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IAS latest Interview Questions | UPSC Toppers Answers Download Free PDF Online

IAS Interview Questions

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. IAS interviews require good preparation and be confident at the time of Interview. You can download IAS latest Interview Questions Free PDF Online from this page.

The IAS Interview test is the civil services candidate’s personality and temperament test. To crack Interview round, given UPSC IAS Toppers Interview Questions and Answers will help you well, so what are you waiting for? Go ahead with below provided IAS Interview Questions and Answers.


UPSC Examination Pattern

To become an IAS, candidates have to face and clear the following three exams:

Prelims: UPSC IAS Prelims is the first exam, having objective type questions. This is a very tough examination. In UPSC IAS Prelims Examination, the questions are neither repeated nor copied from any reference books. In addition to this, the probability of each question has an equal probability of 1/4 of getting correct.

Mains: After qualifying prelims examination, candidates will have to appear in Mains examination as this is the second paper. UPSC IAS Mains Exam is a subjective type. The way of writing and presentation of knowledge of candidates is checked in this paper.

Interview: Qualifying contenders in Mains examination will only eligible to appear in the third stage of the examination that is Interview. In the interview, the interviewers are senior IAS officers. The following personality traits are checked in this interview test:

  • Mental alertness
  • Critical powers of assimilation
  • Clear and logical exposition
  • Social traits
  • Interest and knowledge of current affairs
  • Balance of judgment
  • Variety and depth of interest
  • The ability for social cohesion
  • Leadership skills
  • Intellectual and moral integrity

UPSC IAS Interview Questions

Broadly, four types of questions are generally asked in a UPSC Interview. These include:

  • Profile-Related Questions
  • Current Affairs related questions
  • Situational Questions
  • Behavioral Questions

IAS latest Interview Questions

Important Details of UPSC (IAS) Interview

Venue: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069

Timing of the Interview: Two sessions per day (Forenoon session 9:00 AM onwards, Afternoon session 1:00 PM onwards). It would be mentioned on the Union Public Service Commission’s call letter if you were eligible for the interview.

Dress Code: Basic formals suffice (dark trousers with a light-colored plain shirt for men and saris or ‘churidar’ for women)

Maximum Marks: 275 Marks (It seems very less than Mains examination, but scoring high marks in the interview can be the path to one’s service/cadre of choice).

Examples of some questions:

  • Why do you want to join the civil services?
  • Why do you want to join the civil services if you can do well by doing social work?
  • Why do you want to join civil services and not Politics?
  • Why do you want to join civil service even though the salary is limited?
  • Explain why you chose IAS as your first preference?
  • What is your ambition in life?
  • You have opted for arts subjects when you are an engineer. Why did you choose that subject?
  • What is special about your date of birth? Any important event took place that year?
  • What does your name mean? Any famous personality or god that is associated with that name?
  • Would you like to change your name?

UPSC IAS Toppers Interview Questions & Answers

Question 1: Adarsh and Anupam two twins born in May, but their birthday is in June | How is that possible?

ANSWER: May is a place name.

Question 2: How can a man live up to 8 days without sleep?

ANSWER:  A man sleeps at night, then what you need to bed in the day.

Question 3: Peacock is a bird who does not lay eggs, then how peacock’s children are born?

ANSWER: The female peacock eggs, not the male peacock.

Read Also: Interview Preparation Tips

Question 4: Can you recognize Wednesday, Friday and Sunday three consecutive days without taking their name?

ANSWER: Yesterday, today and Tomorrow

Question 5: How do you leave a raw egg on a solid surface, it does not crack?

ANSWER: The egg will not disturb the Solid surface, you can take the leave.

Question 6: If 2 is a company and 3 is the crowd, then what will be 4 and 5?

ANSWER: 4 and 5 there is always 9.

Question 7: Eight people take 10 hours to build a wall-mounted, how many days it would take to four people?

ANSWER: The Wall has already made eight people in 10 hours. No need to make it now.

Question 8: In which State is the Bay of Bengal?

ANSWER: In the liquid state.

Question 9: If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, then what will happen?

ANSWER: The stone will be wet and will drown.

Question 10: James Bond without a parachute after jumping from Aeroplane, is alive, how?

ANSWER: Because the airplane was on the runway.

Question 11: Interviewer: When did you know that you wanted to join the Civil Services and when did you start?

ANSWER: Srushti (IAS 5TH RANK 2018): I completed my graduation in 2018 in Chemical engineering. It was around the third year that I had decided that a private job, being a chemical engineer is not something I am going to do all my life. I am from a normal middle-class family. I remember asking myself – Where can I reach using my learning capacity, the way I can learn, and the way I can gain knowledge. Using that capacity what position can I reach, where I will be able to make a positive change in the lives of so many people. It was then that I felt Civil Service is that door. It opens so many opportunities to have such great exposure in your entire career and that’s how I chose civil service.

Question 12: Interviewer: Dr Agarwal. You are serving in a rural area as a doctor for the past 4 years. Why do you want to leave such a noble thing you are doing?

ANSWER: Dr. Himanshu Agarwal (Rank 28): Sir. As a doctor, I can only cure the problems. As an administrator, I can prevent the problems of all fields from happening altogether and it is well known that prevention is better than cure.

Question 13: Interviewer: Okay, do u think u can use your experience as a doctor in civil services??

ANSWER: Dr Himanshu Agarwal (Rank 28): Sir we follow an approach in medical services where we listen to patients’ problems, think about various solutions, apply the best solution and then also follow up for his healthy life. Sir I can use a similar approach in civil services to fulfill my goals

Do You Know: Interview Tips For Freshers

IAS Interview Questions- Not Easy but Tricky

In the interview round usually he questions asked are based on tricks. Through these questions the selection committee checks candidate’s presence of mind. From last so many years it is happening that candidates qualifies the exam round but fails to crack the interview.

