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UPCATET Previous Year Question Papers – Solved PDF Download Online

UPCATET Question Paper

Download solved UPCATET Previous Year Question Papers PDF online from here and know the format and types of questions that are frequently asked in the examination. UPCATET Question Paper helps you in better preparation for the upcoming entrance examination.


UPCATET Previous Year Question Papers

UPCATET Overview

Full Form Uttar Pradesh Combined Agricultural and Technology Entrance Test
Exam Type Entrance Exam
Admission To UG, PG and Ph.D. Courses
Official Website www.upcatet.org

We have also provided the exam pattern in the below section of this page, as without including the paper pattern, students can’t be able to start their preparation. After that, candidates must go through the given UPCATET Question Paper PDF and solve it to improve their time management, speed and accuracy skills.

UPCATET Question Paper

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UPCATET Exam Paper – Biology Download
UPCATET Sample Paper- Mathematics Download
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UPCATET Previous Year Paper – Physics Download
UPCATET Question Paper – General Studies Download

UPCATET Exam Highlights

Exam Mode Offline
Number of Papers 1
Number of Section Vary according to the programme
Question Paper Type Multiple-choice questions
Total Marks 600 marks
Exam Duration 3 hours
Exam Language English and Hindi

UPCATET Exam Pattern

UPCATET Entrance Exam Pattern for Undergraduate Programs:

  • 200 multiple choice questions will be given and candidates need to complete it in three hours duration.
  • There are four groups of paper: PCB, PCM, PAG, and PHS

(i) PCB Group: For admission in subjects such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Horticulture, Home Science, Forestry and Veterinary Science.

(ii) PCM Group: For admission in Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Science and B.Tech programs.

(iii) PAG Group: For admission in Agriculture, Fisheries, Horticulture, Home Science, Forestry, and B.Tech in Agriculture Engineering and Biotechnology subjects.

(iv) PHS Group: For admission in B.Sc Home Science subject.

Subject Number
of Ques
Marks Group
of Ques
Group of Papers :PCB
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
General Studies 20 60 A
Physics 50 150 B
Chemistry 50 150 C
Biology 80 240 C
Total 200 600
Group of Papers :PCM
(Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
General Studies 20 60 A
Physics 50 150 B
Chemistry 50 150 C
Mathematics 80 240 D
Total 200 600
Group of Papers :PAG
(Agriculture Stream)
General Studies 20 60 A
Agriculture Physics 25 50 B
Agriculture Chemistry 25
Agriculture Zoology 25 150 C
Agriculture Botany 25
Agronomy 25 240 D
Animal Husbandry & Dairying 10
Horticulture 15
Agriculture Engineering 10
Agriculture Statistics & Mathematics 20
Total 200 600
Group of Papers :PHS
(Art Stream with Home Science)
General Studies 20 60 A
English 25 150 B
Hindi 25
Sociology 20 150 C
Economics 15
Geography 15
Home Science 80 240 D
Total 200 600

UPCATET Paper Pattern for Postgraduate Programs:

200 multiple choice questions will be asked up and time duration is of 3 hours for PG courses except MBA course.

