AMIE Syllabus 2023
AMIE Syllabus 2023: Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers has released new and latest Topic Wise AMIE Syllabus 2023. Candidates can download the Detailed Section A & Section B AMIE Entrance Exam Syllabus from here. Through the AMIE Engineering Syllabus, candidates will be able to understand the structure and topics that can be asked in exam.

AMIE Syllabus 2023: Highlights
Exam Name | Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers Exam |
Also known as | AMIE |
Exam level | B.Tech Level |
Stream | Engineering Entrance Exam |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Exam Duration | 3 hours |
Category | AMIE Syllabus 2023 |
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AMIE Syllabus (Section A)
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AMIE Syllabus (Section B)
In section B there are total 9 subjects, wherein 6 are compulsory and 3 are optional
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AMIE Syllabus 2023
AMIE Syllabus (Civil Engineering)
Waste Management and Environment Impact Assessment
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Sources and types of wastes. Solid, liquid and gaseous wastes from various industries. Water use in industry, industrial water quality requirements.
- Control and removal of specific pollutants in industrial wastewater, e.g., oil and grease, cyanide, fluoride, toxic organics, heavy metals, radioactivity, etc. Solid and hazardous wastes-definitions, concept and management aspects.
- Recent trends in industrial waste management, cradle to grave concept, life cycle analysis, clean technologies. Case studies of various industries.
- Environment audit, accounts audit, relevant methodologies, regulations. Introduction to ISO and ISO 14000.
- Environmental management, problems and strategies. Review of political, ecological and remedial actions.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Multi disciplinary environmental strategies, the management dimensions. Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) – an overview.
- Definitions and concepts of sustainable development.
- Initial environmental examination, environmental appraisal, environmental audit – Environmental impact factors and areas of consideration, measurement of environment impact, scope and methodologies of EIA. Case studies stressing physical aspects of EIA.
Transportation Engineering
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Components of transportation.
- Vehicle and driver characteristics.
- Resistance to vehicles and power requirements; Perception – Reaction time of drivers; Visual acquity of drivers; Driver comfort.
- Pavement materials; Aggregates; Bitumen; Concrete.
- Pavement design; Flexible pavements; Rigid pavements.
- Railway track and structures; Design of formation, sleeper density, rail joints, long welded rails; Properties of sleeper material, ballast, points and crossing, railway signalling, interlocking of signals and points.
- Geometric design; Horizontal alignment; Vertical i alignment; Sight distance.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Airport planning and design; Regional – planning; Airport site selection; Airport capacity; Airport design; Runway orientation; Basic runway length and its corrections; Taxiway system; Aircraft parking; Terminal building.
- Public transportation, different alternatives and their usefulness.
- Traffic flow fundamentals, traffic stream variables, relation between traffic stream variables.
- Traffic studies: Traffic volume studies, speed studies, Origin and destination studies, traffic flow characteristics, traffic capacity study, parking study, accident studies.
- Capacity and level of service analysis; Level of service analysis, capacity of various traffic facilities like highways, freeways, signalized intersections.
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Traffic and Transportation Systems
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Traffic engineering – introduction. Traffic Characteristics :
- Road user characteristics
- Vehicular characteristics Traffic Studies
- Use of speed, journey time, and daily studies
- Method of measuring spot speeds.
- Methods for measurement of running speed and journey speed
- Vehicle volume counts
- Origin – destination studies
- Parking studies
- Statistical analysis for traffic studies Traffic Controls
- Traffic signs
- Traffic markings : Traffic signals
- Traffic signs
- Traffic markings : Traffic signals
- Design of traffic signals
- Types of traffic signals & traffic signal system Traffic Safety
- Road accidents – causes and prevention
- Traffic management measures and their influence on accident prevention
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
Urban Transportation: Introduction
- Objectives and policies
- Urban transport problems
- Urban transport systems in India
- Issues ( safety, congestion, pollution, land – use policy )
- Urban transport planning process Travel Demand Forecasting Models
- Trip generation
- Trip distribution
- Traffic assignment
- Model
Land Use and Transport Planning
- Lane use transport models
- Land use as an instrument of diffusing congestion
- Hierarchy of planning
Public Transport – Needs, modes and systems
- Model split and trip characteristics
- Road based systems
- Rail based systems
- Innovative transit systems
- Automation technology
- Intelligent vehicle highway systems ( IVHS )
- Bus and railway stations
Economic Evaluation of Transportation Plans
- Costs and benefits of transport project
- Time horizon in economic evaluation
- Basic principles in economic evaluation Methods of economic evaluation.
Check Out: How to Prepare for Written Exam
Town Planning and Urban Development
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Planning thoughts through ages-early settlements – Roman, Greek, Medieval, Renaissance and industrial towns-urbanisation and settlement structure.