After going through these IAS Interview Questions, you may find them silly but we can bet you cannot give answers correctly without a right state of mind. For eg: How can you lift an elephant with one hand? You must be thinking that how it is possible. But if you think twicw than the answer is really simple as there is no elephant with one hand.

We hope now you understood that why we are considering these answers tricky. To get more such Interview Questions of IAS go through this page now.

IAS Interview Questions, were Asked In HR Round

Question 1-


The Interviewer ordered a cup of coffee for candidate and kept the coffee before the candidate, and then he asked to aspirants, what is before you?


Candidate immediately replied “Tea” and He got selected.

Now you are thinking how and why did he say “TEA” when he knows very well that coffee was kept before.

Answer: because the question was “What is before you that means, what is before U (alphabet) and the Reply was,” TEA” that means the T (alphabet)

You May Read This: Interview Questions and Answers

Question 2-


Where Lord Rama would have celebrated his “First Diwali”?

Answer:After this question the first think that comes in People’s mind is that, they will start thinking about Ayodya, Mitila (Janaki’s place), and Lanka etc…

Reason But the reason is, Diwali was a celebrated as a mark of Lord Krishna Killing Narakasura. In Dasavataar, Krishnavathaar comes after Raamavathaar.

So, Lord Rama would not have celebrated the Diwali At all!

Question 3-


The interviewer asked to the candidate “This is your last question of the interview. Please tell me the exact position of the center of this table where you have kept your files.”

Candidate:Instantly Candidate put one of his finger at some point at the table confidently and told to interviewer that this was the central point at the table.

Interviewer asked: how did u know that this is the central point of this table, then he replied quickly

“sir u r not likely to ask any more question, so it was the last question that u promised to ask”

And, he was selected as because of his intelligence. …….

“This is what Interviewer expects from the Interviewee”

More Links Related To IAS

IAS Cut Off Check Out IAS New Pattern
IAS Application Form IAS Previous Year Papers
IAS Salary IAS Result
IAS Syllabus Best IAS Coaching Centres in India
How To Prepare For IAS Exam IAS Interview Questions
UPSC IAS Latest Interview Questions Links
IAS Interview Questions PDF Download Here
Official Website Check Here

IAS Interview में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न In Hindi

Usually at the time of interview, the recruitment panel asks IAS Interview Questions in Hindi language. The reason behind asking IAS Interview Questions and Answers in Hindi is that there may be many contenders who are strong at every level but are weak at English.

Sometimes it becomes an issue for contenders to answer questions in proper English contenders/ hence taking the ease of candidates into consideration there are several Tricky Questions Asked in IAS Interview in Hindi language also.

Aspirants who are looking for IAS Interview Questions In Hindi Pdf can also take benefit from this page as here we have given a direct link through which they can get Interview Questions For IAS in Hindi language

How To Become An IAS Officer

IAS (Indian Administrative Service) Exam is conducting by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year. Indian Administrative Service is one of the prominent services among all the 24 services such as IPS, IFS etc for which the UPSC perform Civil Services Examination (CSE) to select the brilliant candidates. The UPSC Civil Services Examination has 3 stages – Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

How to Crack IAS Exam

Candidates who want to clear the IAS exam must have a long-term strategy. Most of the candidates start their preparation before 9-12 months of exam date but there are applicants who successfully get top ranks with dedicated study of few months. So the time duration of the preparation doesn’t matter, but the quality and dedication matter.

The basic feature of all successful candidates is a disciplined and focused mind with a passion for learning and reading. The IAS exam examines the analytic and presentation skills with knowledge achieved by the aspirant rather than a test which tests candidate’s mathematical or verbal skills.

To clear IAS, we feel two entities as essential:

  • Right guidance – for prelims and mains.
  • Right study-materials and books.

Read Also: How to Prepare For an Interview

Tips To Improve Performance for IAS Interview

IN IAS Interview there are usually 5 members at the board with the head seat at the center.
Candidates should enter in interview room confidently and greet the head.
Have to wait till you are asked to sit.
Intelligent record is the mantra, and for this maintaining eye contact is very important.
You should not look angrily but all the same appear helpful and do not look at other members because it can be very distracting for the interviewer.
Though if any other member asks you anything look at that member and answers and then turn back to the first – this is what we do in usual thoughtful listening.
Do not fidget or hurl your hands around, or shake your head. Less amount of movement does not mean you should sit abnormally stiff.
Your attitude should be thoughtful and relaxed at the interview time. Do not bend forward or place your hands on the table.
Give short answer to the mandatory patience shown by the member talking to you.
They generally like to talk more, so listen cautiously and think for a few seconds before you start answering the question.
This will show that you are managing your thoughts in mind before speaking.
Do not start appraising your performance, while you are still in the interview. Even if you have committed mistakes in the starting, do not think that you have already lost the game because they are looking for warm, sensitive respectful and attentive youngsters.
Talk respectfully about your achievements and hobbies.
You may have revealed some hobbies in the form without serious background in them
Say less to convey more. Argue logically and generalize correctly
Get up to leave only when the head asks you to, not because you think everyone has asked a question.
Before departure politely thank the head and nod at the others politely. Avoid saying “Have a good day sir”. A “Thank you Sir/Madam” is enough.

We Hope Now You Understood That Why We Are Considering These Answers Tricky. To Get More Such Interview Questions Of IAS Go Through This Page Now.

7 thoughts on “IAS latest Interview Questions | UPSC Toppers Answers Download Free PDF Online”

  1. Sir I am MBBS student from Kashmir and I dream of IAS .I want to know the strategy and way of reading that I should follow inorder to crack the IAS exam…

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