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NTA NCHMCT JEE Question Paper – 2022 Download Sample Papers with Answers

NTA NCHMCT JEE Question Paper

Students who want pursue hospitality as a career NCHMCT JEE 2022 Exam is the popular examination among them. So those who are going to participate in NCHMCT JEE Exam this year can practice with NCHMCT JEE Sample Paper and download NTA NCHMCT JEE Question Paper with Answers for the preparation of NCHM JEE Exam 2022.

Go through provided NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Sample Paper for the preparation of NTA NCHM JEE 2022 exam which is scheduled to be held on 28th May 2022. NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Question Papers will help candidates to prepare and get an idea about the type of questions that can come in exam.


Download NCHMCT JEE Sample Questions Papers with Answer

In the below section of page we have provided NCHM JEE Sample Papers PDF, candidates can go through provided NCHM JEE Question Papers and revise for their upcoming through NTA NCHMCT JEE previous year question paper with answers.

From the below section of this page of recruitmentresult.com page you may get the complete details regarding NTA NCHMCT JEE Sample Paper 2022.  Go through listed NCHMCT JEE Sample Questions with Answer and start solving as many as you can.

NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Important Dates:

For providing admission in Hotel management courses offered by the participating institutions NCHMCT conducts NCHMCT JEE. Online Process for NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Exam will tentatively begin in August 2022. Those who are interested to participate in NCHMCT JEE Exam 2022 can apply and start practicing with NCHMCT JEE 2022 Sample Paper to know the proper structure of exam.

Activities NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Dates
Starting of NCHMCT Online application form 5th February 2022
Starting of Offline NCHMCT JEE application form 5th February 2022
Last date to accept application form 3rd May 2022
NTA NCHMCT JEE Admit card from May 2022
NTA NCHMCT JEE Exam date 28th May 2022
Declaration of NTA NCHMCT JEE Result 2nd week of July 2022
NTA NCHMCT JEE Counselling started from July/ August 2022

NCHMCT JEE Question Paper

NTA NCHMCT JEE Model Papers are very useful for exam. Sample papers of NCHMCT JEE Exam can help you in numerous ways. NTA NCHMCT JEE 2022 Sample papers are also available in market but for that you have to pay heavy charges so why don’t you opt. option of online mode and download sample papers for NCHMCT JEE 2022 as many as you need.

Sample papers are available with NCHMCT JEE answer key through which you can match your answers and get an idea of how much percent you are prepared for NCHMCT JEE 2022 Exam. Practicing through NCHM JEE sample papers is the key towards your success so you must practice with sample papers.

Press Here For NTA NCHMCT JEE Sample Paper PDF

NCHMCT JEE Exam Pattern

As per NCHMCT JEE 2022 Exam, questions will be asked from Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning & Logical Deduction, General Knowledge & Current Affairs and English Language. There will be 200 questions asked in the examination paper. Questions will be asked in objective type form as per NCHM JEE Exam Pattern 2022. Examination Paper will be conducted on Offline mode.

NCHM JEE Marking Scheme

  • One mark will be given for every correct response
  • 25 marks will be deducted for every wrong response
  • The most appropriate response will carry 1 mark
  • The next appropriate response will carry 0.75 marks
  • The next to next appropriate answer will carry 0.50 marks
  • Wrong answer will carry Negative Mark of 0.25 marks

NCHM JEE 2022 Exam Pattern

Subject Number of questions
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 30
Reasoning and Logical Deduction 30
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 30
English Language 60
Aptitude for Service Sector 50
Total 200

Download here- NTA NCHMCT JEE Syllabus

NCHMCT JEE Sample Paper

NTA NCHMCT JEE Sample Questions Papers with Answer

Question 1: A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs. 1750 after 7 years. Had the interest been 2% more, how much more interest would it have earned?

