Pondicherry University Syllabus 2022
Get Latest Pondicherry University Syllabus 2022 PDF from here!!! Those candidates, who’re studying in Pondicherry University and preparing for upcoming UG, PG exams, are informed that latest Pondicherry University Syllabus 2022 is available now.
University of Pondicherry conducts UG and PG exam courses twice in a year through semester system i.e. in March/April month and November/December month. So, participating candidates in upcoming exam can download Pondicherry University Exam Syllabus for relevant courses such as MBA, MCA, and Engineering in PDF format from here.
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Pondicherry University Syllabus
Pondicherry University MBA Syllabus
Management Processes Syllabus:
UNIT-I | Nature of Management – Tasks of a Professional Manager – Social Responsibilities of Business – Manager and Environment – Systems Approach to Management – Levels in Management – Managerial Skills. |
UNIT-II | Planning – Steps in Planning Process – Scope and Limitations – Short Range and Long Range Planning – Flexibility in Planning – Characteristics of a Sound Plan – Management by Objective (MBO) – Policies and Strategies – Scope and formulation – Decision Making – Techniques and processes. |
UNIT-III | Organising – Organisation Structure and Design – Authority Relationships – Delegation of Authority and Decentralisation – Interdepartmental Coordinator – emerging Trends in corporate Structure, Strategy and Culture – Impact of Technology on Organisational design – Mechanistic vs. Adoptive Structures – Formal and Informal Organisation. |
UNIT-IV | An Overview of Staffing and Directing functions – Controlling – Prerequisities of Control Systems – Control Process – Methods, Tools and Techniques of Control – Design of techniques – Choices in Control. |
UNIT-V | Comparative Management Styles and approaches – Japanese Management Practices – Organisational Creativity and Innovation – Management of Innovation – Entrepreneurial Management – Benchmarking – Best Management Practices across the world – Select cases of Domestic & International Corporations – Management of Diversity. |
Reference Book:
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Organizational Behavior Syllabus:
- Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
- Foundations of Organisational Behaviour
- Perception and Learning
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Motivation and Job Performance
- Values, Attitudes and Beliefs
- Stress Management
- Group Dynamics
- Leadership
- Power and Politics
- Organisational Structure
- Organisational Climate and Culture
- Organisational Change and Development
- Trends in Organisational Behaviour
- Research in Organizational Behaviour
References Books:
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Pondicherry University Syllabus for Managerial Economics:
UNIT-I | General Foundation of Managerial Economics – Economic approach, Circular flow of activity, Nature of the firm, Forms of organizations, Objectives of firms – demand analysis and estimation – Individual, market and firm demand, Determinants of demand, Elasticity measures and business decision making, Demand estimation and forecasting – Theory of the firm – Production functions in the short and long run, Cost concepts. Short run and long run costs. |
UNIT-II | Product Markets – Market Structure, Competitive market, Imperfect competition and barriers to entry, Pricing in different markets – Recourse Markets – Pricing and Employment of inputs under different market structures, Wages and wage differentials. |
UNIT-III | Principles of Economic decision-making – Concept of Required Rate of Return – Annual – cost and Annual-worth Comparisons – Present-worth analysis – The Cost of Capital, Economic Life, Replacement Economy – Analysis of risk and uncertainty. |
UNIT-IV | Introduction to National Income Accounts – Models of National Income Determination – Economic Indicators; Technology and Employment – Issues and Challenges; Business and Government. |
UNIT-V | Inter-Sectoral Linkages: Macro Aggregates and Policy Interrelationships – Fiscal and Monetary Policies; Industrial Finance – Money Market, Capital market and Institutional Finance. |
Reference Book:
Check Here: How Do Toppers Study?
Accounting For Managers Syllabus:
Book-keeping and Accounting – Meaning – Definition – Objectives of Financial Accounting – Branches of Accounting : Financial, Cost and Management Accounting – Accounting Concepts and conventions – journal – Ledger – Trial Balance – Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet – Accounting Standards – Groups interested in Accounting Information – An Introduction to Tally Package.
Capital and Revenue Expenditure – Deferred Revenue Expenditure – Capital and Revenue Receipts – Depreciation – Definition – Causes – Necessity of providing for depreciation – Methods of Calculating Depreciation: Straight Line Method and Written Down Value Method.
