exams and start your preparation accordingly.


Kota University Syllabus Overview:

University Name University of Kota
Type of University State University
Programme UG, PG, Diploma/Certificate Other Courses
Exam Mode Offline
Official Website uok.ac.in

Kota University Syllabus

We all know that Syllabus plays an important role for preparation of exams. So students are suggested to make your study plan according to this updated Kota University Syllabus to get qualifying marks. The Kota University Syllabi contains topics and subjects; you have to cover for examination.

UOK Syllabus PDF Links

Go through the below provided links to get PDF files of Kota University Syllabus:

Kota University BA Syllabus

Following table contains the direct link to download the UOK BA Syllabus Links-

BA Sindhi B.A. Home Science
B.A. Music B.A. Political Science
B.A. Hindi B.A. Hindi Compulsory
B.A. Sanskrit B.A. Drawing & Painting
B.A. History Environmental Studies
B.A. Psychology B.A.- Urdu Hindi Version
B.A. Sociology B.A. English Compulsory
B.A. Philosophy B.A. Public Administration
B.A. English Litt. B.A. B.Com. B.Sc.-(GPEM)
B.A. Economics B.A. Textile Dyeing & Printing
B.A. Geography B.A.,B.Sc., B.Com. Computer Application
B.A. Urdu Version Elementary computer application-(Compul. paper)

Kota University B.Com Syllabus

Students studying in B.Com, can now check and download the UOK B.Com Syllabus by hitting on the below provided links-

Paper Links
B.Com (ABST) Download
B.Com (Hons.) Download
B.Com- Business Administration Download
B.Com. (Hons.) Business Administration Download
B.com. (Hons.) E.A.F.M Download
B.com. E.A.F.M Download

Kota University B.Ed Syllabus

Check the UOK B.Ed Syllabus from the below provided direct links-

Paper Links
B.A-B.Ed. I Year Download
B.A-B.Ed. II Year Download
B.A-B.Ed. III Year Download
B.A-B.Ed. IV Year Download
B.Ed. Download
B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (ID) Download
B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (VI) Download
B.Sc. B.Ed. I Year Download
B.Sc. B.Ed. II Year Download
B.Sc. B.Ed. III Year Download
B.Sc. B.Ed. IV Year Download
Integrated B.Ed. M.Ed. I Year Download
Integrated B.Ed. M.Ed. II Year Download
Integrated B.Ed. M.Ed. III Year Download

Kota University B.Sc Syllabus

Here are the direct links to download the PDF of UOK B.Sc Syllabus –

CBCS (Physics) B.Sc. (Maths) Annual Scheme
Geology Part-I B.Sc. (Physics) III & IV Sem
Geology Part-II B.Sc. Maths -I to VI Semester
Geology Part-III B.Sc. Microbiology Part-I, II, III
B.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc. (Hons) Physics I & II Sem
B.Sc. Zoology Semester-V B.Sc. Botany (Semester I to V)
B.Sc. Zoology Semester-VI B.Sc. (Hons) Physics V & VI Sem
B.Sc. (Physics) I & II Sem B.Sc. Biotechnology Part- I, II, III
B. Sc. Zoology Semester-I B.Sc. (Hons) Physics III & IV Sem
B. Sc. Zoology Semester-II B.Sc. (Pass Course) Physics (I,II,III) Year
B. Sc. Zoology Semester-III B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry-Annual Scheme 2020-2021
B.Sc. Botany (Semester-VI) B.Sc. (Part-II) Chemistry-Annual Scheme 2021-2022
B.Sc. Zoology Semester-IV B.Sc. (Part-III) Chemistry-Annual Scheme 2022-2023
B.Sc. (Physics) V & VI Sem B.Sc. (I & II Sem.) Chemistry 2020-2021
B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. (III & IV Sem.) Chemistry 2021-2022
B.Sc. Zoology Annual Scheme B.Sc. (V & VI Sem.) Chemistry 2022-2023
B.Sc.-Botany Annual Scheme  

Kota University Syllabus For Diploma/Certificates/Others

Direct links for UOK Syllabus of Diploma/Certificates/Others are provided in the below provided table –

Paper PDF
Certificate in Tourist Guide Download
Diploma in Rajasthani Culture and History Download
Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Download
P.G. Diploma in Yoga & Naturopathic Science Download
PGDCA Download
PGDLL Download