  1. 35
  2. 245
  3. 350
  4. Cannot be determined

Answer: 4

Question 2: Two trains, each 100 m long, moving in opposite directions, cross each other in 8 seconds If one is moving twice as fast the other, then the speed of the faster train is:

  1. 30 km/hr
  2. 45 km/hr
  3. 60 km/hr
  4. 75 km/hr

Answer: 3

Question 3:A sum of money amounts to Rs. 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is:

  1. 5%
  2. 8%
  3. 12%
  4. 15%

Answer: 3

Question 4: The ability of Vibrio fischeri to convert chemical energy directly into radiant energy in bioluminescence is an example of __________ at work.

  1. Shelford’s law of tolerance
  2. Leibig’s law of the minimum
  3. the first law of thermodynamics
  4. the third law of thermodynamics

Answer: 3

Question 5: The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of eubacteria is mainly

  1. Phosphoglycerides
  2. Polyisoprenoid
  3. Phospholipoprotein
  4. None Of These

Answer: 1

Question 6: During the carboxylation phase of the Calvin cycle, CO2 combines with

  1. Ribulose 1,5 – Bisphosphate
  2. Phosphoglyceraldehyde
  3. Pyruvic Acid
  4. Oxaloacetic Acid

Answer: 1

Question 7: Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, … What number should come next?

  1. 22
  2. 24
  3. 25
  4. 26

Answer: 3

Question 8:270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train?

  1. 230 m
  2. 240 m
  3. 260 m
  4. 320 m

Answer: 1

Question 9: When the amino acid alanine (R-group is CH3) is added to a solution with a pH of 7.3, alanine becomes

  1. A Cation
  2. Nonpolar
  3. A Zwitterions
  4. An Isotope

Answer: 3

Question 10: A man walks 5 km toward south and then turns to the right. After walking 3 km he turns to the left and walks 5 km. Now in which direction is he from the starting place?

  1. West
  2. South
  3. North-East
  4. South-West

Answer: 4

Know Here: How Do Toppers Study?

Question 11: Yield coefficient represents

  1. total biomass or product produced
  2. conversion efficiency of a substrate into product
  3. conversion rate of a substrate into biomass or product
  4. production time of biomass or product

Answer: 2

Question 12: One morning Udai and Vishal were talking to each other face to face at a crossing. If Vishal’s shadow was exactly to the left of Udai, which direction was Udai facing?

  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South

Answer: 3

Question 13: When two populations compete for a single growth limiting substrate in a continuous fermenter, which organism would not be washed out?

  1. Organism maintaining the highest substrate concentration
  2. Organism maintaining the lowest substrate concentration
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Organism maintaining the moderate substrate concentration

Answer: 2

Question 14: Rahul put his timepiece on the table in such a way that at 6 P.M. hour hand points to North. In which direction the minute hand will point at 9.15 P.M. ?

  1. South-East
  2. South
  3. North
  4. West

Answer: 4

Question 15: The continuous cultures are not widely used in industry because

  1. they are not suited for the production of secondary metabolites
  2. contamination or mutation can have a disastrous effect on the operation
  3. the government will not approve the licensing of pharmaceuticals produced in continuous cultures
  4. all of the above

Answer: 4

Question 16: The anode in a dry cell consists of:

  1. Copper
  2. Zinc
  3. Cadmium
  4. Graphite

Answer: 2

Question 17: Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, … What number should come next?

  1. 7
  2. 10
  3. 12
  4. 13

Answer: 2

Question 18: Milk is a colloidal system in which:

  1. Water is dispersed in fat
  2. Fat is dispersed in water
  3. Fat and water are dispersed in each other
  4. Fat is dissolved

Answer: 2

Question 19: The mass of one Avogadro number of helium atom is

  1. gram
  2. gram
  3. 00 gram
  4. 4 x 6.02 x 1023 gram

Answer: 2

Read This: How to Prepare for Written Exam

Question 20: The items amenable to detection by soft x-rays are

  1. Contrabands
  2. Lead in bullets
  3. Narcotics
  4. Genuine coins from counterfeit coins

Answer: 4

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