An Introduction to Company Final Accounts – Financial Statements – Meaning – Types of financial Analysis – Techniques of Financial Analysis – Ratio Analysis – Profitability Ratios – Coverage Ratios – Turnover Ratios – Financial Ratios – uses and limitations of Ratio Analysis – Funds Flow Analysis – uses and limitations – Cash Flow Analysis – uses and limitations – Difference between funds flow and cash flow analysis.
Marginal costing – assumptions – Cost Volume Profit Analysis – Breakeven Analysis – Key Factor – Profit Planning – Decisions involving Alternative Choices: Determination of sales mix, Exploring new markets and Make or Buy decisions (Problem for case study)
Concept of cost – Elements of Cost – Cost Accounting – Objectives – Cost Sheet (Problems) – classification of cost – Cost Unit and Cost Centre – Methods of Costing – Techniques of Costing.
Reference Book:
- N. Anthony: Management Accounting – Text and cases (Irwin)
- K. Bhar: Cost Accounting (Academic Publishers)
- G. Guthman: Analysis of Financial Statements (Prentice Hall)
Statistics And Research Methodology Syllabus:
UNIT-I | INTRODUCTION: Definition of Research, Qualities of Researcher, Components of Research Problem, Various Steps in Scientific Research, Types of Research; Hypothesis – Research Purposes – Research Design – Survey Research – Case Study Research. |
UNIT-II | DATA COLLECTION: – Sources of Data: Primary Data, Secondary Data, Procedure – Questionnarie – Sampling Merits and Demerits – Experiments – Kinds – Procedure; Control – Observation – Merits – Demerits – Kinds – Procedure – Sampling Errors – Type-I Error – TypeII Error. |
UNIT-III | STATISTICS ANALYSIS: Introduction to Statistics – Probability Theories – Conditional Probabilities, Standard deviation – Co-efficient of variations, Binomial Distribution and Properties of Normal Distributions, Poisson Distribution, Point and Interval Estimates of Means and Proportions; Testing of Hypothesis – One sample and Two Sample Z & t tests for means and variances, Chi-Square Test, Association of attributes, Index Number, Time series analysis, Decision Techniques. |
UNIT-IV | STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS: Correlation and Regression Analysis – Partial and Multiple Correlation Analysis – ANOVA – Completely Randomized Design, Randomized Complete Block Design, Latin Square Design, Factorial Design, Introduction to Discriminate Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis and Conjoint Analysis. |
UNIT-V | RESEARCH REPORTS: Definition of Research Reports – Components of Research Report, Format of a Research Report, Pictures and Graphs, Introduction to SPSS. |
Reference Book:
Pondicherry University Exam Syllabus for Business Environment:
- The global transformation of organizations and Economic systems and the social, political and economic consequences of globalization.
- Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Mixed –Economic System.
- Business and Society in India.
- Management Structure – Family Management to Professionalism.
- Economic & Business Development and Environmental Issues.
- Sustainable development and the firm.
- Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, Competition and an overview of WTO.
- Natural Resources and Economic Development – Land, Forest, Water, Fisheries, Minerals, and Ecological Imbalances.
- Infrastructure:
- Economic Infrastructure: Energy, Power, Transport, Communication, Science and Technology.
- Social Infrastructure: Education, Training and Development, Demographic Issues.
- Political Infrastructure: Constitution, Electoral Issues, Democracy and its Cost.
- International Relations – MNCS – Foreign Capital and Collaboration.
- Global Trends in Business and Management.
- Trends in Indian Industry.
- The Capital Market Scenario.
- Future Perspective of Indian Industry and Management.
Reference Book:
- Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Misra, S.K. and Puri, V.K.: Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya PublishingHouse, New Delhi.
- Misra, S.K. and Puri, V.K. : Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
Managerial Communication Syllabus:
UNIT-I | Brief Overview of communication Concepts and types of communication; Interactive Communication and the role of communication in the job of managerial personnel at different organizational levels. |
UNIT-II | Listening & Speaking – Concept & Mechanics; Listening & Responses and Non Verbal Communication; Business etiquette; Effective Presentation; Use of ICTES including Power Point Presentations. |
UNIT-III | Communication Styles; Attitude & Communication; Persuasive Communication & Handling Negativity; Presentations to Hostile Audience – Exercises; Negotiating Skills; Interview skills. |
UNIT-IV | Written Communication & Individual and Groups/Teams: Letters, reports and other executive & Managerial Communications; Group Decision Making; Intra & Inter Cultural Dimensions and Communication Mechanisms; Feed-back Mechanisms. |
UNIT-V | Planning & Conduct of Meetings; Working with Stake-holders outside of the organization – Media, Social Leaders, Family Orientation to professional disposition of employees & their family members towards organization. |
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Pondicherry University Syllabus for Computer Software’s:
Introduction to Oracle- SQL* Plus. FUNDAMENTALS OF PL/SQL: Basics of PL/SQL – Advantage of PL/SQL – Structure and Data types of PL/SQL.
