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Career In Indian Railway After 10th-12th-Graduation (60500) TTE/TC/ASM Jobs

Career In Indian Railway

Indian Railways is one of most popular job sectors in India. It is one of largest employers in world, providing employment to 1.54 million people. Applicants can make their Career In Indian Railway after 10th-12th-Graduation for TTE, TC, ASM and other Positions.

Millions of candidates apply for various Railway Jobs every year. The Indian Railway network consisted of nine zones, controlled by the Railway Board. Approximately 60500 vacancies are available in Railway Sector for various Positions.


Jobs In Indian Railway!!!

Job opportunities in Railway Sector are seamless and beyond our estimation. It is estimated to be high salaried profiles and as second largest railway in central government. Every year, it conducts online recruitment exam to hire talented and proficient personals.

Scroll down this page of recruitmentresult.com to know more about Career In Indian Railway After 10th-12th-Graduation. Please have a Glance for every latest Indian Railway RRB Recruitment 2021 Details!!!

Career In Indian Railway

Upcoming Jobs In Indian Railway 2023:

Railway TTE Recruitment:

Railway TTE Recruitment Notification will be released by Railway Recruitment Board in upcoming days. Through Railway TTE Recruitment 2023, this association wants to fill various Posts of Travelling Ticket Examiner. So, willing candidates who want to make their Career In Indian Railway and who hold 12th/ Graduate Degree can apply for RRB TTE Recruitment 2023 before the last date.

RRB Goods Guard Recruitment:

Railway Recruitment Board will release the RRB Goods Guard Recruitment notification soon on its official website to fill various Posts of Goods Guard. Candidates who want to make their Career in Railway Sector can grab this opportunity by applying for Railway Goods Guard Recruitment 2021 till the last date which will be updated soon.

RRB TC Recruitment:

Railway Recruitment Board will release the RRB TC Jobs Notification soon to fill up vacant positions of Ticket Collector across the country. Interested candidates who have completed 12th Standard can apply for RRB TC Jobs 2023 by submitting the RRB Online Application Form before last date.

RRB ASM Recruitment:

It is expected that RRB ASM Recruitment Notification will be released soon. Through Railway ASM Recruitment, RRB wants to fill vacant Positions of Assistant Station Master. Those who want to make their Career In Indian Railway can apply for the post as soon as possible.

Indian Railway में 60, 000 ऐ.एल.पी./तकनीशियन भर्ती:

Recently RRB had released more than 60, 000 jobs for the vacant positions of ऐ.एल.पी./तकनीशियन भर्ती in various disciplines in 2023. Candidates can raise their career in NER, ECoR, SECR and in many other Railway departments. In 2023, RRBs will release the ALP Notification for more than 60, 000 vacancies.

RRBs have successfully completed 1st stage CBT for more than 47 lakh candidates, competing for 64,037 ALP and technician posts. A record, 76.76% of candidates appeared in first stage for recruitment as assistant loco-pilot and technician. Now the RRB ALP Stage 2 Exam Dates will be released soon on its official website.

केवल उन उम्मीदवारों को आरआरबी एएलपी / तकनीशियन भर्ती 2023 के लिए चुना जाएगा, जो पहले चरण की सीबीटी, द्वितीय चरण सीबीटी, कंप्यूटर आधारित एप्टीट्यूड टेस्ट और दस्तावेज सत्यापन जो कि निर्धारित तारीखों पर आयोजित होने वाले भर्ती दौर में योग्यता प्राप्त करते हैं

Check Here – RRB ALP Technician Recruitment

Indian railways RRB jobs 2023

In addition to this, it also offer residential quarters to its employees in the railway colonies. Pension facilities offer financial security to its employees. Aspirants seeking to make Career in Indian Railway After 12th/Graduation may know about Opportunities and Growth in this field.

Huge number of applicants applies for various railway jobs every year and thousands of them get placed in railway department under various posts. It offers good scope to people who require stability in both financial and service terms.

Employees get medical facilities, and Railways also pay for medical treatment in other hospitals. Aspirants who have just qualified 8th, 10th level to graduation level are also welcomed in this department and boost up career in Indian railways.

Get Details About – Jobs In Railway

Career In Indian Railway

Candidates who are seeking their dream to be a part of Indian railway should feel pride to know that Indian railway is being considered as the only and easiest way of transportation which every second person refer and this post and sector is being seen as the most reputed

So by seeing interest of youngsters and of the other candidates, railway jobs get declared timely, we all are aware that Indian railway is a government association which provides all types of benefits and facilities to their employees apart from salary.

Check Here: Railway Salary Package

Latest Railway Recruitment 2023!!!

Many other benefits are being provided to railway employees including to their family members with all the medical benefits; moreover in this regards the vacancy and the various posts has been divided in different groups.

Candidates who have completed their 12/ graduation and want to make their Career In Indian Railway, for various posts as accordance to groups with salaries too has been divided as below:-

  • Group A
  • Group B
  • Group C
  • Group D

Railway Group A Posts:

Group A posts mainly is dedicated to those people and has been performed by UPSC which get appointed by civil services exam by the combined medical exam. For this: – qualification required is Graduate/Post Graduate.