Kota University MA Syllabus

Get here the direct links to check and download the UOK MA Syllabus PDF-

MA Sindhi M.A. Urdu Hindi Version
MSW M.A.& M.Sc. Geography
M.A. Music M.A. History Semester III
M.A. Hindi M.A. Public Administration
M.A. English M.A. History Semester-IV
M.A. Sociology M.A (P & F) Vedic Vangmaya
M.A. History M.A. History Semester-I & II
M.A. Urdu (P) M.A. Garment Production (GPEM)
M.A. Philosophy M.A. Economics (Semester I to IV)
M.A (P&F) Sanskrit M.A. Heritage Museology Archeology
M.A. Home Science MA-MSc Geography I and II Semester
M.A. Political Science MA-MSc Geography III and IV Semester
M.A (P & F) Economics M.A. Drawing & Painting Semester-I to IV
M.A. Drawing & Painting M.A. Public Administration Semester Scheme

Kota University Syllabus For Other Courses

Hit on the below provided links to get the UOK Syllabus for different graduation and post-graduation programme –

Paper PDF
B.P.Ed. Download
B.Pharm. Download
BBA Download
BCA Download
Integrated BCA-MCA Download
B.A. LL.B. Semester Scheme I to VII Download
LL.B. Semester Scheme I to VI Download
LL.M. Semester Scheme Download
MBA (Management) Download
MBA (International Business) Download
M.B.A in Hospital Administration Download
M. Tech. (Solar Energy) III & IV Sem Download
M.Tech. (Solar Energy) I & II Sem Download
M.Ed. Download
B.A. LL.B. Semester Scheme I to VII Download
LL.B. Semester Scheme I to VI Download
LL.M. Semester Scheme Download
M.P.Ed. Download
MCA Download

Press Here: Kota University Syllabus (For All Courses) Official Link

Kota University M.Com Syllabus for Accounting and Finance (SEMESTER FIRST)

Financial Management: Meaning, Scope, Finance function, Agency theory, Objectives of financial management, Profit maximization and Wealth maximization, Time Value of Money
Capital Structure: Meaning, Financial Structure, Leverages, Operating Leverages, Degree of operating leverages, Behavior of degrees of operating leverages, Financial Leverages and combined leverages, Capital structure plan and degree of operating leverages. Indifferences point of alternate plans. EBIT and EPS Analysis, Financial breakeven point, Cost of capital, Computation of various components of capital structure, Weighted average cost of capital, capital structure theories.
Investment Decisions: Concept of Capital Budgeting, Features of capital budgeting and their comparative analysis, Capital budgeting under certainty & uncertainty
Investment in Current assets: Meaning of working Capital, Types of working capital, Monitoring efficiency in working capital management, Cash & Receivable Management. Inventory management determination of various levels of inventory, Economic orders Quantity (EOQ) and Re-order level under uncertainty.
Dividend Decisions: Introduction, Divisible profit, Legal aspects of divisible profits, Kinds of dividends, Dividend policy, Factors affecting dividend policy, Importance of stable dividend policies, Theories of dividend. Walters Models, Gordon Model, M.M. Hypothesis
Unit – I
Issue, Redemption of Shares; Issue and Redemption of Debentures. Underwriting, Acquisition of Business and Profits prior to Incorporation.
Unit – II
Final Accounts of Companies (according to companies act 2013) including Computation of Managerial Remuneration, Divisible Profits and Bonus Issues including guidelines of SEBI.
Unit – III
Valuation of Goodwill and Shares
Unit – IV
Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies as per IND AS Accounting Standard; including Inter-company holdings.
Unit –V
Accounting for internal reconstruction schemes, elementary knowledge of IND AS
Unit – I
Management Accounting: Meaning, Definition, Nature and Scope, Difference between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting and Management Accounting Functions, Object, Importance and Techniques, Role of Management Accountants. Fundamentals of Financial Statements: Nature and Subject matter of Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet, Limitations of Financial Statements.
