VNSGU Syllabus 2023
VNSGU Syllabus 2023: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat conducts UG/PG and other examination for candidates who are going to appear in University examinations. Appearing candidates can now download VNSGU Syllabus 2023 for BA/BCA/BCOM/MA/MBA (FY, SY, TY) Exam from here. Direct Link to download VNSGU Exam Syllabi is available here. So, download directly from this web page.

All the aspirants are advised to start their preparation according to updated VNSGU Syllabus 2023 for UG/PG Exam and download it in PDF form from here. VNSGU Exam Syllabi has been updated on official website of the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.
VNSGU Syllabus
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University conducts under graduate and post graduate examination for analyze the knowledge of students. Qualifying candidates will become to get admission in next higher level. For information related to VNSGU Syllabus 2023 such as how to download the syllabus for particular courses or stream etc, you need to go through the page prepared by the team of
Download VNSGU Syllabus 2023 PDF Courses Wise
First Year Syllabus of BA Degree Program
Sr. No |
Course |
Course Type |
1 |
(Any One of Following)
1. English (Comp) Language through Literature
2. Gujarati (Comp.)
3. Hindi (Comp.) |
Foundation Compulsory |
2 |
(Any One of Following)
1. Environmental Studies
2. Impact of Modernization on Language & Literature of Gujarat (IMLL) |
Foundation Elective |
3 |
(Any One of Following)
1. Sanskrit (Classical Language)
2. Elements of Statistics |
Core Allied |
4 |
(Any Two Papers of the Following Subject)
1. Gujarati – I – II
2. English – I – II
3. Hindi – I – II
4. Sanskrit – I – II
5. History – I – II
6. Economics – I – II
7. Sociology – I – II
8. Political Science – I – II |
Core Compulsory |
5 |
(Any Two Papers of the Following Subject)
1. Gujarati – I – II
2. English – I – II
3. Hindi – I – II
4. Sanskrit – I – II
5. History – I – II
6. Economics – I – II
7. Sociology – I – II
8. Political Science – I – II
9. Psychology – I – II
10. Statistics – I – II |
Core Elective |
Second Year Syllabus of BA Degree Program
Sr. No |
Course |
Course Type |
1 |
(Any One of Following)
1. English (Comp.)(Language through Literature)
2. Gujarati (Comp.)
3. Hindi (Comp.) |
Foundation Compulsory |
2 |
(Any One of Following)
1. Principles of Literary Criticism
2. Population Education
3. History of Major Revolutions
4. Impact of Literature on Society & Culture |
Foundation Elective |
3 |
(Any Three Papers of the Following Subject)
1. Gujarati – 3,4,5
2. English – 3,4,5
3. Hindi – 3,4,5
4. Sanskrit – 3,4,5
5. History – 3,4,5
6. Economics – 3,4,5
7. Sociology – 3,4,5
8. Political Science – 3,4,5 |
Core Compulsory |
4 |
(Any Two Papers of the Following Subject)
(Excluding Core Compulsory Subject)1. Gujarati – 3,4
2. English – 3,4
3. Hindi – 3,4
4. Sanskrit – 3,4
5. History – 3,4
6. Economics – 3,4
7. Sociology – 3,4
8. Political Science – 3,4
9. Psychology – 3,4
10. Statistics – 3,4 |
Core Elective |
Third Year Syllabus of BA Degree Program
No. |
Course |
Course Type |
1. |
(Any One of Following) |
Compulsory |
1. English (Comp.) (Language Through Literature ) |
2.Gujarati (Comp.) |
3.Hindi (Comp.) |
2. |
(Any Six Paper from one of the Following Subject) |
Compulsory |
1.Gujarati – 6 to 11 |
2.English – 6 to 11 |
3.Hindi – 6 to 11 |
4.Sanskrit – 6 to 11 |
5.History – 6 to 11 |
6.Economics. 6,7,8,9(A) OR 9(B),10,11 |
7.Sociology – 6 to 11 |
8.Political Science – 6 to 11 |
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VNSGU Syllabus of BCA 1st Sem:
Course Title |
Communication Skills |
Topics To Be Covered |
Unit 1. Introduction
- Spoken and conversation for Greetings, Requests, Invitation,
- Permission, Thanks etc.
- Basic Sentence patterns
- Agreement between Subject and Verb
- Basic rule of Composition
- Paragraph Development
- Vocabulary Development
- Model Auxiliary
- Active and Passive voice
- Conjunction and prepositions
Unit 2. Writing Skills
- Guidelines for effective writing
- Writing style of application
- Personal Resume
- Business letter and Memo including Requests, Complains, asking quotation etc.