Railway Group B Posts:

When we are talking about Group B then candidates should know that this post is not open directly to everybody as this refers to the section of officer’s grade and which has been graded posts from Group ‘C’ railway employees. Qualification required for this group :-Graduate / Post Graduate

Railway Group C Posts:

Railway group C posts has been dedicated to the people who are technical whereas non- technical such as Clerk, Station Master, Ticket Collector, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Engineering posts etc. For these posts the eligibility required is: – 10th class pass/12th/Graduation/Diploma/ ITI or equivalent.

Railway Group D Posts:

Railway group D has been dedicated to the Posts such as Trackman, Helper, Assistant Points Man,Safaiwala/Safaiwali, Gunman, Peon etc. The qualification required for these posts is: – 8th Class Pass and maximum 10th’ for the various above mentioned posts.

Read Here: Railway Eligibility Criteria

Career In Indian Railway After 10th-12th-Graduation:

Career In Indian Railway After 10th:

There are some posts in Indian Railways which requires a minimum qualification of the 10th pass. If applicants who want to make their Career In Indian Railway and hold 10th Certificate can apply for below provided posts.

  • Commercial Clerk
  • Ticket Collector
  • Train Clerk- RRB Loco Pilot
  • Account Clerk cum typist
  • Junior Clerk cum Typist
  • RPF Constable

Career In Indian Railway After 12th:

The list of Indian Railway Jobs for which you can apply after 12th are:-

  • Lower Division Clerk
  • Railway Ticket Collector
  • Station Master
  • Railway Constable
  • RRB Loco Pilot
  • Goods Guard
  • Railway Driver
  • Railway Clerk

Career In Indian Railway After Graduation:

  • Traffic Assistant
  • Traffic Apprentice
  • Clerk cum Typist
  • ECRC
  • Accounts Assistant cum Typist
  • Goods Guard
  • Assistant Station Master (ASM) etc

To Prepare for Railway Exams – Check Our Website for FREE PDFs, Live Class, Quizzes, Notes

Zones in Indian Railway:

Indian Railways is divided into 17 zones and it further sub-divided into divisions. Number of zones has been increased from 06 to 08 in 1951, 09 in 1966 and 16 in 2003.

So, it is having total of 68 divisions and every zone is headed by a general manager, who administers working to Railway Board.

Besides this, zones are further divided into divisions which are managed by divisional railway managers (DRM). To know about 17 zones, you may have a glance below.

Career In Railway Zone Wise

Central Railway Recruitment:

Aspirants who want to enhance their Career In Indian Railway can apply for Central Railway Recruitment. Organization has released vacancies of Contract Teachers in Group ‘C’.

It conducts the examination or other suitable recruitment procedure to recruit willing candidates.

Central Railway Recruitment Department is going to conduct recruitment rounds on pre-planned date. Just press on link listed above to know detailed information regarding the same.

Western Railway Recruitment:

Contenders who want to get Stenographer Posts in Mumbai, they can apply for Western Railway Vacancies.

As per norms of organization, appliers must hold graduation degree in any discipline from recognized university institute and candidates should have speed in English Shorthand @100 wpm ( 7 minutes dictation to be transcribed in 50 minutes on computer).

Shortlisted candidates for Western Railway Recruitment for the unoccupied position of Stenographers will get satisfied amount of salary of Rs. 15000/- per month by the management committe of organization.

North Western Railway Jobs:

North Western Railway Recruitment board is going to appoint willing aspirants for English Stenographer Posts. Aspirants who want to make their Career In Indian Railway and who have Graduation degree in any discipline from recognized University/ Institutions along with proficiency in English stenography with speed of 80 wpm can apply.

The age of applying candidates for North Western Railway vacancies will be decided by the organization and age relaxation would be granted to reserved category applicants. To crack this exam, you can begin your preparation by taking assistance from link shared by us on this page.

Also Get Details About – RRB Exam Schedule

Metro Rail Recruitment:

Every year Metro Rail Corporation releases various job notifications for hiring talented personals for reputed jobs. Contenders who meet desired eligibility criteria apply for Current Railway Vacancies.

Candidates having inner passion to serve the nation may apply for job openings in , Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and other metro Politian cities. For your convenience in applying, we have placed direct links.

Opportunity In Indian Railway After 12th /10th Are:

  • Railway Ticket Collector
  • Typist etc…
  • Railway clerk
  • Assistant Loco pilot
  • Helpers
  • Railway Constable
  • Railway driver
  • Goods guards

Read Here: How to Choose Right Career

Want to know Opportunity in Indian Railway after Graduation?

It has been divided into various Departments which are listed here.

  • Junior Engineer
  • Signal Section
  • Assistant Station Master
  • Assistant
  • Depot Material superintendent
  • Engineering services
  • Electrical Divisional Engineer

Growth In Indian Railway!!!

As you can see the opportunities and the growth sector which leads with the ladder of government job with high salaried. Career In Indian Railway is vast now a days.

It’s just you need to chose the right path of your journey and need to give your few hours with all your devotion to the study in order to clear the exam, In Indian railway the career and the growth opportunities is high and to provide the opportunities to capable candidates.

Indian Railways, Railway Recruitment Board Jobs

It is seen that railway issue many of the vacancy and release many employment news in order to grasp the opportunity so well in railway sector hence there are many vacancies like as Good guards, Traffic apprentice, Station Master get released by railway department; thus this is the reputed sector where not only men but also ladies are also taking part to be a part of railway department..

Final Words:

All above listed information is going to help you to make career in Indian Railway after 12th/Graduation as there are Opportunities for Growth and progress. Stay connected with us to know more about career in Indian Railway After 12th/Graduation.

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