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GK Current Affairs 2022 Latest UPSC/IAS/SSC Practice Quiz PDF In Hindi

GK Current Affairs 2022

Get updated with latest GK Current Affairs 2022 from here. Current Affairs assists us in updating with our surroundings. It guides us in knowing national as well as international happenings around us whether related to National, sports, education, employment or international level.

In order to push up the level of competition to beat others, we have to update ourselves with latest Current Affairs. Personals yearning to crack UPSC, IAS, Bank PO/Clerks, LLB, PSUs, SSCs or entrance examinations like MBA cannot accomplish success without in-depth knowledge of current affairs. Grab all details concerning GK Current Affairs 2022, Practice Quiz PDF In Hindi for Competitive Exams from this page.


As everyone knows how much the competition has increased in every government sector that is why it is important that children get good education and prepare for upcoming examinations.

GK Current Affairs in English

  • 94th Oscars Awards 2022 announced: full list of winners
  • 75th BAFTA Award 2022 announced
  • Miss World 2021: Poland’s Karolina Bielawska crowned
  • Shreyas Iyer and Amelia Kerr named ICC Players of the Month for February 2022
  • Hurun Global Rich List 2022: Elon Musk Tops
  • Knight Frank: India ranks 3rd in billionaire population globally
  • President Kovind Confers National Water Awards 2022
  • President Kovind Presents ‘Nari Shakti Puraskar’ for 2020 and 2021
  • Freedom of the World 2022 report: India ranked ‘partly free’
  • India finishes at the top in 2022 ISSF World Cup
  • Six Indian Airports named the ACI World’s ASQ Awards 2021
  • UN World Happiness Report 2022: India Ranks 136th
  • Neeraj Chopra wins Sportsman of the Year award: Sportstar Aces 2022
  • Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day Observed On 23rd March
  • Virat Kohli tops in Duff & Phelps Celebrity Brand Valuation Report 2021
  • Reserve Bank of India has cancelled the license of Sarjeraodada Naik Shirala Sahakari Bank, Sangli, Maharashtra,
  • Axis Bank and Bharti Airtel have entered into a strategic partnership
  • The Banks Board Bureau (BBB) has launched a development programme for public sector bank management
  • Reserve Bank of India has launched two initiatives related to digital payments.
  • Reserve Bank of India has launched a booklet named “BE(A)WARE”
  • Axis Bank has launched the ‘HouseWorkIsWork’ project
  • Reserve Bank of India has announced that National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID)
  • Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited (FGII) has announced the launch of FG Dog Health Cover,
  • HDFC Mutual Fund has launched a women-led financial empowerment initiative ‘LaxmiForLaxmi’
  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the license of People’s Co-operative Bank Limited, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
  • HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and Axis Bank have each purchased a 7.84 percent stake in ONDC
  • Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited (BRBNMPL) has set up an Ink Manufacturing Unit named “Varnika” at Mysuru, Karnataka