- Garden City concept of E Howard, Geddesian trend and valley section green belts. Planning of new towns, evolution of planning concepts in India. Levels of planning surveys for urban and regional planning. Contents of master plan, regional plan, structure plan, detailed development plan. Basic principles in planning different land uses.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Planning, legislation and administration, review of planning legislation and Acts relating to urban and regional planning. Building by–laws, planning agencies and their functions. Fiscal policies and resource management in the context of urban development. 73rd and 741’1 CAAand its implication to planning.
- Slum clearance, urban renewal, conservation, rehabilitation and redevelopment. Decentralization policies. Review of various urban development schemes and projects.
Construction Management
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Introduction to construction management. Construction industry and its practices. Problems of construction industry. Management problems in construction. Methodology of system design and techniques in construction. Elements of engineering economies. Probability and statistics. Allocation models, coordination and inventory model. Queuing model. Uncertainty principles. Simulation.
- Engineering economics in construction management. Time value of money, interest tables and rates of payment and return. Depreciation of capital assets. Evaluation of feasibility. Public project analysis and evaluation. Case study modules.
- Use of elementary statistics and probability theory. Statistical approach, probability distributions, expected value analysis, parameter estimation, statistical inference, quality control using statistical tools, regression and correlation analysis. Case study modules.
- Allocation models in construction. Transportation model and its solution. Assignment model. Sequencing. Case study modules.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- CPM and PERT network in construction. Applications in the field of construction, planning of scheduling phase and control phase, optimization studies, case study modules.
- Inventory management. Inventory costs, lead and economic order quantity, inventory models, ABC analysis, inventory management.
- Queuing models and applications in construction technology. Queues and queuing theory, models of queues, case study modules.
- Construction projects management. Organizational aspects of sectors such as housing, institutional and commercial, industrial and heavy engineering. Contracts – theory and practice. Human resources development and construction industry.
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AMIE Syllabus (Computer Science and Engineering)
Engineering Management
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
Management and Organizations
- Management process: Definition, planning organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating, types of management.
- Organisation Definition, planning, design and development, types of organizations.
- Management planning and control: Classical, new classical and modern principles. General Management, scientific management, engineering, management, systems management.
- Planning: Procedures, resources and constraints, objectives, goals, policies and procedures.
- Control: Setting of reference or standards, appraisal or evaluation, monitoring and controlling, types of control.
- Human resource planning and management, selection, recruitment, training, retraining, skill development, competence development, promotion and career development, participative management, trade unions, and collective bargaining.
Management of Physical Resources
- Plant: site selection procedures, factors affecting selection. Layout – types and relative merits and demerits, Maintenance – Objectives, different types of associated decisions, strategies for effective maintenance, computer applications.
- Material: Functions, objectives, planning and control including inventory models with or without storage costs, price break ( excluding dynamic and probabilistic considerations ). Different classes of inventory. Material Requirement Planning ( MRP ).
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Financial management: Introduction to standard forms of financial statements, ie., balance sheet, profit and loss, and income statement. Fixed and current asset items. Fixed and current liability items. Linkage of two successive balance – sheets through income or profit and loss statement. Funds flow statement. Financial ratios and their implications.
- Managerial economics: Concepts, theory of production, marginal productivity and cost. Introduction to theory of firm.
- Quality management: Quality definition, quality planning, quality control and quality management, Total quality management, ISO 9000 systems, simple quality control techniques like control charts and acceptance sampling.
- Marketing management: consumer behavior, market research, product design and development pricing and promotion.
- Project management: Introduction. Concept of a project, project management concepts, project simulation, cost or project and means of financing, economic evaluation criteria of the project, project implementation, project planning, scheduling and monitoring, project control ( PERT, CPM techniques including crashing ). Project evaluation.
- Information technology and management: Role of information, management information system and decision support system, Information technology – introduction to e – business, e-commerce and integration tools like enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Data Structure
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Time and space analysis of algorithms. Order notation.
- Linear data structures: Sequential representations : Arrays and lists, stacks, queues and dequeues; strings and their applications.
- Linked representations: Linear linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list and their applications. Recursion: Design of recursive algorithms. Tail recursion, when not to use recursion, removal of recursion.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Nonlinear data structures : Trees, binary trees, traversals and threads, binary search trees, insertion and deletion algorithms, height – balanced and weight – balanced trees, B – trees, B+ trees, application of trees.
- Graph representation: Breadth first search, depth first search. Hashing, hashing functions, collision resolving techniques. Sorting and searching algorithms, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, heapsort, radix sort.
- File structures: Sequential and direct access, relative files, indexed files – B+tree as index, multi – indexed files, inverted files, hashed files.
Programming Language
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Principles of high – level language programming, file structure and file handling, block structured languages, design principles, abstractions, control and data Structures, binding, parameter passing mechanism.