Unit – II
Financial Statements Analysis : Meaning and Definition, Objectives, Importance, Type ofFinancial Analysis, Tools and Techniques of Financial Analysis Limitations of Analysis,Analysis of Comparative Financial Statements and Common-size Statements, TrendAnalysis.
Ratio Analysis: Meaning and Definition, Forms, Importance, Objectives and Precaution,Limitations, Classification, Calculation and Interpretation of Financial Ratios.
Unit – III
Analysis of Working Capital: Meaning, Definitions, Concepts, Type, Components,Determinants, Analysis of Working Capital, Estimation of Working Capital requirements.Cash Flow Statement as per IND AS: Concept, Meaning and definitions, objectives,importance, limitations and preparation.
Unit – IV
Management Information and Reporting System : Meaning and Definition, Importance,Installation of Management Information System, Principles of a good Information System,Information and Reporting, Essential of a good reporting System, Type of accounting reports,Limitations of reporting system.
Business Forecasting : Concept, Objectives, Importance, Methods. Exponential Smoothing
Analysis of Value Addition : Concept of Value addition, Meaning and Definition, ValueAdded Statement, Calculation of Value Added Ratios, Preparation and Interpretation ofValue Added Statement.
Balanced Scorecard: Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Business ProcessPerspective, Learning and Growth Perspective.
Indian Financial system: Nature and role of financial system; Constituents of Indian Financial system. Financial system and economic development;
Financial Markets: Money and capital markets; Money market: meaning, constituents,functions of money market; Money market instruments; Recent trends in Indian moneymarket; Capital market: primary and secondary markets;
Financial Services: Types of financial services, fund based and fee based; Risk Regulatoryframework for Financial Services in India
Indian Banking System: RBI, Commercial Banking – Meaning, functions, management andinvestment policies, Development Banking – Concept, objectives and functions ofdevelopment banks, Credit Creation and Credit Control.
Non-Banking Financial Institutions: Concept and role of non-banking financial institutions;Sources of finance; Functions of non-banking financial institutions; Investment policies andnon-banking financial institutions in India.
Merchant Banking: Concept, functions and growth; Government policy and merchantbanking services, SEBI guidelines; Future of merchant banking in India.Hire Purchase and Leasing concept and objectives,
Mutual Funds: Concept, performance appraisal and regulation of mutual funds (with special reference to SEBI guidelines); Designing and marketing of mutual funds schemes; Latestmutual fund schemes in India; an overview.
Credit Rating objectives and scope, Functions of credit Rating Agencies, credit Ratingagencies in India, Benefits and Limitations of credit Rating,
Software based Accounting: Present Scenario Tally, Features, Company Creation, TallyConfiguration, Split Company Data, Backup, and Restore.Charts of Accounts, Reserved Groups and Ledgers, Account Masters. Account Voucher,Vouchers Types and Classes
Invoicing, Budgets & Scenario Management, Enable Cheque Printing. Trial Balance, P&LA/C, Balance Sheet, Audit Trail, Other Books of Accounts Housekeeping and Security
Inventory : Configuration, Masters, Stock Items, Inventory Vouchers, Invoice, Challan,Summary Statements, Inventory features: Storage and Classification, Order Processing,Invoicing, Purchase Management, Sales Management
Parts of Speech; Noun, Pronoun, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs
Tenses: Present, Past and Future, Active and Passive VoiceGrill Exercises, Handling telephonic interviews and Group Discussion.