GK Current Affairs in Hindi

  • 94वें ऑस्कर पुरस्कार 2022 की घोषणा: विजेताओं की पूरी सूची
  • 75वें बाफ्टा पुरस्कार 2022 की घोषणा
  • मिस वर्ल्ड 2021: पोलैंड की करोलिना बिलावस्का का ताज पहनाया गया
  • श्रेयस अय्यर और अमेलिया केर फरवरी 2022 के लिए आईसीसी प्लेयर्स ऑफ द मंथ चुने गए
  • हुरुन ग्लोबल रिच लिस्ट 2022: एलोन मस्क टॉप्स
  • नाइट फ्रैंक: भारत विश्व स्तर पर अरबपतियों की आबादी में तीसरे स्थान पर है
  • राष्ट्रपति कोविंद ने राष्ट्रीय जल पुरस्कार 2022 प्रदान किए
  • राष्ट्रपति कोविंद ने 2020 और 2021 के लिए ‘नारी शक्ति पुरस्कार’ प्रदान किया
  • फ्रीडम ऑफ द वर्ल्ड 2022 रिपोर्ट: भारत को ‘आंशिक रूप से मुक्त’ स्थान
  • 2022 ISSF विश्व कप में भारत शीर्ष पर रहा
  • छह भारतीय हवाई अड्डों को एसीआई वर्ल्ड के एएसक्यू अवार्ड्स 2021 का नाम दिया गया
  • यूएन वर्ल्ड हैप्पीनेस रिपोर्ट 2022: भारत 136वें स्थान पर है
  • नीरज चोपड़ा ने स्पोर्ट्समैन ऑफ द ईयर पुरस्कार जीता: स्पोर्ट्सस्टार एसेस 2022
  • शहीद दिवस या शहीद दिवस 23 मार्च को मनाया जाता है
  • डफ एंड फेल्प्स सेलिब्रिटी ब्रांड वैल्यूएशन रिपोर्ट 2021 में विराट कोहली शीर्ष पर हैं
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने सरजेरोदादा नायक शिराला सहकारी बैंक, सांगली, महाराष्ट्र का लाइसेंस रद्द कर दिया है।
  • एक्सिस बैंक और भारती एयरटेल ने एक रणनीतिक साझेदारी में प्रवेश किया है
  • बैंक बोर्ड ब्यूरो (बीबीबी) ने सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक प्रबंधन के लिए एक विकास कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने डिजिटल भुगतान से संबंधित दो पहल शुरू की हैं।
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने “बीई (ए) वेयर” नामक एक पुस्तिका लॉन्च की है।
  • एक्सिस बैंक ने ‘हाउसवर्क्सवर्क’ परियोजना शुरू की है
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने घोषणा की है कि नेशनल बैंक फॉर फाइनेंसिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर एंड डेवलपमेंट (NaBFID)
  • फ्यूचर जेनराली इंडिया इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड (FGII) ने FG डॉग हेल्थ कवर लॉन्च करने की घोषणा की है।
  • एचडीएफसी म्यूचुअल फंड ने महिलाओं के नेतृत्व वाली वित्तीय सशक्तिकरण पहल ‘लक्ष्मी फॉर लक्ष्मी’ शुरू की है।
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (RBI) ने पीपुल्स को-ऑपरेटिव बैंक लिमिटेड, कानपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश का लाइसेंस रद्द कर दिया है।
  • एचडीएफसी बैंक, कोटक महिंद्रा बैंक और एक्सिस बैंक ने ओएनडीसी में84 प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी खरीदी है
  • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक नोट मुद्रण प्राइवेट लिमिटेड (बीआरबीएनएमपीएल) ने कर्नाटक के मैसूर में “वर्णिका” नामक एक स्याही निर्माण इकाई की स्थापना की है।

GK Current Affairs Question & Answers:

Question 1: What is the expenditure limit for candidates for Lok Sabha elections, as per recent notification of Election Commission?

  1. Rs 95 lakhs
  2. Rs 75 lakhs
  3. Rs 60 lakhs
  4. Rs 50 lakhs

Answer: Option 1 [Rs 95 lakhs]

Question 2: What is the name of the new Department created by the Reserve Bank in 2022?

  1. Department of Digital Currency
  2. Department of Fin-Tech
  3. Department of Data Science
  4. Department of Artificial Intelligence

Answer: Option 2 [Department of Fin-Tech]

Question 3: Bharath Subramaniyam, who was seen in the news, is associated with which sports?

  1. Tennis
  2. Chess
  3. Table-Tennis
  4. Weightlifting

Answer: Option 2 [Chess]

Question 4: Which state has extended the upper age limit for entry to state government service to 38, up to 2023?

  1. Kerala
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Odisha
  4. West Bengal

Answer: Option 3 [Odisha]

Question 5: Which Union Ministry announced a dedicated Grievance Cell, for uninterrupted supply of essentials?

  1. Ministry of Home Affairs
  2. Ministry of Food Processing Industries
  3. Ministry of Textiles
  4. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

Answer: Option 3 [Ministry of Food Processing Industries]

Question 6: Who is the first Black woman to appear on US coin?

  1. Maya Angelou
  2. Phillis Wheatley
  3. Wanda Coleman
  4. Gwendolyn Brooks

Answer: Option 1 [Maya Angelou]

Question 7: ‘Daniel Ortega’ sworn in as which country’s President, for his fourth consecutive term?

  1. Nicaragua
  2. El Salvador
  3. Peru
  4. Argentina

Answer: Option 1 [Nicaragua]

Question 8: What is India’s rank in the Henley Passport Index 2022?

  1. 72
  2. 83
  3. 92
  4. 101

Answer: Option 2 [83]

Question 9: Which Ministry initiated a Comprehensive Review of India’s criminal laws?

