BSNL Syllabus 2022
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Will conduct the recruitment exams for different job profiles like JTO/JE/JAO/MT. Therefore, aspirants need to consider BSNL syllabus 2022 along with new exam pattern laid down by the company. For the assistance of candidates, direct link for downloading BSNL Syllabus PDF has been given on this page.
BSNL Syllabus
Organization | Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) |
Post Name | JTO/JE/JAO/MT |
Category Name | BSNL Syllabus 2022 |
Application Starting date | Notify later |
Last date for applications | Available soon |
Selection Procedure | Written Exam & Interview |
Work Location | All over India |
Exam date | Update later |
Admit Card Available Date | Intimate soon |
Job Category | Central Govt Jobs |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Official Portal | |
BSNL JAO Exam Pattern 2022
- BSNL JAO competitive exam will consist of two papers.
- The questions asked in exam are of Objective Type.
- Paper-1 will be conducted for 150 marks in the duration of 3 hours.
- Paper II will be conducted for 300 marks in the duration of 3 hours.
- Totally two paper will be conducted for 450 marks.
Subjects | Marks | Time |
General English | 100 | 3 hours |
General Aptitude | 50 | |
Financial Management Cast Accounting Tax & Commercial Laws | 300 | 3 hours |
From Here: Download BSNL JAO Exam Syllabus PDF
BSNL JAO Syllabus 2022
BSNL Junior Accounts Officer Syllabus Paper I
General English:
- Comprehension of given Passage and Grammar
- Usage and Vocabulary
- Verb
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Idioms
- Phrases Adverb etc.
General Awareness/Aptitude:
- Indian Polity & economy
- Test of reasoning & Quantitative Technique
- Current Affairs(National as well as International) and its Importance
BSNL JAO Exam Syllabus Paper 2
- Advanced Accounting:
Cash and Fund Flow Statements, Company Accounts, Final Accounts, Company Accounts Introduction and Shares & Debentures
- Financial Management:
Goals of Financial Management, Key Activities of Financial Management, Relationship of Finance to Accounting and Audit and Organization of Finance Function
- Financial Management in Public Sector Enterprises:
Capital Budgeting, Long Term Financing, Working Capital Management, Memorandum of Understanding and Financial Management & Control.
- Financial Statements:
Basic Concepts Underlying Accounting, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts, Source and Usage of Final Statements, Financial Topics Related To Balances Received and Profit & Loss Accounts, Analyzing Financial Performance, Financial Ratios, Applications of Financial Analysis, Problems in Financial Statements and Analysis, Break-Even Analysis and Leverages.
- Auditing:
Nature, Objective and Basic Principles of Auditing; Techniques of Auditing Physical Verification, Examination of Documents and Vouching, Direct Confirmation and Analytical Review; Planning and Audit, Audit Programmes, Working Papers, Audit Process; Valuation of Internal Controls; Various Types of Audit.
- Bare Acts:
Companies Act 1956 (with amendments), Contract Act, Partnership Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, and Consumer Protection Act.
Must Read: How to Prepare for Written Exam
BSNL JTO Exam Pattern 2022
For JTOs (Telecom)
Section | Stream | Total questions |
Section-I | Engineering Stream | 50 |
Section-II | Engineering Stream | 50 |
Section-III | General Ability test | 20 |
For JTOs (Electrical)
Section | Stream | Total questions |
Section-I | Electrical Engineering Stream | 50 |
Section-II | Electrical Engineering Stream | 50 |
Section-III | General Awareness | 20 |
From Here: Download BSNL JTO Exam Syllabus PDF
BSNL JTO Syllabus (Junior Telecom Officers)
You can get detailed BSNL JTO Syllabus from below:
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers Syllabus Section I | |
Materials and Components |
Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and |
Electromagnetic Theory |
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation |
Network Theory |
Power Electronics |
BSNL Syllabus for JTO Section II | |
Digital Electronic Circuits |
Analog Electronic Circuits |
Control Systems |
Communication Systems |
Microwave Engineering |
Computer Engineering |
Microprocessors |
BSNL JTO Exam Syllabus for Section III | |
BSNL MT Exam Pattern 2022
Components | Marks | Duration |
Section-I : Management Aptitude | 150 | 3 Hours, Time 10 AM TO 1:00 PM |
Section – II : Cognitive Ability | 150 | |
Section – III : Technical Knowledge | 150 | |
Total | 450 |
From Here: Download BSNL MT Exam Syllabus PDF
BSNL MT Syllabus 2022
BSNL Management Trainee Syllabus (Section-I Management Aptitude):
- General Management
- Management Information Systems
- Managerial economics
- Marketing
- Accounting and Finance
- Human Resources Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
- Operations Management
- Telecom knowledge
- Current events of national and international importance
BSNL MT Exam Syllabus (Section-II Cognitive Ability):
- Quantitative Ability & Data Sufficiency
- Reasoning (e.g. analytical, logical, critical reasoning)
- Verbal ability, reading comprehension and analysis.
