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Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips | Strategies to Crack Easily IBPS/SBI/PNB – PO Exams

Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips

Each year numerous probationary officer exams take place and lots of candidates participate in it. But the main reason behind cracking IBPS/SBI/PNB – PO Exams is Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips that are defined on this page. Candidates preparing for the bank PO exam and want to crack it in easy way then look at the Strategies to Crack Easily IBPS/SBI/PNB – PO Exams


Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips

In order to clear bank exam, first and foremost requirement is to understand the pattern of the exam. Almost all bank exams today are conducted in 2 phases, namely, Preliminary and Mains phase, which is followed by Interview.

Know the Syllabus:

First of all, you need to understand the syllabus whether you appear for the examination first time or have an experienced one. The Bank PO Exam consists of 5 papers that are reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, English Language and computer knowledge and the descriptive part of the test consist such question in which the candidates are required to write long answers on latest topics.

Know the Exam pattern

Exam pattern of almost all major bank preliminary exams is similar. The exam pattern followed for prelims is given below

Name of Test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 1 hour (60 minutes)
Reasoning Ability 35 35
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35
Total 100 100

Check Updated: Bank Exam Pattern

What next after Exam Pattern and Syllabus?

Once you are clear with the exam pattern and syllabus, here we are providing you some preparation tips and strategies:

Read Newspaper Daily:

Once you have decided to appear for Bank PO Exam you need to develop reading habit which is very helpful for you because in bank exam you need to read a lot of things given in books, magazines or internet for collecting information about current affairs and latest updates. It is significant to read the English newspaper which helps you in English subject.

Read Here: Bank Exam Preparation Material

Time Management:

The most important thing to tackle bank exam is time management. There are 200 questions that you need to solve in 120 minutes which is quite tough. In this exam, reasoning and numerical ability take more time to solve the questions. So, you need to adjust the time properly while you do practice so you can perform well while give the examination.

Boost Up Computer Basics:

Candidates if you want to score in computer section you need to familiar with computer. You need to learn about the basics of computers .You need to practice the same thing that you have learned in your books at your own computer.

Also Read- Computer Science Questions and Answers

Strengthen Your Weak Subjects:

While practicing, you need to mark your weakest subjects and try to figure out that where you lacking and start work on it. It is good that you are strong in particular subject but the weak subject need more practice.

Read Now: Bank Exam Model Papers

Take Practice Tests:

The excellent way for preparation is to solve the practice set with in specified time period. It improves your confidence and helps you to remember things that you learn or read. While practicing, try to find your own tricks and method to solve problems.

Learn Short Tricks & Keep your Concepts clear

To crack PO Exam, you must be very clear about every single concept. Also, go with the short tricks to solve questions as you will have to solve many questions in less time duration.

Strategies to Crack IBPS/SBI/PNB – PO Exams easily are required by the candidates if they wish to live their dream of joining one of the eminent Public Sector Banks of the country. Candidates are looking for a chance to do secure bank Jobs in India.

If you are a self-starter, get on with your studies now. Remember,

‘Your only limit is You.’

First question that is arrived in the mind of every participant is that how to start preparation for Bank PO Exam when there is a lot of competition in banking sector but it is not that much difficult if you know Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips & Strategies.

You can download the online books and materials from here and get best Bank PO Exam Preparation Tips by going through below section of this page which is well created by the team of recruitmentresult.com.

Check More- Upcoming Bank Jobs


In this exam, firstly we know about the syllabus and specially focus on time management. One must know how to attempt and solve many questions with accuracy. Candidates must solve previous year’s questions on regularly basis and check your speed every time.

The main thing is that you should be confident while preparing for the examination and answer only those questions to which you feel you are confident. Else, the process of negative marking will reduce their chances.

And read the English news paper to crack Bank PO Exam. So, all the candidates need to perform well in all the sections to make clear and become master in all above parts and be a Bank Probationary Officer (Bank P.O.).

All the best!!

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