CONDITIONS AND LOOPS: Basic control structure of IF Statement – IF THEN, IF THEN ELSE, IF THEN ELSIF – Loops – FOR, WHILE, LABELS & GOTO. CURSERS: Cursers – Exceptions – Explicit Cursers – Implicit Cursers.
Subprograms and Packages: Procedures – Functions – Packages. Database Triggers: Types of Triggers – Enabling & Disabling Triggers – Table Operations – Database Trigger Privileges. Complex Data types: Declaring Variables – Recording Variables – Declaring PL/SQL Table & PL/SQL Table Functions – Object Types – Varrays – Nested Table – Defining Collection Types.
Introduction to SPSS 14.0 – Reading Data – Using the Data Editor – Working with output – STATISTICAL PROCEDURES: Linear Regression – Chi-Square Test, ANOVA, Factor Analysis.
Introduction to computerized accounting – Applications of Computers in Accounting – Accounting Package: TALLY – Creation of groups, ledgers – Voucher types – Preparation of Vouchers – Report Generation: Account books, List of Accounts, Trial balance, Profit and Loss Account, Balance sheet, Cash Flow Statement and Fund Flow Statement, Ratio Analysis – Practical Training on TALLY.
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Pondicherry University MCA Syllabus:
Mathematical Foundation Of Computer Science Syllabus:
UNIT-I | Mathematical Logic : Connectives Negation, Conjunction, disjunction, Statement Formulas and TT, Conditional and Biconditional, Well formed formulas, tautologies, Equivalence of statement formulae, Duality law, Tautological implications, Functionally complete set of connectives; Normal Forms Disjunctive, Conjunctive, Principal disjunctive and principal conjunctive normal forms. |
UNIT-II | The theory of inference for statement calculus, Validity using TT, rules of inference, consistency of premises and indirect method of proof, Automatic Theorem proving- Predicate Calculus, Predicates, the statement function, variables and quantifiers. |
UNIT-III | Set Theory : Basic Concepts of Set theory, Notation, Inclusion and equality , Power set, Operations on sets, Set identities, Ordered pairs and n-tuples, Cartesian products – Relations and Ordering , Relations, Properties of binary relation- relation matrix and graph of a relation, partition and covering of a set, equivalence relations, composition of binary relations, partial ordering, partially ordered set – Functions, Definition, composition, Inverse, Binary and n-ary operations, characteristic function of a set, hashing function- Recursions, Functions, sets and predicates. |
UNIT-IV | Lattices and Boolean Algebra : Lattices as partially ordered sets, properties of lattices, Lattices as Algebraic systems, Some special lattices – Boolean algebra, functions, representation and minimization. |
UNIT-V | Graph theory : Definition, Examples, Paths and Cycles, Planarity, colouring graphs |
Computer Organisation And Assembly Language Programming Syllabus:
Digital logic fundamentals: Number systems Boolean algebra gates simplification of Boolean expressions combinational logic:adderssubtractors Decoders encoders multiplexer / demultiplexers Sequential Logic: Flip-flops – Counters.
Introduction to Intel s 8086/88: Register model Bus interface Unit Execution unit Control Unit: hardwired and micro programmed control. Memory organization: Basic memory cell RAM, ROM and DRAM associative, cache and virtual memory organizations.
Assembly Language Programming: Instruction formats addressing modes Intel 8086/88 instruction mnemonics timing data transfer arithmetic and machine control instructions – Introduction to Macro assembler.
Input/Output organization: Input interface Data transfer techniques : synchronous asynchronous Interrupt driven Intel 8086/88 interrupt organization types DMA I/O processors serial communication.
Processor organization: General register organization stacks organization. IBM PC architecture: Mother board display adapters add on cards power supply. Architectural overview of Pentium, P-II, P-III and P-4
Data Structures Syllabus:
UNIT-I | Introduction, algorithmic notation, Space and Time analysis of an algorithm, information and its storage representation, Representation and its manipulation of strings, Pattern Matching. Searching and sorting techniques. |
UNIT-V | File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization, Organization of records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Indexing, Primary indices, Secondary indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files, Indexing and Hashing Comparisons. |
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Problem Solving And Programming Syllabus:
Introduction to Problem Solving: Problem solving strategies, Problem identification, Problem understanding, Algorithm development, Solution planning (flowcharts, pseudo- code, etc.), Modular programming design. Basic program structure in C, Simple data types, variables, constants, operators, comments, Control Flow; if, while, for, do-while, switch.
