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SOS Full Form – एसओएस क्या है, Meaning in Hindi


SOS Full Form

SOS Full Form: SOS is officially refers to as the Morse code sequence and in phrases it is expressed as “Save Our Souls” and “Save Our Ship“. This code signifies that a person is facing any danger and needs an emergency help. SOS is not considered as an abbreviation as these letters were selected at that time because they are easily translated into the Morse code. Know about SOS Full Form in Hindi and English, its meaning and other related details from this page. We have depicted SOS Full Form, Code details, History, SOS signal sending information in the beneath section. Just go through it and gain some useful knowledge about the signal.

SOS Full Form

SOS Full Form


SOS Full Form

SOS Full Form in English

“Save Our Souls” and another meaning is “Save Our Ship”

SOS Full Form in Hindi

“हमें बचाओ”

SOS Full Form

एसओएस क्या है?

एसओएस का मतलब “सेव अवर सोल्स” है। इसे सेव अवर शिप भी कहा जाता है। यह एक मोर्स कोड है जिसका प्रयोग खतरे के संकेत के लिए संकट कोड के रूप में किया जाता है। कोड संकेत करता है कि एक व्यक्ति खतरे में है और उसे तत्काल सहायता की आवश्यकता है। एसओएस संकट कोड बिना किसी स्थान के तीन बिंदुओं, तीन डैश और तीन बिंदुओं का एक क्रम है। इंटरनेशनल मोर्स कोड में, तीन बिंदु S अक्षर का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं और तीन डैश अक्षर O का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं।

कोड का इस्तेमाल ऐतिहासिक रूप से जहाजों द्वारा खतरे का संकेत देने के लिए किया जाता था, बाद में यह ?सेव अवर शिप? या ? हमारी आत्माओं को बचाओ? कोड के सही अक्षरों (एसओएस) को याद रखने के लिए। तो, वास्तव में, एसओएस किसी भी चीज़ के लिए खड़ा नहीं है। इसे 1 अप्रैल, 1905 को जर्मन सरकार द्वारा रेडियो नियमों में पेश किया गया था। दूसरे अंतर्राष्ट्रीय रेडियोटेलीग्राफिक कन्वेंशन में शामिल होने के बाद यह विश्वव्यापी मानक बन गया। यह 1 जुलाई, 1908 को प्रभावी हुआ। 1999 में, इस समुद्री रेडियो संकट संकेत को वैश्विक समुद्री संकट और सुरक्षा प्रणाली द्वारा बदल दिया गया था।

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SOS Full Form

What is SOS?

Meaning of SOS: This signal is given at the time when there is intense difficulty or danger. SOS signal is also referred to as “Distress Code” and used as a trouble code when any person needs immediate help at the time of danger. The full form of SOS is Save Our Souls. Another meaning of SOS is also Save Our Ship. It is also called Distress Code. This is the signal given at the time of crisis, SOS is also known as saving our ship. It is a Morse code that is used as a trouble code to signal danger. Code Signal gives that a person is in danger and needs immediate help.

The way of writing SOS is slightly different. It has to be written by putting a bar on it (eg- SOS). SOS is an international Morse code. Because Morse code is used in the International Radio Telegraphic Convention. SOS Crisis Code is a sequence of three dots, three dashes and three dots without any spaces. In International Morse Code, three dots represent the letter S and three dashes represent the letter O. The code was historically used by ships to signal danger.

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SOS Full Form

SOS Code Details:

The code is written in slightly different manner. The code is notified with a bar. It is a Morse code. Morse code is generally used in telecommunication which represents numbers and letters of the alphabet. Morse code is used in both ways i.e. as a code and a way of communication.

SOS is formed by a sequence of three dots / three dashes / three dots (…_ _ _…) and it does not include any spaces in between them. The three dots are represented by letter “S” and three dashes are represented by “O”. Thus, S O S is the easy way to remember the sequence of dots and dashes.

History of SOS:

On 1st April, 1905 was introduced. German Government introduced it in radio regulations and after that it set up a standard all over the world on 3 November 1906. The first International Radiotelegraph Convention came into existence on 1 July 1908.

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How to send SOS Signal?

SOS signal can be sent in different ways:

1) By Tapping: It is used for sending signal in a manner of talk. It is just similar to the way that we can talk in front without making any speaking gestures. But to make this tapping in work, the front should also have a tapping language.

2) By Light: It is the very easiest way to send signal. If at night, you are stuck at some place, then with the use of fire, torch, mobile torch light, you can send up a SOS signal.

3) By Mirror: To send this signal, it is very important that you have a presence of sunlight. With the help of mirror, you can send up an SOS signal and it is also not important that you have to use a mirror only; you can use anything that can give a reflection.

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We the team of recruitmemtresult.com hopes that the information provided above is useful and is helpful in gaining the knowledge about SOS. Stay in touch with our web portal for more similar updates.

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