  1. Ministry of Home Affairs
  2. Ministry of Law and Justice
  3. Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
  4. Ministry of External Affairs

Answer: Option 1 [Ministry of Home Affairs]

Question 10: Which institution organised ‘Kala Kumbh’ artist workshops for painting the tales of India’s freedom movement?

  1. National Gallery of Modern Art
  2. Salar Jung Museum
  3. Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies
  4. Asiatic Society

Answer: Option 1 [National Gallery of Modern Art]

Latest GK Current Affairs 2022

The GK Current Affairs Quiz is an initiative with an aim to help the students and aspirants preparing for UPSC Civil Services Exam and other competitive exams as well. Applicants who want to know more in regards with GK Current Affairs 2022 they can go through this page which is well written by the team members of recruitmentresult.com

Important GK Questions Answers:

Question Answer
The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman
The longest river in the world is the Nile
The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada
The longest highway in the world has a length of About 8000 km
The highest mountain in the world is the Everest
The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is Myan mar
The biggest desert in the world is the Sahara desert
The largest coffee growing country in the world is Brazil
The country also known as “country of Copper” is Zambia
The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is Durand line
The river Volga flows out into the Capsian sea
The coldest place on the earth is Verkoyansk in Siberia
The country which ranks second in terms of land area is Canada
The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is Sicily
The river Jordan flows out into the Dead sea
The biggest delta in the world is the Sunderbans
The capital city that stands on the river Danube is Belgrade
The Japanese call their country as Nippon
The length of the English channel is 564 kilometres
The world’s oldest known city is Damascus
The city which is also known as the City of Canals is Venice
The country in which river Wangchu flows is Myanmar
The biggest island of the world is Greenland
The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is Detroit, USA
The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is USA
The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is Malaysia
The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is Malaysia
The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the Mississippi
The city which was once called the `Forbidden City’ was Peking
The country called the Land of Rising Sun is Japan
Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest
The volcano Vesuvius is located in Italy
The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is Cuba
The length of the Suez Canal is 162.5 kilometers
The lowest point on earth is The coastal area of Dead sea
The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of Nepal
The largest ocean of the world is the Pacific ocean
The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow
The biggest stadium in the world is the Strahov Stadium, Prague
The world’s largest diamond producing country is South Africa
Australia was discovered by James Cook
The first Governor General of Pakistan is Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Liffey
The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam
The Eifel tower was built by Alexander Eiffel
The Red Cross was founded by Jean Henri Durant
The country which has the greatest population density is Monaco
The national flower of Britain is Rose
Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin

Get Here All: List Of Entrance Exam in India

More GK Important Question & Answers

1- What kind of power plant is being built in Ladakh by ONGC?

  1. Solar Power Plant
  2. Geothermal Power Plant
  3. Hydro Power Plant
  4. Wind Power Plant

Ans. b

2- Which country is the largest producer of geothermal energy?

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. China
  4. Italy

Ans. a

4- Choose the correct statement regarding the three-finger salute

  1. i) It is used as a symbol of resistance
  2. ii) In this salute three middle fingers of the palm are raised with the pinky finger covers the thumb
  3. Only i
  4. Only ii
  5. Both i and ii
  6. None of the above

Ans. a

5- Where does the three-finger salute finds it’s origins?

  1. Chinese mythology
  2. Hunger Games movies
  3. Indian mythology
  4. World War 1

Ans. b

6- Koo App is an Indian alternative to?

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. LinkedIn

Ans. c

7- Which Indian language from the following is not supported by the Koo App?

  1. Hindi
  2. Telugu
  3. Kannada
  4. Tulu

Ans. d

8- What is the name of the smallest reptile found on Earth?

  1. Brookesia nana
  2. Brookesia micra
  3. Brookesia nano
  4. None of the above

Ans. a

9- Choose the correct statement about Brookesia nana

  1. i) The female that was found was way smaller than the male
  2. ii) The nano chameleon lives in Mozambique
  3. Only i
  4. Only ii
  5. Both i and ii
  6. None of the above

Ans. d

10- Where will the India Meteorological Department (IMD) develop the first thunderstorm research testbed of India?

  1. Gujarat
  2. Odisha
  3. West Bengal
  4. Tamil Nadu

Ans. b

GK Questions:

Answers for these questions are available at the end.