Functions: Types, parameters, prototypes, recursion. Arrays & Pointers: Array usage, Pointers, addresses and types, call by reference, Pointer – array duality, Strings , Arrays of pointers, Arguments to main, Pointers to functions.
Structures: Member accessing, pointers to structures, Structures and functions, Arrays of structures, linked lists, trees. Other Data Types: Unions, enumerations and bit fields.
Bitwise Operators: Usage, device accessing. Type manipulation: Coercion, typedef, initialisation, Static, global, external, register. Dynamic Allocation: Uses, pitfalls. The Pre-processor: Define, include, macro’s, ifdef.
Input and Output: Concepts, Character and File I/O, Basic Curses, Simple File I/O, The Standard I/O Routines, ANSI Standard Libraries.
Pondicherry University Syllabus for Information Technology:
UNIT-I | Introduction to IT, Scope for IT, IT Usage, Information System, its functions and applications. |
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Pondicherry University M.Tech Syllabus:
Following are the M. Tech Electronics Syllabus ForSem I Examination, take a look…
Embedded Systems And Electronic Design Lab:
- Microcontroller (8 bit) based experiment: ADC/DAC, Stepper Motor controller, Clock, Serial Communication.
- DSP (TMS320C50) based experiment: Linear Convolution, ADC/DAC Interface, LPF/HPF/BPF/BSF, Waveform Generation
- Communication Experiment: Impedance measurement using Gunn diode, Gain measurement of Parabolic dish antenna using Klystron oscillator, Characteristics of Directional Couplers, Analysis of sampling and noise spectral density, Synthesis of different digital modulation schemes (PCM,DM,DPCM ADM)
- VLSI: Synthesis of Gates using VHDL/Verilog, Synthesis of Counter using VHDL/Verilog, Synthesis of Register using VHDL/Verilog
- Simulation: Simulation of analog circuits using PSPICE, Simulation of digital circuits using PSPICE, Simulation of communication circuits using PSPICE /MATLAB, Simulation of MOS modelling circuits using modeling package
Quantum Mechanics & Its Applications To Technology &Advanced Engineering Mathematic
UNIT-I | Failure of Classical Mechanics: Black body radiation, spectral lines, Young’s double slit experiment, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle |
UNIT-II | Wave particle duality, Wave equation and Schrodinger’s equation, Time dependent Schrodinger’s wave equation, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Eigen Energy, Solutions to Schordinger’s wave equation, |
UNIT-III | Probability, Probability Density, Probability Current density, Electrons in potentials (infinite barrier, potential well), Triangular Potential wells, double barriers, double potential wells, |
UNIT-IV | Tunnelling phenomenon, , tunnelling Electrons in periodic lattices (KP Model), E-k diagrams |
UNIT-V | Advanced Mathematics: Linear differential equations and its solutions, non-linear differential equations and its solutions, complex integration, Linear algebra, Matrices and Tensors |
Semiconductor Devices & Technology:
Semiconductor Physics: Review of crystal structure, Crystal structure of important semiconductors (Si, Ge&GaAs), Review of quantum mechanics, Electrons in periodic lattices, E-k diagrams, Quasiparticles in semiconductors, electrons, holes and phonons. Carrier concentration and carrier transport phenomenon. Excess carriers in semiconductors: Doping, Injection and recombination mechanisms; Carrier statistics; Continuity equation, Poisson’s equation and their solution; Optical, Thermal and High field properties of semiconductors.
Metal Semiconductor Structure: Homo and Hetero-Junctions (Schottky diode): structure, Band diagrams, operation, I-V and C-V characteristics (Analytical expressions); Heterojunctions. Transistors (BJT & JFET): structure, band diagrams, operation, I-V and C-V characteristics (Analytical expressions), small signal switching models, benefits of heterojunction transistors for high speed applications.
