JEE Main Syllabus
Download JEE Main Syllabus PDF!!! Given Detailed Syllabus Of JEE Main of Physics/Maths/Chemistry can help you to start the preparation. Apart from it, you may also check JEE Main Exam Syllabus With weightage to get question or topic wise information. So, please have a look..

JEE Main Exam – Highlights:
Name of the Examination | NTA Joint Entrance Examination |
Common Name | JEE Main |
Exam conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Level of Examination | National level |
Examination Type | Undergraduate |
Mode of Examination | Computer-based |
Admission In | NITs, CFTIs and IIITs |
Website | |
JEE Main Syllabus
JEE Main Physics Syllabus
JEE Main Exam Syllabus – SECTION A | |
UNIT 1 | Physics and Measurement |
UNIT 2 | Kinematics |
UNIT 3 | Laws of Motion |
UNIT 4 | Work, Energy and Power |
UNIT 5 | Rotational Motion |
UNIT 6 | Gravitation |
UNIT 7 | Properties of Solids and Liquids |
UNIT 8 | Thermodynamics |
UNIT 9 | Kinetic Theory of Gases |
UNIT 10 | Oscillations and Waves |
UNIT 11 | Electrostatics |
UNIT 12 | Current Electricity |
UNIT 13 | Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism |
UNIT 14 | Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents |
UNIT 15 | Electromagnetic Waves |
UNIT 16 | Optics |
UNIT 17 | Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation |
UNIT 18 | Atoms and Nuclei |
UNIT 19 | Electronic Devices |
UNIT 20 | Communication Systems |
JEE Main Syllabus – Section B | |
UNIT 21 | Experimental Skills |
Check Out: Online Quiz for Competitive Exams
JEE Main Maths Syllabus 2024
UNIT 1 | Sets, Relations and Functions |
UNIT 2 | Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations |
UNIT 3 | Matrices and Determinants |
UNIT 4 | Permutations and Combinations |
UNIT 5 | Mathematical Induction |
UNIT 6 | Binomial Theorem |
UNIT 7 | Sequences and Series |
UNIT 8 | Limit, Continuity and Differentiability |
UNIT 9 | Integral Calculus |
UNIT 10 | Differential Equations |
UNIT 11 | Co-ordinate Geometry |
UNIT 12 | Three Dimensional Geometry |
UNIT 13 | Vector Algebra |
UNIT 14 | Statistics and Probability |
UNIT 15 | Trigonometry |
UNIT 16 | Mathematical Reasoning |
Start Here: Quantitative Aptitude Quiz
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2024
Section A: Physical Chemistry
UNIT 1 | Some Basic concepts in Chemistry |
UNIT 2 | States of Matter |
UNIT 3 | Atomic Structure |
UNIT 4 | Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure |
UNIT 5 | Chemical Thermodynamics |
UNIT 6 | Solutions |
UNIT 7 | Equilibrium |
UNIT 8 | Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry |
UNIT 9 | Chemical Kinetics |
UNIT 10 | Surface Chemistry |
Section B: Inorganic Chemistry
UNIT 11 | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties |
UNIT 12 | General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals |
UNIT 13 | Hydrogen |
UNIT 14 | s – Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) |
UNIT 15 | p – Block Elements |
UNIT 16 | d – and f – Block Elements |
UNIT 17 | Co-ordination Compounds |
UNIT 18 | Environmental Chemistry |
Section C: Organic Chemistry
UNIT 19 | Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds |
UNIT 20 | Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry |
UNIT 21 | Hydrocarbons |
UNIT 22 | Organic Compounds Containing Halogens |
UNIT 23 | Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen |
UNIT 24 | Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen |
UNIT 25 | Polymers |
UNIT 26 | Bio Molecules |
UNIT 27 | Chemistry in Everyday Life |
UNIT 28 | Principles Related to Practical Chemistry |
Download Here>>>Detailed JEE Main Syllabus PDF of Chemistry
IIT JEE Main Syllabus of Aptitude Test 2024
JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus: Part I
- Awareness of Persons, Places, Buildings, Materials
- Objects Texture related to Architecture and build environment
- Visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings
- Visualizing different sides of three dimensional objects
- Analytical Reasoning
- Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal)
JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus: Part II
- Sketching of scenes and activities Memory of urban scape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces etc), Memory of Landscape (river fronts, jungles. gardens, trees, plants etc) and Memory of Rural life
- Three dimensional – perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, color texture, harmony and contrast
- Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
- Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects.
