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SGBAU Question Papers – Summer/Winter (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) Paper PDF

SGBAU Question Papers

Download SGBAU Question Papers PDF of the Summer and Winter Examination. Here you can find SGBAU Old Question Papers PDF (2018, 2017, 2016 and Others). Apart from it, you will be able to check SGBAU Questions asked in last year examinations by checking this page. So, please have a look for SGBAU Solved Question Papers.


SGBAU Question Papers

SGBAU Exam Details

  • Name Of The University: Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
  • Name of the Exam: Summer/Winter Examination
  • Category: SGBAU University Question Papers
  • Name of the Courses: UG/ PG

SGBAU Question Papers

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Question Papers Download BA Summer Exams


Sem-I-Communicative-English-I.pdf Sem-I-Communicative-Marathi-Hindi-I.pdf
Sem-I-Fundamentals-Of-Journalism.pdf Sem-I-Introduction-To-Communication-I.pdf
Sem-II-Communicative-Marathi-Hindi-II.pdf Sem-II-Computer-Applications-II.pdf
Sem-II-Intro-To-Communication-II.pdf Sem-II-Intro-To-Mass-Communication.pdf
Sem-III-Editing.pdf Sem-III-Electronic-Media.pdf
Sem-III-News-Writing-I.pdf Sem-III-Print-Media.pdf
Sem-III-Reporting.pdf Sem-IV-Advertising.pdf
Sem-IV-Feature-Writing.pdf Sem-IV-News-Writing-II.pdf
Sem-IV-Print-Production.pdf Sem-IV-Public-Relations.pdf

Part – I

Compulsory-English.pdf Cooperation.pdf
DIscriptive-Statistics.pdf Economics-Micro-Economics.pdf
English-Literature.pdf Geography-Elements-Of-Geomorphology.pdf
History-Of-India-ET-to-1526-AD.pdf Geography-Elements-Of-Geomorphology.pdf
Indian-Music-Tabla-Theory.pdf Indian-Music-Vocal-n-Intrumental.pdf
Introduction-To-Sociology.pdf Library-n-Information-Science.pdf
Marathi-Literature.pdf Pali-n-Prakrit-Literature.pdf
Persian-Literature.pdf Philosophy-Ethics-Indian-Western.pdf
Political-Science-Indian-Govt-n-Politics.pdf Psychology-Fundamentals-Of-Modern-Psychology.pdf
Sanskrit-Literature.pdf Urdu-Compulsory.pdf
Sanskrit-Literature.pdf Yogshastra-Basic-Principles-Of-Yoga.pdf

Part – II

Applied-Statistics.pdf Community-Development-n-Extension.pdf
Cooperation.pdf Economics-Macro-Economics.pdf
English-Compulsory.pdf English-Literature.pdf
Functional-ENglish.pdf Geography-Climatology-n-Oceanography.pdf
Hindi-Compulsory.pdf Hindi-Literature-Old.pdf
History-Of-Indian-Philosophy.pdf History-Of-Western-Philosophy.pdf
Histrory-History-Of-India-From-1526-1947.pdf Home-Economics-Apparel-n-Textile-Designing.pdf
Human-Rights-Education-Indian-Society-n-Human-Rights.pdf Indian-Music-Vocal-n-Instrumental.pdf
Library-n-Information-Science-Management-Of-Library-Operation.pdf Marathi-Compulsory.pdf
Marathi-Literature.pdf Pali-n-Prakrit-COmpulsory.pdf
Pali-n-Prakrit-Literature.pdf Persian-Literature.pdf
Political-Science-Coparative-Govt-n-Politics.pdf Psychology-Social-Psychology.pdf
Public-Administration-Indian-Public-Administration.pdf Rashtrasant-Tukdoji-Thought.pdf
Rural-Handicraft.pdf Sanskrit-Compulsory.pdf
Sanskrit-Literature.pdf Sociology-Indian-Social-Structure-n-Social-Problems.pdf
Statstical-Methods.pdf Tabla-Theory.pdf
Urdu-Compulsory.pdf Urdu-Literature.pdf

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Old Question Paper (BA Part I)

1.) Define Community Development. Explain objectives and scope of Community Development. (20 Marks)


What you meant by Community Organization? Explain the steps of Community Organization. (20 Marks)

2.) Choose the correct options:-

Question1: Who is the founder of Shriniketan Project?

  1. Shiman Yogi
  2. Pandit Ravishankar
  3. Yoga Guru Ramdeo
  4. Rabindranath Tagore

Question2: Which of the following is the principle of Mahatma Gandhi?