Subject No. of quest Group of Quest
M.Sc. (Home Science)
Exam Abbreviation: MHS
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Food and Nutrition 35 B
3. Home Management 35
4. Child Development 34
5. Home Science Extension Education 34 C
6. Clothing & Textiles 32
7. Statistics 05
Total 200 A
M.Sc. (Ag.)/M.Sc. (Hort.)
Exam Abbreviation: MAG
1.General Studies 25 B
2.Agronomy & Agrometeorology 15
3.Horticulture 25
4.Soil Science 09
5.Agril. Engg. 09
6.Animal Husbandry & Dairying 09
7.Agril. Biochemistry 09
8.Genetics & Plant Breeding 11
9.Extension Education 09
10.Entomology 09
11.Plant Pathology & Nematology 09
12.Agril. Economics 09
13.Seed Technology 06
14.Soil Conservation 07 C
15.Statistics 14
16.Biotechnology 15
17.Forestry 10
Total 200 A
Exam Abbreviation: MVS
1. General Studies, 25 B
2. Vet. Microbiology 10
3. L.P.M. 15
4. Surgery & Radiology 10
5. Animal Genetics & Breeding 10
6. Animal Nutrition 10
7. Physiology and Biochemistry 20
8. Pharmacology & Toxicology 15
9. Parasitology 10
10. Pathology 10 C
11. Epidemiology & Public Health 10
12. Gynaecology 10
13. Medicine 15
14. Extension 10
15. Veterinary Anatomy 10
16. Livestock Products Technology 10
Total 200
M.Tech. Agricultural Engineering/ Process
and Food Engineering/irrigation and
Drainage Engineering/ Farm Machinery
and Power Engineering
Exam Abbreviation: MTA
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Milling of Agril. Produce 26 B
3. Storage Engg. 26
4. Engineering Properties of Bio-material 26
5. Heat and Mass Transfer 22
6. Dairy and Food Engg. 26
7. Farm Machinery and Power 22 C
8. Soil and Water conservation and Irrigation Engg. 27
Total 200
M.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.)
Exam Abbreviation: MTM
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Thermodynamics, I.C. Engine 24 B
3. Power Plant Engg. 24
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 24
5. Heat and Mass Transfer 25
6. Fluid Mechanics 25
7. Machine Design 26 C
8. Production Engg. Industrial Engg. 27
Total 200
M.Tech./M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Exam Abbreviation: MTB
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Molecular Biology & Genetic Engg. 23 B
3. Cell Biology 23
4. Pathology & Microbiology 23
5. Immunology / Animal Biotechnology 23
6. Biochemistry & Physiology 23 C
7. Commercial Biotechnology 23
8. Recombinant DNA Technology 23
9. Bioinformatics 14
Total 200
MBA (Agri-Business)
Exam Abbreviation: MBA
1.General Knowledge, reasoning and aptitude 70
2.General English of High School Standard 30
Total 100
M.F.Sc. (Master of Fisheries Science)
Exam Abbreviation: MFS
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Aquaculture 38 B
3. Fisheries Resource Management 36
4. Aquatic Environment Management 33
5. Aquatic Animal Healh Management 28
6. Fish Processing Technology 20 C
7. Fisheries Enginerring 10
8. Fisheries Extension, Economics and Statistcs 10
Total 200
M.Sc. Forestry
Exam Abbreviation: MAF
1. General Studies 25 A
2. Principles of Silviculture 20 B
3. Silvicultural Systems 20
4. Forest Mensuration 20
5. Wood Science & Technology 15
6. Fundamentals of Forest Protection 20
7. Agroforestry 20 C
8. Social Forestry 20
9. Forest Ecology and Management 20
10. Forest Nursery and Afforestation Techniques 20
Total 200

UPCATET Exam Pattern for MBA (Agriculture Business):

  • 100 Multiple Choice Questions will be there in the screening test and time duration is of 2 hours.
  • After qualifying the exam, Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview will be conducted for shortlisted candidates. GD is of 50 marks and Interview is of 150 marks.

Download Here: UPCATET Syllabus

UPCATET Exam Pattern for PhD Programs:

100 multiple choice questions will be asked up in the exam and time duration is of 3 hours. Question Paper will be of 300 marks that are divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C.

Subject No. of
of Ques
PhD (Agriculture)
Exam Abbreviation: PDA
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100
PhD (Horticulture)
Exam Abbreviation: PDH
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100
PhD (Home Science)
Exam Abbreviation: PDHS
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100
PhD (Veterinary Science)
Exam Abbreviation: PDV
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100
PhD (Agril. Engg.)
Exam Abbreviation: PDT
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100
PhD Agroforestry
Exam Abbreviation: PDAF
General Studies 20 A
Statistics 20 B
Concerned Subject 60 C
Total 100

UPCATET Marking Scheme:

  • For every correct answer, 3 marks will be given.
  • Negative Marking is there, as for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted from the total marks.
  • For unattempted questions, there is no marks deduction.

Candidates must prepare for the entrance test as per the given exam pattern and syllabus. After completing the preparation from syllabus, students must solve out UPCATET Question Paper which is given on this page of recruitmentresult.com and evaluate their performance level.

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