SQL Full Form
Full form for SQL: The full name or SQL Full Form is Structured Query Language. SQL is one of a programming language which is designed and structured for working with Relational DataBase Management System. On this page, we have brought up the pronunciation of this language and various related information such as what is the full form for SQL, its meaning and processing, advantages etc
full form for SQL

SQL Full Form
full form for SQL
एस.क्यू.एल क्या है?
हम रोजाना इंटरनेट पर बहुत सारी वेब्सीटेस और ऍप्लिकेशन्स का इस्तेमाल करते है और इनमे से कुछ ऍप्लिकेशन्स पर हमारा अकाउंट भी बना हुआ है| हमारी डिटेल्स इन ऍप्लिकेशन्स के डेटाबेस में स्टोर रहती है| एस.क्यू.एल भी डेटाबेस से ही जुड़ा हुआ है, एस.क्यू.एल की मदद से ही डेटाबेस को मैनेज किया जाता है| तो चलिए विस्तार से इस पेज के माध्यम से एस.क्यू.एल की पूरी जानकारी हासिल करते है|
History of SQL
- In 1970: first version of SQL was created at IBM named SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) for retrieving data from database of IBM’s.
- In 1973: SEQUEL name was changed to SQL as it was already a copyright of a company.
- In 1978: commercial products making related with SQL started by IBM.
- Around 1986: Relational Software Inc. launched by RDBMS and later it was renamed as Oracle.
Read About: RAM Full Form
full form for SQL
How does SQL works?
All dynamic websites requires a database for managing the accounts and various other details of users. Dynamic websites includes social media sites, e-commerce, online banking, railway reservation sites etc and all these are connected with the database and wherever database is there, SQL is used with it.
SQL alone cannot perform any function in the website, various other things needs to be work together with it like:
- DBMS programs (eg MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sqlite etc.)
- Server side scripting (eg PHP , ASP etc.)
- SQL commands
Firstly, at the server side RDBMS software like MySQL needs to be installed up. After that using PHP or ASP, dynamic web pages need to be developed. Through coding, various tasks you can ask to be performed at the pages. As per the task, SQL command will be used up. These SQL commands are usually called queries and different queries are set up for each task. Using HTML and CSS, pages are created for user interface.
full form for SQL
Use of SQL
- Through SQL, one can easily create a database.
- Update and modification in the data will be done.
- Data deletion is also there.
- New table can be created inside the database.
- Data retrieval and extraction can be done.
full form for SQL
Some important SQL Commands
DDL (Data Definition Language)
- CREATE: This is used to create new objects in the database.
- ALTER: to modify database objects such as table etc.
- DROP: to delete an object.
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
- SELECT: To retrieve data from one or more tables.
- INSERT: to enter a new record.
- UPDATE: To modify the record.
- DELETE: To delete a record.
DCL (Data Control Language)
- GRANT: To grant permission to users.
- REVOKE: Permission to delete.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Question: Is SQL free to use?
Answer: Yes, SQL is free to download and use as it is a version of Microsoft SQL Server relational database management.
Question: Is SQL language can be easily learn out?
Answer: Yes, SQL is an easy to learn language. If you know the basics of English, then writing SQL queries is easier for you.
We hope that the details mentioned on this page of recruitmentresult.com such as SQL Full Form, its meaning, history, working, usage etc is useful for the readers of this page.
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