BSNL MT 2022 Syllabus (Section-III Technical Knowledge):
A) For Telecom Operations Stream:
- Material and Components
- Physical Electronics, Electronics Devices and ICs.
- Signals and Systems
- Network theory
- Electromagnetic theory
- Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Digital Electronic Circuits
- Control Systems
- Communication Systems
- Microwave Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Power Electronics
(B) For Telecom Finance Stream:
- Financial Management (an overview)
- Cost Accounting
- Financial Management in Public Sector Enterprises
- Advanced Accounting
- Principles of Taxation (Tax Laws)
- Financial Statements
- Companies Act 1956 (with amendments)
- Auditing
- Bare Acts
BSNL JE Exam Pattern 2022
Part | Subject | Total Marks |
Part- I | General Ability Test | 20 marks |
Part- II | Basic Engineering | 90 marks |
Par- III | Specialization | 90 marks |
From Here: Download BSNL JE Exam Syllabus PDF
BSNL JE Syllabus 2022
BSNL Junior Engineer Syllabus (Part-I: General Ability Test):
The Candidate’s comprehension and understanding of General English shall be tested through simple exercises such as provision of antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks and multiple-choice exercises etc. this shall also include questions on current events, general knowledge and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of Diploma holder.
BSNL JE Exam Syllabus (Part -II: Basic Engineering)
Applied Mathematics: |
Co-ordinate Geometry; Vector Algebras, Matrix ad Determinant; Differential calculus; Integral calculus, Differential equation of second order; Fourier series; Laplace Transformer; Complex Number; Partial Differentiion. |
Applied Physics: |
Measurement- Units and Dimensions; Waves, Afcoustics, Ultrasonics; Light; Lazer and its Applications; Atomic Structure and Enerty Levels. |
Basic Electricity: |
Electrostatics, coulomb’s law, Gauss’s theorem, concept of potential difference; concept of capacitance and capacitors; Ohm’s law, power and energy, Kirchoff’s voltage, current laws and their applications in simple DC circuits; Basic Magnetism; Electro Magnetism |
Electronic Devices and Circuits: |
Classification of materials into conductor, semi conductor, Insulator etc. electrical properties, magnetic materials, various types of relays, switches and connectors, Conventional representation of electric and electronic circuit elements. Active and passive components; Semi conductor Physics; Multivibrator circuits; Time base circuits; Thyristors and UJT; Regulated Power supply. |
Digital Technique: |
Applications and advantages of digital systems; number system(binary and hexadecimal); Logic Gates; Logic simplifications; Codes and Parity; Arithmetic circuits; Decoders, Display Devices and Associated Circuits; Multiplexers and De-Multiplexers; Latches and Flip Flops; counters; Shift Register; Memories; A/D nad D/A converters. |
BSNL JE 2022 Syllabus Part -III Specialization
bsnl syllabus for electrical – 3 phase vs single phase supply, Star Delta connections, relation between phase & tine voltage, power factor and their measurements; construction and principles of working of various types of electrical measuring instruments, all types of motor and generator AC & DC transformers, starters, rectifiers, Inverters, battery charges, batteries, servo and stepper motors, contactor control circuits, switchgear, relays, protection devices & schemes, substation, protective relaying, circuit breaker, generator protection, transformer protection, feeder & lightening protection, feeder & bus bar protection, lightening arrestor, earthing, voltage stabilizer 8 regulators, power control devices 8 circuits, phase controlled rectifiers, inverters, choppers, dual converters, cycloconverters; power electronics application in control of drivers refrigeration 8 air conditioning. |
Communication: | Modulation and demodulation- Principles and operator of various types of AM, FM and PM modulators / demodulator; pulse modulation- TDM, PAM, PPM, PWM: Multiplexing, principles and applications of PCM. Introduction of Basic block diagram of digital and data communication systems; coding error detection and correction techniques; Digital Modulation Techniques-ASK, ICW, FSK, PSK; Characteristics / working of data transmission circuits; UART: USART: Modems; Protocols and their functions, brief idea of ISDN interfaces, local area Network; Carrier Telephony- Features of carrier telephone system. Microwave Engineering: Microwave Devices; Waveguides; Microwave Components; Microwave antennas; Microwave communications Systems- Block diagram 7 working principles of microwave communications link. |