- LISP: Overviews of LISP functions, conditions, arithmetic, recursion, iteration, application of LISP in, artificial intelligence problems.
- C language : Fundamentals of C, types, operators and expressions, control flow, C – functions, recursion, pointers and arrays, structures, common line arguments, unions, Bitwise operators : file handling in C.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- C++ : Overview of C+ +, class and objects, arrays of objects, operator overloading, concepts of inheritance, base class, derived class, multilevel inheritance, nesting of classes, file concepts, library functions, streams, templates.
- Java : Features of Java, Java arrays, two – dimensional array, multidimensional arrays, Java files, file I / O and streams, event–driven programming, events and applets, passing parameters to Applets. Examples.
- Pulse and Digital Circuits
AMIE Syllabus- Group A
- Combinational Logic: Boolean algebra: Introduction, postulates of Boolean algebra, fundamental theorems, uniqueness properties, laws of Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorem, the ( inclusion ) implication relation, bounds of Boolean algebra, duality in Boolean algebra, Boolean constants, variables and functions, two–valued Boolean algebra switching algebra, electronic gates and mechanical contacts.
- Boolean functions and logic operations: Introduction, the normal form, the canonical form, fundamental products and sums, disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms, binary, octal and hexadecimal, designations, self–dual functions, logical operations, NAND and NOR operations, EXCLUSIVE – OR operation, functionally complete sets.
- Minimization of switching functions : The Karnaugh map – introduction cubes and the Karnaugh map, prime cubes, maximum sum of products, minimum product of sums, don’t care forms, five – and six – variable maps, multiple output minimization.
- Tabular methods of minimization : Introduction, Quine – McCluskey algorithm, the dominance relation cyclic functions, the degree of adjacency and essential prime cubes.
- Logic synthesis of switching functions : Introduction, AND, OR and inverter networks, NAND and NOR networks, EXCLUSIVE – OR networks, multiplexers, read only memories, programmable logic arrays ( PLA ), PLA minimization, essential prime cube theorems, PLA folding.
- Reliable design and fault detection tests : Introduction, fault classes and models, fault diagnosis and testing, test generation, fault table method, path sensitization method, Boolean difference method, reliability through redundancy, hazards and hazard – free designs, quaded logic.
AMIE Syllabus- Group B
- Sequential Circuits: Introduction to synchronous sequential circuits, the finite–state model – basic definitions, the memory elements and their excitation functions – S – R flip – flop, J – K flip – flop, D flip – flop, T flip – flop, synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits.
- Capabilities, minimization and transformation of sequential machines, the finite – state model-further definitions, capabilities and limitations of finite–state machines, state equivalence and machine minimization, simplification of incompletely specified machines compatible states, the non – uniqueness of minimal machines, closed set of compatibles. The compatible graph and the merger table.
- Asynchronous sequential circuits: Fundamental mode circuits, synthesis, state assignments in asynchronous sequential circuits, pulse mode circuits.
- Finite state recognizers: Deterministic recognizers, transition graphs, converting non-deterministic into deterministic graphs, regular expressions, transition graphs recognizing regular sets, regular sets corresponding to transition graphs.
Know Here: How Do Toppers Study?
AMIE Exam Pattern
- AMIE Exam 2023 is conducted in offline mode.
- Pattern of AMIE Examinations are divided into two sections: Section A & Section B.
- Duration of Exam is 3 hours.
- There is no negative Marking.
Section | Duration |
English | 45 Minutes |
Mathematics | 45 Minutes |
Physics | 45 Minutes |
Chemistry | 45 Minutes |
How To Download AMIE Syllabus?
Aspirants who will participate in AMIE Exam they need to follow the below vital instructions:-
- Firstly applicants need to visit the official website of the organization that is
- After that you have to go “AMIE” section and hit on the “AMIE Syllabus” link which is available under the drop down list on the home page.
- Now on the next page Section A and section B syllabus will be shown on your screen.
- Aspirant need to check the entire AMIE IEI Engineering Syllabus carefully.
- After that you have to download it and take a print out for further use.
AMIE Exam Syllabus
AMIE is also known Associate Member of Institution of Engineers which is a B.Tech level exam in engineering. Every year institute organizes this exam and huge numbers of participants appear in this examination. Applicants, who’re going to appear in AMIE Exam they may start their preparation according to the latest AMIE Syllabus 2023 which is available on this page.
AMIE Engineering Syllabus
It is important for participating applicants to understand and know the AMIE Section A & Section B Syllabus. AMIE Engineering Management Syllabus will assist the participants to prepare well for the exam. On this page we are providing Topic Wise Detailed syllabus. Applicants may download Associate Member of Institution of Engineers Syllabus in PDF format through this page.
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