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Kota University M.Sc. Syllabus for Physics (1st Semester)

PHY 101- Mathematical Methods in Physics
Analytic function and the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Taylor’s and Laurent series, Cauchy’s residues theorem, singular points, poles, residues, evaluation of definite integrals
Fourier series, Fourier integral, Fourier Transform, Fourier sine and cosine transform,inversion formula for Fourier sine and cosine transforms, change of scale property, shiftingtheorem, multiple Convolution theorem, Fourier transform of the derivatives of a function
Laplace transforms, first and second shifting theorems, inverse Laplace transform-first andsecond shifting theorems, Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of derivative and integral of function, Convolution theorem
Error Analysis, Computer Arithmetic, Linear ordinary differential equations, Second-orderhomogeneous and nonhomogeneous differential equations with constant and variablecoefficients, Numerical Integration and Differentiation, Trapezoidal & Simpson’s rule,Runga-Kutta method, Simultaneous and Higher order equations.
Bisection method, Newton-Raphson Method, Solution of Linear equations, Curve fitting,Least squares approximation, Linear Vector spaces, Eigen vectors and Eigen Value problems, Caley Hamilton theorem, Introduction to Group theory SU(2) and O(3)
PHY 102- Classical Mechanics
Principle of Least Action, Lagrange’s equation and its applications, Generalized, coordinates,Lagrangian of a system of particles, Symmetry and Conservation laws, Central fieldproblems, Scattering cross-section, Rutherford Formula, Laboratory and CM Frame, twobody problem, Kepler problem, Generalized momentum, Legendre transformation.
Small oscillations, normal coordinates and its applications, Orthgonal transformation,Coupled Oscillators, Free forced and parametric oscillations, Damped Oscillations, Forcedoscillations under friction, Vibrations of molecules.
Hamiltonian, Hamilton’s Canonical equations, Canonical transformations, Hamilton’svariational principle, Derivation of Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian, Method of Lagrange’smultipliers.Canonical transformation, integral in variants of poincare: Lagrange’s and Poisson brackets as canonical invariants, Equation of motion in Poisson bracket formulation, Infinitesimal contact transformation and generators of symmetry, Liouville’s theorem,
Hamilton-Jacobi equation and its applications, Action angle, variable adiabatic invariance ofaction variable : The Kepler problem in action angle variables, Eulerian angles, Eulertheorem, Eigen values of the inertia tensor, Euler equations, Force free motion of a rigidbody, Rigid body dynamics- moment of inertia tensor, non-inertial force, Psuedo Force,Coriolis Force, Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, D-Alembert’s Principle, Extensionof Hamilton’s Principle for nonconservative and nonholonomic systems.
Special theory of relativity- Lorentz transformations, Four Vector Formulation, Lagrangianand Hamiltonian of a charged particle in presence of EM Fields, Field transformations,relativistic kinematics and mass–energy equivalence, stress tensor, energy momentum tensor, relative motion of charged particle in EM fields.
PHY 103- Quantum Mechanics-I
Superposition of amplitudes, States of a quantum mechanical system, representation ofquantum mechanical states, properties of quantum mechanical amplitude, operators andchange of state, postulates, essential definitions and commutation relations, quantumconditions and uncertainty relation, Co-ordinate and momentum representation of operators& position, momentum and angular momentum, time dependence of expectation values.
Schrodinger equation, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, central field problem-hydrogen atom, Energy quantization, Variational technique, application to Hydrogen and Helium atom, WKB method for one dimensional problem, application to bound states (Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization) and the barrier penetration -alpha decay.
Hamiltonian matrix and the time evolution of Quantum mechanical States: Hermiticity of theHamiltonian matrix, Time independent perturbation of an arbitrary system, simple matrixexamples of time independent perturbation, energy states of a two state system, Ammoniamolecule as an example of two state system diagonalizing of energy matrix, Pauli matrices.
Time dependent Perturbation: Transitions in a two state system, The Fermi Golden rule,Adiabatic and Sudden Perturbation, phase space, emission and absorption of radiation,induced dipole transition and Spontaneous emission of radiation, energy width of a quasistationary state.
Compatible observables and constants of motion, symmetry transformation and conservation laws, invariance under space and time translations and space rotation, Angular momentum operators and their eigen values, matrix representations of the angular momentum operators and their eigen states, composition of angular momentum, Clebsch- Gordon coefficients tensor operators and Wigner Eckart theorem, Selection Rules.
PHY 104- Advanced Electronics
Microwave Electronics: Introduction to Microwaves & its applications. General equation,input independence characteristic, Reflection & transmission coefficient, standing wave ratio, resonant and anti resonant line impedance matching, smith chart & its applications, coaxial, twin, strip & micro-strip lines.
Wave propagation in rectangular & circular wave guides, wave-guide modes, Q of waveguides, wave guide coupling. Microwave Passive Components: s-parameter representationand analysis of microwave component such as tees, two hole direction coupler attenuators,phase shifter, Rectangular cavity resonator, circulator & isolator.
Microwave Tube Devices: Conventional Vacuum tubes at microwave, O type deviceKlystron (two cavity & reflex), M type device magnetron, Introduction to TWT (TravellingWave Tubes), Microwave Semiconductor Devices IMPATT, TRAPATT & Gum Devices,Gyrotron, Free Electron Lasers.
Opto-electronic devices: Basics of Optical Fiber, Optical Fibers- step index, single andmultimode, graded index, Light propagation- total internal reflection, Acceptance angle andNumerical aperture, Fiber losses and dispersions, Optical Sources: Light Emitting diodesspontaneous emission – surface emitting LED, edge emitters, semiconductor diode.
Optical Sources: LASER- stimulated emission, Double hetero structure LASER, drivers forLED and LASER, Optical Detectors: Photo detectors- characteristics of photo detectors-photoconductor, p-n photodiode, PIN photodiode Schottky barrier photodiode, Avalanche photodiode, Phototransistor.

How to Download UOK Syllabus?

  • First of all, go to the official website of the University which is www.uok.ac.in
  • Then, go to “Student Corner” tab and hit on “Syllabus” available under “Examination” section.
  • Now hit on “Syllabus 2020-21”
  • Further search for your course and then hit on the download icon.
  • Go through the University of Kota Syllabus and prepare for exam accordingly.

Check Here – UOK Official Website Link

University of Kota Syllabus 2022

Students, who are pursuing BA/B.Sc/B.Ed/BBA/MBA/M.Tech and other programmes from Kota University, should download Kota University Exam Syllabus and start up their preparation for exams.

Every year, The University conducts semester wise examination twice in a year or annual wise to examine the knowledge of students they gain throughout the year. On the basis of students’ marks in exam, they promotes to the next level of their studies.

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