Network, Filters and Transmission Lines: | Two points network; Attenuators; Filters; Transmission Lines and their applications; characteristic impedance of line; concept of reflection and standing waves on a transmission line; Transmission line equation; Principle of impedance matching; Bandwidth consideration of a transmission fine. |
Instruments and Measurements: | Specifications of Instruments- accuracy precision, sensitivity resolution range, Errors in measurement and loading effect; Principles of voltage, current and resistance measurements; Transducers, measurement of displacement a strain, force & torque measuring devices, pressure measuring devices, flow measuring devices power control devices & circuits. Types of AC mill-voltmeters-Amplifier rectifier and rectifier amplifier Block diagram explanation of a basic CRO and a triggerd sweep oscilloscope, front panel controls; Impedance Bridges and Q-Meters; Principles of working and specifications of logic probes, signal analyzer and logic analyzer, signal generator, distortion factor meter, spectrum analyzer. |
Control system: | Basic elements of control system, open and closed loop system concepts of feedback, Block diagram of control system. Time lag, hysteresis lineartty concepts; Self regulating and non self regulating control systems. Transfer functions of simple control components, single feedback configuration. Time response of systems; Stability Analysier: Characteristic equation Routh’s table Nyquist Critereon, Relative stability, phase margin and gain margin. Routh Hurwitz criterion, Root Locus technique, Bode Plot, Polar plot, gain margin and phase margin. |
Microprocessor: | Typical organization of a microcomputer system & functions of its various block; Architecture of a Microprocessor; Memories and I/o interfacing; Brief idea of M/s assembly languages, machines & Mnemonic codes; Instructions format and Addressing mo0de; concept of Instruction set; programming exercises in assembly language; concept of interrupt; Data transfer techniques- sync data transfer, async data transfer interrupt driven data transfer, DMA serial output data, serial input data. |
Computers: |
bsnl syllabus for computer science – Computer and its working, types of computers, familiarization with DOS and windows-concept of file, directory, folder, Number systems; Data Communication. Programming Elements of a high level programming language. PASCAL, c; USE OF BASIS DATA STRUCTURES Fundamentals of computer architecture, Processor design, Control unit design; Memory organization. I/O system Organization. Microprocessor-microprocessor architecture; Instruction set and simple assembly level programming. Microprocessor based system design; typical examples. Personal computers and their typical uses, data communication principles, types and working principles of modems, Network principles, OSI model, functions of data link layer and network layer, networking components; communications protocols-X-25, TCP/IP Database Management System-basic concepts, entity relationship model, relational model, DBMS based on relational model. |
Check Here The Related Links:
BSNL Recruitment | Details |
BSNL Admit Card | Details |
BSNL JTO Salary | Details |
How To Download BSNL Syllabus PDF Online?
- Log on to official portal of i.e.
- Follow “About us” section from home page
- Hit on “HRD” link for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited syllabus PDF
- Then press on “Jobs” link from opened list.
- Choose appropriate link of suitable post for Syllabus of BSNL
- BSNL Exam Syllabus PDF file will open
- Candidates can check complete BSNL 2022 Syllabus PDF.
- Candidates can also take a print of BSNL JTO/JE/JAO/MT Syllabus PDF for future use.
BSNL Latest Syllabus 2022
If you are preparing with Old BSNL Recruitment Syllabus, then you just need to check Changes introduced in Syllabus of BSNL for better preparation of exam. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is responsible for prescribing BSNL Syllabus for JTO/JE/JAO/MT Exam.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is going to conduct recruitment exam in order to fill up vacant positions in the department. Exam is conducted to test the adequate knowledge and skills of applicants for concerned posts.
With the help of BSNL Syllabus 2022, applicants will be guided about what to prepare or what not to prepare. You can also download Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited syllabus PDF along with BSNL exam pattern through online mode.
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