- Creating two dimensional and three dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms
Download Here>>>Detailed JEE Main Syllabus PDF of Aptitude Test
FAQ’s Based On JEE Main Syllabus 2024
Question: What Is The Question Status of JEE Mains Exam?
Answer: There are three parts in the question paper A, B, C consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having 30 questions in each part of equal weightage. Each question is allotted 4 (four) marks for correct response.
Question: Is 200 A Good Score In JEE Mains 2024?
Answer: Setting 200+ score in JEE mains exam is really a good and effective target, but not an impossible task to achieve.
Want To Know? How To Prepare For JEE Main
Question: What Is The Difference Between JEE Main Paper 1 And 2?
Answer: JEE Main paper 1 is for students who want to take admission in B.Tech. in NIT, IIIT, CFTIs and SFIs. The paper is of 3 hours and consist of 3 sections namely Physics, Chemistry and Maths.
JEE Main paper 2 is for students who want to take admission in B.Arch. and B.Planning. course in different colleges of the country.
Question: How Can I Get Marks In JEE Mains?
Answer: In order to get admission in IIT, you need to crack JEE Advanced exam with a good score. Moreover, NITs and other top institutes require a good rank in JEE Main. For Computer Science branch in top NITs, your rank in JEE Main should be under 5000 i.e. your marks in JEE Main must be 200+.
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JEE Main Syllabus With Weightage
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus With Weightage
Important Topics | Expected weightage |
Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and Polymers | 7% |
Transition Elements & Coordination Chemistry | 9% |
Periodic Table and Representative elements | 6% |
General Organic Chemistry | 6% |
Chemical Bonding | 6% |
Atomic Structure | 5% |
JEE Main Physics Syllabus With Weightage
Important Topics | Expected weightage |
Heat and Thermodynamics | 11% |
Optics | 11% |
Modern Physics | 10% |
Electrostatics | 8% |
Current and Electricity | 7% |
Waves | 5% |
JEE Main Maths Syllabus With Weightage
Important Topics | Expected weightage |
Coordinate Geometry | 12% |
Integral Calculus | 12% |
Trigonometry | 7% |
Sequence and Series | 7% |
Matrices and Determinants | 7% |
Differential Equations | 7% |
Get Details of: JEE Main Exam Pattern
JEE Main Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
JEE Main Entrance Exam Syllabus is available here to download. NTA is all set to conduct JEE Main 2024 Exam for offering admissions in UG engineering and architecture courses in 31 NITs, 20 IIITs and other colleges. To qualify the entrance exam in first attempt you need to do hard work. So you all can take help from NTA JEE Main Syllabus 2024.
Joint Entrance Examination Main Syllabus 2024 contains subject-wise topics and sub-topics in detail, for both Papers I and II. JEE Main Syllabus 2024 will also help candidates to identify which topics are essential and which are not.
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Final Note
Complete JEE Main Syllabus 2024 has been provided on this page. In order to be updated with latest information regarding this topic or any other, you may bookmark our web portal
Important Links Related to JEE – Must Check
JEE Main Result | NTA JEE Main Rank Predictor |
JEE Main Books | NTA JEE Main Answer Key |
NTA JEE Main Admit Card | NTA JEE Main Login |
NTA JEE Main Application Form | – |
Is JEE Main syllabus and CBSE Class XII Syllabus are same ?
Hii Shalu,
Topics and chapters are nearly same.
Is JEE Main Exam will be held in both online and offline mode?
Hii Tripti,
yes, exam will be held in offline and online mode.
offline exam will be on April 8, 2018
online mode will be on April 15 and 16, 2018.