MOS structures: Introduction, ideal and non-ideal MOS capacitor: band diagrams and C-V characteristics; Effects of oxide charges, defects and interface states; passivation of interface states; Characterization of MOS capacitors: HF and LF CVs, avalanche injection; High field effects and breakdown. MOSFET and CCD: Band diagrams, I-V and C-V characteristics (Analytical expressions); scaling down, alternate high k-dielectric materials, HF-MOSFETs, SOI MOSFET.
Advanced Devices: Crystal structure of III-V binary and tenary compound semiconductors (InP, InGaAs, SiGe ), Electrical properties such as carrier mobility, velocity versus electric field characteristics and device processing techniques of these materials, band gap diagrams; InP based HBT device structure, SiGe based HBT devices, Single electron devices, High Frequency resonant – tunneling diodes, Resonant -tunneling hot electron transistors, Quantum well LASER, Spintronic devices, organic semiconductor devices.
Fabrication and Characterization Techniques: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, Epitaxy, Diffusion, Ion Implantation, Thinfilm deposition and oxidization techniques, Planar technology: Masking and lithography techniques (UV,e-beam and other advanced lithography techniques) Metallisation. Bipolar and MOS integration techniques, interface passivation techniques, Characterization techniques: Four-probe and Hall measurement; I-V and CVs for dopant profile characterization; Capacitance transients and DLTS.
Digital Signal Processing And Applications:
UNIT-I | Discrete Time Signals: Sequences; representation of signals on orthogonal basis; Sampling and Reconstruction of signals. Discrete Time Systems: Discrete time systems, Definition, Classification of systems, Convolution sum and its properties, Discrete Time Fourier Transform, Implementation of discrete time systems |
UNIT-II | Definition, DFT as a linear transformation, Properties of DFT, IDFT, Linear filtering using DFT, Relationship of DFT to other transforms, efficient computation of DFT, FFT Algorithms: Decimation-intime radix-2 algorithm and Decimation-in-frequency radix-2 algorithm. IDFT calculation using fast algorithm. |
UNIT-III | Design of FIR Digital filters: Window methods, Park-McClellan’s method. Design of IIR Digital Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Approximations; Low pass, Band pass, Band stop and High pass filters. |
UNIT-IV | Difference between DSP and other microprocessor architectures, their comparison. TMS 320C54X processor architecture: Introduction, Central Processing Unit, Auxiliary Register Unit, Memory and Buses, Application specific units, Addressing modes, Instruction sets, Control operations, Interrupts, Pipeline operation. |
UNIT-V | DSP tools: Simulator, Assembler, Compiler, Linker, Debugger, Code generation, DSP boards. Waveform generation, Implementation of MAC, Digital filters, DFT, Adaptive filter, Notch filter, echo cancellation, modems, voice synthesis and recognition. |
EM Theory, Interference And Compatibility
UNIT- I: Electromagnetic Waves
Introduction to electromagnetic fields: review of vector analysis, electric and magnetic potentials, boundary conditions, Maxwell’s equations, diffusion equation, Poynting vector, wave equation, Plane electromagnetic waves, Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at an interface between dielectric and vacuum, Waves in conducting medium, Wave propagation through conductor-dielectric interface, Numerical Problems.
UNIT- II: Transmission Lines
Transmission lines, Parallel plate transmission lines, Helmholtz equation, RLCG parameters, Smith chart and its applications, Propagation constant and characteristic impedance of a general, lossless and distortion less transmission line, Quarter wavelength and half wavelength lines, Skin effect and resistance, Derivation of skin depth, Numerical Problems.
UNIT- III: Microwaves
Introduction, Transferred Electron Devices (TEDs) – Gunn effect diode, Gunn diode as an oscillator. Avalanche Transit time devices: IMPATT, TRAPATT and BARITT, Microwave Transistors and FETs, Klystrons, Reflex Klystron, Magnetrons, Principle of operation.
UNIT- IV: EMI/EMC Concepts
EMI-EMC definitions and Units of parameters, Sources and victim of EMI, Conducted and Radiated EMI Emission and Susceptibility, Transient EMI, ESD, Radiation Hazards. EMI Coupling and controlling Techniques: Conducted, radiated and transient coupling, Common ground impedance coupling, Common mode and ground loop coupling, Differential mode coupling, Near field cable to cable coupling, cross talk; Field to cable coupling; Power mains and Power supply coupling. Shielding, Filtering, Grounding, and Bonding.
UNIT- V: EMI Measurements and Standards
Open area test site; TEM cell; EMI test shielded chamber and shielded ferrite lined anechoic chamber; Tx /Rx Antennas, Sensors, Injectors / Couplers, and coupling factors; EMI Rx and spectrum analyzer; Civilian standards-CISPR, FCC, IEC, EN; Military standards-MIL461E/462.
