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Microbiology Questions and Answers | Study Quiz, MCQs, Online Practice Test

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Microbiology Questions and Answers

Microbiology Questions and Answers for competitive examination and entrance test available here. Start practicing now for exams!! In various recruitment exams and entrance test, microbiology questions come in MCQs format.

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Microbiology Questions And Answers will help in building the confidence of applicants. With the help of microbiology online practice test series, there is high probability to score well in exam. Download Microbiology Study Quiz (MCQs) Questions and Answers PDF from here


Microbiology Questions and Answers


Question 1: Microorganisms present on surface of skin and mucous membrane are killed by a chemical named as

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Herbicide
  3. Fungicide
  4. Pesticide

Answer: 1

Question 2: Powassan virus are transmitted by Ixodes ticks and there reservoir are

  1. Rodents
  2. Goat
  3. Human
  4. Pigs

Answer: 1

Question 3: Reproduction in bacteria is carried out by

  1. Conjugation
  2. Budding
  3. Binary fission
  4. Sexual reproduction

Answer: 3

Question 4: Neuraminidase of influenza virus is inhibited by

  1. Relenza
  2. Relenza and Tamiflu
  3. Tamiflu
  4. Synagis

Answer: 2

Question 5: A genus of major pathogens named as streptococcus consist of both anaerobic and

  1. Facultative organism
  2. Aerobic
  3. Gram-positive bacteria
  4. Gram-negative bacteria

Answer: 1

Read Out: Biochemistry Questions & Answers

Question 6: 16 bacterias are produced by 1 bacterium after

  1. 2 generation
  2. 4 generations
  3. 5 generation
  4. 2 generation

Answer: 2

Question 7: Yersinia caused

  1. Plague
  2. Proteus
  3. Treponema
  4. Mycobacterium

Answer: 1

Question 8: Other name for pyogenic is

  1. epidermidis
  2. Pus-producing
  3. saprophyticus
  4. Bactericidal drugs

Answer: 2

Question 9: Growth of bacteria is stopped by

  1. Bactericidal drugs
  2. Amylase
  3. Galactose
  4. Bacteriostatic drugs

Answer: 4

Question 10: Findings of fever and hypotension are salient features of

  1. Plague
  2. Tetanus
  3. Fever
  4. Septic Fever

Answer: 4

Get here: Biology Question & Answers

Question 11: VDRL test is an example of

  1. Tube test
  2. Ring test
  3. Slide test
  4. None of these

Answer: 3

Question 12: Which of the following is/are not a gram-positive bacteria?

  1. Streptococci
  2. Pseudomonas
  3. Mycobacteria
  4. None of these

Answer: 2

Question 13: The bacteria involved in the production of dental caries is/are

  1. Streptococcus mutans
  2. S sanguis
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Streptococcus pyogenes

Answer: 3

Question 14: Which of the following types of Clostridium perfringens produces alpha toxin most abundantly?

  1. Type A
  2. Type B
  3. Type C
  4. Type D

Answer: 1

Question 15: Lactobacilli grow best under

  1. Strict anaerobic conditions
  2. Microaerophilic conditions in presence of 5% co2 and ph6
  3. Microaerophilic conditions in presence of 3% co2 and ph5
  4. Microaerophilic conditions in presence of 2% co2 and ph4

Answer: 2

Question 16: The gram-negative organisms is

  1. Actinomyces
  2. Bacillus
  3. Clostridium
  4. None of these

Answer: 4

Question 17: Which of the following is the necessary step for cultivating the microorganisms?

  1. Preparing a culture medium for the growth of microorganisms
  2. Sterilizing in order to eliminate all living microorganisms in vessel
  3. Inoculating the microorganisms in the prepared medium
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4

Question 18: Which of the following is not the characteristic of a growth curve?

  1. Shows development of microbial population under relatively stable environmental conditions
  2. Plotted with logarithmic numbers
  3. Graphs numbers of microbes versus time
  4. Each growth curve consists of four distinct phases

Answer: 4

Question 19: The ability of Vibrio fischeri to convert chemical energy directly into radiant energy in bioluminescence is an example of __________ at work.

  1. Shelford’s law of tolerance
  2. Leibig’s law of the minimum
  3. The first law of thermodynamics
  4. The third law of thermodynamics

Answer: 3

Question 20: Organisms can synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation when they

  1. Ferment
  2. Oxidize glucose to pyruvate
  3. Pass electrons from the oxidation of chlorophyll through an electron transport system
  4. Pass electrons to oxygen through an electron transport system containing cytochromes

Answer: 4

From Here: Microbiology Questions and Answers Download

Question 21: In DNA sequencing, the primer

  1. Specifies where the sequence ends
  2. Specifies where the sequence begins
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Generates variety of different sized fragments

Answer: 2

Question 22: Which of the following enzyme is used for synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA?

  1. RNA polymerase
  2. DNA ligase
  3. DNA polymerase
  4. RNA ligase

Answer: 1

Question 23: Genetic variations are

  1. Temporary
  2. Influenced by the environment
  3. Stable
  4. Not heritable

Answer: 3

Question 24: Which of the following infection(s) can be diagnosed by the use of polymerase chain reaction?

  1. HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses
  2. Hepatitis B virus
  3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  4. All of these

Answer: 4

Question 25: The class of immunoglobulins which can cross the placenta is

  1. IgM
  2. IgG
  3. IgA
  4. IgD

Answer: 2

Take Help from here: General Science Quiz

Question 26: Which of the following lymphokine(s) is secreted by delayed-type-hypersensitivity cells?

  1. Macrophage stimulating factor
  2. Migration inhibiting factor
  3. Macrophage activating factor
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4

Question 27: The bacteria which is novobiocin resistant is

  1. Staphylococcus aureus
  2. S epidermidis
  3. S saprophyticus
  4. None of these

Answer: 3

Question 28: Which of the following bacteria is susceptible to thiophen-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide?

  1. M bovis
  2. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3. M chelonei
  4. M fortuitum

Answer: 1

Question 29: Which of the following serotypes of Salmonella does not produce H2S?

  1. S choleraesuis
  2. S paratyphi A
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of these

Answer: 3

Question 30: Which of the following media is selective for Salmonella?

  1. Thiosulphate citrate bile salt agar
  2. Wilson and Blair’s brilliant-green bismuth sulphite agar medium
  3. Bile salt agar
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2

Microbiology Overview

Microbiology is the learning of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, prions, protozoa and algae, archaea, viruses, fungi, collectively known as ‘microbes’. It plays a main role in nutrient cycling, biodegradation/ bio deterioration, climate change, food spoilage, the cause and control of disease etc.

More than a few colleges as well as other educational institutions are there in India that provides students with many PG as well as UG level courses in microbiology. As to get admitted into such courses, students will need to appear for an entrance exam. Microbiology Questions are also asked in recruitment exams such as JRF, CSIR-NET etc.

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