Question 1: What is the largest item of expenditure(in terms of percentage) in the Union Budget 2021?

  1. Interest payments
  2. State’s share of taxes and duties
  3. Defence Expenditure
  4. None of the above

Question 2: What is the biggest source of Income for the Central Government in the Union Budget 2021?

  1. Goods and Services Tax
  2. Corporation Tax
  3. Income Tax
  4. Borrowings and other liabilities

Question 3: What is the disinvestment target for 2020-21?

  1. Rs 1,73,000 crore
  2. Rs 2,10,000 crore
  3. Rs 65,000 crore
  4. Rs 1,05,000 core

Question 4: What was the theme of the Union Budget 2021?

  1. Har Nagrik Jeetega
  2. Ease of Living
  3. Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik
  4. Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas aur Sabka Vishwas

Question 5: Which institute has developed ‘LifeBox’?

  1. IIT Delhi
  2. IISc Bangalore
  3. IIT Bombay
  4. IIT Madras

Start Here: Monthly Current Affairs

Question 6: Which country has the policy of separating migrating children from parents ?

  1. UK
  2. Japan
  3. US
  4. Mexico

Question 7: ___ Literacy Week has been organized by RBI.

  1. Marketing
  2. Operations
  3. Finance
  4. Sales

Question 8: Worldwide Developers Conference is hosted by ___

  1. Google
  2. Apple
  3. Microsoft
  4. Facebook

Question 9: World ____ Day is observed on June 5th.

  1. Aids
  2. Cancer
  3. Environment
  4. Yoga

Question 10: Rafael Nadal will face ___ in French Open quarters.

  1. Leander Paes
  2. Diego Schwartzman
  3. Roger Federer
  4. None of the above

Question 11: The Union government has constituted which high-level committee to suggest laws against mob lynching and violence?

  1. Inderjit Singh committee
  2. K. Dhasmana committee
  3. Bhaskar Khulbe committee
  4. Rajiv Gauba committee

Question 12: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has created an online tool to help people overcome issues related to mental health. The name of the tool is;

  1. Tread Will
  2. Smart Help
  3. Good Will
  4. Smart will

Question 13: Fakhar Zaman, who has become the fastest player to score 1000 ODI runs, belongs to which country?

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Australia
  3. South Africa
  4. Pakistan

Question 14: NITI Aayog has signed Statement of Intent (SoI) with which pharmaceutical company to collaborate in Aspirational Districts Programme?

  1. Cipla
  2. Aurobindo Pharma
  3. Dr Reddy’s Laboratories
  4. Lupin Foundation

Read Out:  Online Quiz For Competitive Exam

Question 15: Which ministerial committee has been set up by the Odisha government for development of Odia film industry?

  1. B. Behera committee
  2. Prafulla Samal committee
  3. Kirti Patnaik  committee
  4. Ananta Das committee

Question 16:The first meeting of the India-Bangladesh Joint Committee on Border Haats was held in which city?

  1. Shillong
  2. Dispur
  3. Guwahati
  4. Agartala

Question 17: The Lok Sabha has passed the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on cheque bounce cases. The bill shall amend which act to resolve the issue?

  1. Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
  2. Negotiable Instruments Act 1883
  3. Negotiable Instruments Act 1879
  4. Negotiable Instruments Act 1885

Question 18: Rishi Srivastava was appointed as CEO and MD of __________.

  1. Tata AIA Life
  2. Kotak Life Insurance
  3. Max Life Insurance
  4. Exide Life Insurance

Question 19: Which tennis player tops in the ATP tennis world ranking?

  1. Kevin Anderson
  2. Rafael Nadal
  3. Roger Federer
  4. Alexander Zverev

 Check Out Month Wise: Latest Current Affairs Updates

Question 20: Which month was declared as the National Nutrition Month every year by the Ministry of Women and Child Development?

  1. September
  2. August
  3. October
  4. November


Ans 1) 2 Ans 11) 4
Ans 2) 4 Ans 12) 1
Ans 3) 2 Ans 13) 4
Ans 4) 2 Ans 14) 4
Ans 5) 2 Ans 15) 1
Ans 6) 3 Ans 16) 4
Ans 7) 3 Ans 17) 1
Ans 8) 2 Ans 18) 1
Ans 9) 3 Ans 19) 2
Ans 10) 2 Ans 20) 1

Last Note

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