  1. Sarya
  2. Ahimsa
  3. Brahmcharya
  4. All the above

Question3: Who is the founder of Hiware Bazar Project?

  1. Ram Pawar
  2. Sharad Pawar
  3. Popat Pawar
  4. Anna Hazare

Question4: In which District Ralegan Siddhi project is situated?

  1. Aurangabad
  2. Pune
  3. Amravati
  4. Ahmad Nagar

Question5: Jamkhed project was started in

  1. 1970
  2. 1990
  3. 1995
  4. 1971

Question6: When was Shriniketan project started ?

  1. 1948
  2. 1959
  3. 1921
  4. 1961

Question7: Who was the founder of Hemalkasa project ?

  1. Prakash Amte
  2. Rajesh Amte
  3. Vikas Amte
  4. Saroj Amte

Question8: Who elected the Sarpancha ?

  1. People of the village
  2. Voters of the village
  3. Member of Grampanchayat
  4. None of these

Question9: Which of the following institutions is called Middle Stone in Panchayati Raj?

  1. Gram Panchayat
  2. Zilha Parishad
  3. Gram Sabha
  4. Panchayat Samittee

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Question10: How many maximum members are there in Gram Panchayat?

  1. 15
  2. 9
  3. 10
  4. 17

Question11: I low many minimum members are there in Gram Panchayat?

  1. 7
  2. 11
  3. 9
  4. 8

Question12: Who is the Chief Administrative Officer in Gram Panchayat

  1. Sarpanch
  2. Grahsevak
  3. Member
  4. D.O.

Question13: Who is the main People Representative in Gram Panchayat

  1. Sarpanch
  2. Member
  3. Police Patil
  4. None of these

Question14: How many Gramsabhas are compulsory in a year ? I

  1. 4
  2. l0
  3. 2
  4. 8

Question15: Who is the Chief Administrative Officer in Panchayat Samittee?

  1. E.O
  2. D.O
  3. Sabhapati
  4. None of these

Question16: Who is the Dowry Prohibition officer in village?

  1. Sarpancha
  2. Police Patil
  3. Gramsevak
  4. None of these

Question17: Who is Chief administrative officer in Zillah parishad ?

  1. D.O.
  2. Collector
  3. President
  4. Chief Executive

Question18: Who is called first citizen of village?

  1. Sarpancha
  2. Gramscvak
  3. Police Patil
  4. None of these

Question19: Who is the secretary of Gram Panchayat ?

  1. Member
  2. Sarparch
  3. Gramsevak
  4. one of these

Question20: Which of the following is not Income source of Gram Panchayat ?

  1. Income Tax
  2. Home Tax
  3. Water Tax
  4. None of these

Must Read: How to Prepare for Written Exam

  1. Write in details on *Panchayati Raj in Maharashtra”. (20 Marks)


Explain meaning and philosophy of Extension Education. (20 Marks)

  1. Write notes on :- (5 Marks Each)
  2. Need of communication
  3. Meaning of communication
  4. Meaning of Adoption
  5. Elements of Communication


  1. Interview Method
  2. Puppet Show
  3. Importance of Exhibition
  4. Internet

Write Notes on:. (5 Marks Each)

  1. Need of Programme Planning
  2. Tools of Programme Planning
  3. Steps In Programme Planning
  4. Objects of Programme Planning


  1. Duties of Extension Officer
  2. Role of Extension Officer in Agriculture Development
  3. Qualities of Extension Worker
  4. Meaning of Evaluation

Way To Download SGBAU Question Papers From Official Portal

  • Go through the official portal of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University that is www.sgbaukrc.ac.in
  • Follow “MORE FROM KRC” section available at the left side of the home page.
  • Hit on “SGBAU Question Papers” link under this section.
  • Afterward you need to press the appropriate link of SGBAU Old Question Paper / SGBAU Question Paper and Answers as per your need.
  • Check SGBAU Question Papers/ SGBAU Old Exams Question Papers for getting details related to the pattern of exam.

SGBAU Question Papers Official Link

SGBAU Official Link

Benefits Of The SGBAU Question Papers

  • SGBAU Question Papers will help to the candidates in revision.
  • SGBAU Previous Year Question Papers are the best resource to prepare for the exam.
  • Through SGBAU Sample paper, aspirants can enhance their knowledge as it will help to qualify for more Exam.
  • Aspirants can analyze their knowledge and skills by solving SGBAU Exam Question Papers.
  • The SGBAU Question Papers Download will help the students to be familiarized with the exam pattern which eventually increases their confidence.

Final Words

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