Embedded Systems:
UNIT-I | Introduction to Embedded Computing, Issues and Challenges in Embedded system Design, Trends: SC, custom designed chips, configurable designed chips, configurable processors and multi-core processors. Embedded processor architecture: General concepts, instruction sets, Levels in architecture, Functional description-hardware/software trade-off Introduction to RISC architecture, Pipelining, Instruction issue and execution, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data alignment and byte ordering, Introduction to VLIW and DSP processors. |
UNIT-II | I/O Devices:- Types and Examples of I/O devices, Synchronous, Iso-synchronous and Asynchronous Communications from Serial Devices – Examples of Internal SerialCommunication Devices:- SPI, UART, Parallel Port Devices – Timer and Counting Devices – Serial Communication using: ‘I2C’, ‘USB’, ‘CAN’- Advanced I/O Serial high speed buses: ISA, PCI, PCI-X, cPCI and advanced buses. |
UNIT-III | Programming in assembly language (ALP) vs High Level Language – C Program Elements:- Macros and functions, Use of Date Types, Structure, Pointers, Function Calls – Concepts of Embedded Programming in C++:- Objected Oriented Programming, Embedded Programming in C++, ‘C’ Program compilers – Cross compiler – Optimization of memory needs. |
UNIT-IV | Definitions of process, tasks and threads – Inter Process Communication:- Shared data problem, Use of Semaphore(s), Priority Inversion Problem and Deadlock Situations, Message Queues, Mailboxes, Pipes, Virtual (Logical) Sockets, Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) – Operating System Services:- Goals, Structures, Kernel, Process Management, Memory Management, Device Management – Real Time Operating System – RTOS Task scheduling models:- Co-operative Round Robin Scheduling, Cyclic Scheduling with Time Slicing. |
UNIT-V | Design Methodologies, Requirement Analysis, Specification, System Analysis and Architecture Design. Design Examples: Telephone PBX- System Architecture, Ink jet printer – Hardware Design and Software Design, Personal Digital Assistants, Set-top Boxes. |
Mos Device Modelling:
Semiconductor surfaces, Ideal MOS structure, MOS device in thermal equilibrium, Non-Ideal MOS: work function differences, charges in oxide, interface states, band diagram of non-ideal MOS, flatband voltage, electrostatics of a MOS (charge based calculations), calculating various charges across the MOSC, threshold voltage, MOS as a capacitor (2 terminal device),
Three terminal MOS, effect on threshold voltage. MOSFET (Enhancement and Depletion MOSFETs), mobility, on current characteristics, off current characteristics, sub threshold swing, effect of interface states on sub threshold swing, drain conductance and transconductance, effect of source bias and body bias on threshold voltage and device operation. Scaling, Short channel and narrow channel effects- High field effects.
MOS transistor in dynamic operation, Large signal Modeling, small signal model for low, medium and high frequencies. SOI concept, PD SOI, FD SOI and their characteristics, threshold voltage of a SOI MOSFET, Multi-gate SOI MOSFETs, Alternate MOS structures.
Micro-Electromechanical Systems Design
UNIT-I | History of Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), market for MEMS, Introduction and origin of MEMS, driving force for MEMS development, fabrication process, MEMS fabrication technologies: Conventional IC fabrication processes, bulk micro machining, surface micro machining, LIGA process, anodic and fusion bonding, packaging techniques for MEMS. |
UNIT-II | Sensors, Classification and terminology of sensors, evolution of semiconductor sensors, sensor characterization basic concept of acoustic, mechanical, magnetic, radiation, thermal sensors and integrated sensors. Actuation in MEMS devices, electrostatic actuation, parallel plate capacitor-cantilever beam based movement, comb-drive structures. |
UNIT-III | MEM switch; Cantilever based MEM switch, Membrane based switch design microwave material and mechanical considerations. The MEMS switch; cantilever based MEMS switch, membrane based switch design. |
UNIT-IV | Introduction to RF MEMS technologies: Need for RF MEMS components in communications, space and defense applications, Materials and fabrication technologies, Actuation methods in MEMS, Special considerations in RF MEMS design. |
UNIT-V | Examples of RF MEMS components and case studies: Micro-switches, Planar, on-chip components, Transmission lines and other components, Micromachined and reconfigurable antennas, Micromachined phase shifters. |
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