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DBT JRF Syllabus 2022 | BET Part-A/Part-B Examination Syllabus, Pattern

DBT JRF Syllabus

Download Now DBT JRF Syllabus!!! Individuals, going to apply for Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) for Junior Research Fellowship, can check Part-A/Part-B Examination Syllabus and exam pattern through this web page. Hit on the provided direct link to obtain DBT JRF Syllabus 2022 in PDF Format.


DBT JRF Syllabus 2022
Conducting Body Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under
the Ministry of Science &Technology,
Government of India
Job Title Junior Research Fellowship
Exam Name Biotechnology Eligibility Test
Official Portal www.dbtjrf.gov.in

Download Now – DBT JRF BET Exam Syllabus PDF

DBT JRF BET Exam Pattern

  • Mode of Exam: Computer-Based Test.
  • Duration of Exam: 180 minutes
  • 3 marks will be awarded for every right answer
  • There is no Negative Marking.
Sections No. of
Section A General Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, General Aptitude, Analytical, Quantitative Ability, General Biotechnology etc. 50 50 3*50=150
Section B Specific Areas of Biotechnology 150 50 3*50=150
Total 200 100 300

DBT JRF Syllabus

PART-A: Aptitude & General Biotechnology


Questions may include Comprehension based, where a written paragraph is given for the students to read and then questions based on that paragraph is asked. They may be designed to test non-verbal reasoning capacity (e.g., by finding the odd one out in a series of abstract pictures), they may also be of quantitative type; designed to test the student’s ability to comprehend large numbers and do simple calculations.

General Biotechnology:

  • Biomolecular structure and function
  • Methods in Biotechnology
  • Organization of structure and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
  • Cellular processes
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Genetics, Phylogeny & Evolution
  • Genomics and Proteomics
  • IPR, Biosafety & Bioethics

Part B: Specialized Branches in Biotechnology

Agricultural Biotechnology

  1. Plant Biology, physiology, molecular biology and seed technology
  2. Tissue Culture, Transgenic Technologies and Biotechnology
  3. Molecular Breeding and Genomics
  4. Abiotic and Biotic Stress Biology
  5. Biodiversity

Animal Biotechnology

  1. Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
  2. Histology and Embryology
  3. Animal Parasitology
  4. Animal Virology
  5. Immunology
  6. Pathology
  7. Animal Genetics
  8. Molecular Medicine and Surgery
  9. Molecular Diagnostics
  10. Research Methodologies

Know Here: How To Reduce Negative Marking In Entrance Exam

Tech. Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology

  1. Introductory Mathematics
  2. Engineering Principles
  3. Thermodynamics in Biological Systems
  4. Bioprocess Engineering and Technology
  5. Downstream Processing in Biotechnology
  6. Bioprocess Plant Design

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

  1. Major Bioinformatics Resources
  2. Database Searches
  3. Sequence Analysis, Basic concepts
  4. Scoring Matrix, Pairwise sequence alignments, Multiple sequence alignments (MSA), Application in Taxonomy and phylogeny, Comparative genomics
  5. Structural Biology
  6. Proteins
  7. DNA & RNA secondary and tertiary structures, t-RNA tertiary structure
  8. Classification and comparison of protein 3D structures
  9. Application in drug design

Environmental Biotechnology

  1. Basic Ecological Concepts and Principles
  2. Chemistry of organic and inorganic chemicals polluting Environment
  3. Environmental Pollution
  4. Water Pollution
  5. Waste Water Treatment systems
  6. Treatment of Typical Industrial Effluents
  7. Management of municipal, biomedical and agricultural solid waste
  8. Environmental Pollution control
  9. Environment friendly technologies
  10. Pollution monitoring
  11. Global environmental problems

Marine Biotechnology

  1. Important marine organisms and their behavior
  2. Marine resources assessment
  3. Population study and marine environment protection
  4. Oceanography
  5. Types of marine microbes and their biology
  6. Microbial Assessment
  7. Role of microbes in marine environment
  8. Microbial metabolites
  9. Microbial interaction
  10. Culture systems and hatchery techniques
  11. Introduction to marine pharmacology
  12. Manipulation and microbial techniques
  13. Disease diagnosis
  14. Marine organisms and environment interaction
  15. Pollution & Biomaterial interaction
  16. Fouling and corrosion
  17. Wastewater bio-treatment

Medical Biotechnology

  1. Vaccinology
  2. Immunotechnology
  3. CMI and Imaging techniques
  4. Genetics in Medical Practice
  5. Genetics of Neurogenetic disorders
  6. Genetic basis of eye disorders
  7. Complex polygenic syndromes
  8. Components of genetic counseling
  9. Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  10. Infections of the Respiratory system
  11. Pyrexial Illness
  12. Infections of the Nervous System
  13. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Congenital Infections
  14. Host pathogen interactions in disease process
  15. DNA based diagnosis
  16. Antibody based diagnosis
  17. Proteomics based diagnosis
  18. Gene therapy
  19. Cellular therapy
  20. Recombinant therapy
  21. Immunotherapy
  22. Gene silencing technology
  23. Human disease genes

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Molecular and Human Genetics

  1. Cell Biology and Cytogenetics
  2. Principles of Genetics
  3. Common genetic disorders
  4. Human Genome


  1. Neurons
  2. Glial cells
  3. Neurophysiology and Behavior
  4. Major events in early embryonic development
  5. Patterning, polarity and regionalization of the nervous system
  6. Birth and migration of neurons
  7. Neuronal death during development
  8. Neurotrophic factors
  9. Electrical properties of excitable membranes
  10. Electrical properties of neurons, quantitative models of simulations, Hodgkin & Huxley’s analysis of squid giant axon
  11. Synaptic transmission and cellular signaling
  12. Sensation and perception
  13. Fundamentals of Motor Systems
  14. Chemical Control of Brain and Behavior
  15. Neural Control of the Breathing
  16. Neural Control of Heart, Cardiovascular Homeostasis
  17. Sleep and Dreaming
  18. Cognitive development and aging
  19. Clinical neurochemistry and neuropathology

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

  1. Drug metabolism
  2. Pharmacological screening and assays
  3. Enzymes and microbial technology
  4. Biochemical engineering
  5. Downstream processing
  6. Industrial applications

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DBT JRF Syllabus 2022

Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the Ministry of Science &Technology, Government of India is going to start recruitment process for Junior Research Fellowship. Individuals who are going to apply for the available vacancies will have to appear for the Biotechnology Eligibility Test.

Press Here: DBT JRF Official Website

By going through the above provided DBT Junior Research Fellowship Syllabus, candidates will get an idea about the topics that are going to come in the Biotechnology Eligibility Test Exam. Individuals are advised to keep visiting our web portal to gather latest updates about DBT JRF Syllabus 2022 PDF in Hindi, DBT JRF New Syllabus, DBT JRF Courses Syllabus, DBT JRF Subjects Syllabus.

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