- Technical Report writing
Unit 3. Speaking and Discussion Skills
- Components of Effective talk / presentation
- Planning of content of a talk / presentation
- Use of Visual aids
- Effective speaking skills
- Discussion skills
Course Title |
Mathematics |
Topics To Be Covered |
Unit 1. Set Theory
- Introduction
- Representation
- Operation and its properties
- Venn Diagram
- Cartesian product and graph
Unit 2. Functions
- Definition
- Types – Domain and Range
- Construction and functions
Unit 3. Mathematical Logic & Boolean Algebra
- Introduction to logic
- Truth Table
- Definition & Examples of Boolean Algebra
- Boolean Functions
- Representation and minimization of Boolean Functions
- Design example using Boolean algebra
Unit 4. Matrices and Determinants
- Matrices of order M * N
- Row and Column transformation
- Addition, Subtraction and multiplication of Matrices
- Computation of Inverse
- Cramer’s Rule
- Business Application of Matrices
Course Title |
Introduction to Computers |
Unit 1. Introduction
- History of Development
- Generation of Computers
- Types of Computers-Microcomputers, Minicomputers,
- Mainframes, Super Computers
- Hardware, Software & Firmware
Unit 2. Basic Computer Architecture
- Block Diagram & Functional Units
- Various hardware components: Mother board, Processor,
- Memory, ports
- Phases of Machine cycle
- Fetch Cycle
- Execution Cycle
Unit 3. Number Systems
- Various number systems (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Decimal)
- Conversion among various number systems
- Binary addition & subtraction
- Hexadecimal addition & subtraction
- Parity Scheme
- ASCII Character Code
Unit 4. Memory
- Memory organization
- Addressing Modes
- Concepts of virtual memory, Cache memory
Unit 5. Storage Devices
- Floppy Disks: structure, reading/writing, formatting
- Hard disk and its architecture
- Back up Devices
Unit 6. I/O Devices
- Printers: Line printer, DOT matrix, Laser, Inkjet
- Plotters: Scanners, OCR, OMR
- Keyboard, Mouse
- Other Devices: Joysticks, Touch pads, pens etc.
- Monitors (CRT Flat Screen LCD )
Course Title |
Computer Programming & Programming Methodology |
Unit 1. Algorithm and Flowchart
Unit 2. Programming Languages & Structured Programming
- Structured Programming
- Concepts of Compiler / Interpreter Editor
Unit 3. Constant & Variables , Data Types
- Character Set
- Identifiers, Key words, Data types
- Constants- needs & Definition
- Variables- needs & Definition
- Storage Classes
Unit 4. Expression & Operators
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Conditional Operator
- Expression
- Arithmetic expression
- Boolean expression
- Evaluation & Assignment of Expression
Unit 5. Input & Output Statements
- Formatted I/O statements (like scanf, printf)
- Unformatted I/O statements (like getchar(), getch(), getche(),
- putchar() )
Unit 6. Control Statements
- if statement
- Simple if statement
- if…else statement
- Nested if statement
- while loop
- do…while loop
- for loop
- break and continue statements
- switch statement
Unit 7. Arrays
- One Dimensional Arrays
- Sorting using One Dimensional Arrays
- Concept of Two Dimensional Arrays.
- String- Array of characters
- String Manipulation
Unit 8. Built-in Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- String Functions
- Conversion Functions.
Unit 9. Debugging and Testing |
Course Title |
Office Automation Tools |
Unit 1. Introduction
- Concept of Windows, Icon, Menu
- Desktop
- Creating Folders and Shortcuts
- Finding Files & Folders
- Creating, Copying, Moving and Deleting files
- Windows Explorer
- Basic DOS Commands
Unit 2. Word Processing Package
- Typing, Editing, Proofing & reviewing
- Formatting text & Paragraph
- Automatics Formatting and Styles
- Working with Tables
- Graphics and Frames
- Mail Merge
Unit 3. Spreadsheet package
- Concept of worksheet
- Working & Editing in Workbooks
- Creating Formats & Links
- Protecting and Hiding data
- Built in Functions (Mathematical, Statistical, String & Date)
- Formatting a Worksheet & Creating graphics objects
- Creating Charts (Graphics), Formatting and analyzing data
- Organizing Data in a List (Data Management)
- Sharing & Importing Data
- Printing
Unit 4. Presentation Package
- Creating and Editing Slides
- Creating and Editing objects in the slide
- Animation
- Creating and Running Slide Show
- Templates
Unit 5. Internet
- Concepts
- Working
- Mailing & surfing tools
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VNSGU Syllabus of MCA 1st:
Course Title |
Computer Organization and Fundamentals of Operating Systems |
Topics To Be Covered |
Unit 1. Memory, Number System & Basic Computer Architecture
- RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM etc, Virtual Memory, Cache Memory
- Secondary Storage Devices
- Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal Number System
- Integer & Floating Point representations
- Coding Schemes – ASCII, EBCDIC, UNICODE
- Block Diagram of CPU and execution process.
- Introduction to bus architecture
- H/W parts of PC
- Disk Architecture
- I/O devices: Keyboard, Display, Pointing devices, MODEM, Scanners,
- OMR, OCR, CD-ROM, DVD, printers.
Unit 2. Operating System Concepts
- Evolution of Operating System & History
- Needs of an Operating System
- Single User & Multi-User Operating System
- Elements of an Operating System
Unit 3. Single User Operating System
- BIOS, POST Operation, Vector Table, Device Drivers, TSR Programs
- System Files
- Configuration Files
Unit 4. Multiuser Operating System
- Introduction to Windows-NT, UNIX/LINUX
- Architecture of Windows-NT and UNIX
- Booting process of Windows and UNIX
- UNIX Commands
Unit 5. Introduction to System S/W Components
- Assemblers
- Compilers
- Linker & Loader
Course Title |
Data Base Management System |
Unit 1. Basic Concepts of Database Management System
- Fundamental concepts of File and databases
- Purpose of database system
- Introduction to Data models
- Conceptual Data model – E- R model
- Record based Data models – Hierarchical, Relational, Network
- Features of Database Systems
- Data abstraction & Data independence
- Type of Database Languages: DDL, DML,TCL
- Database users: Database manager, administrator and Users
- Overall system structure.
Unit 2. Structure of relational database model and Integrity Constrains
- Relation scheme, Relation, Views
- Notion of Keys
- Pure query language: relational algebra
- Domain Constrains, key Constrains, Referential Integrity Constrains
- Functional Dependencies
Unit 3. Relational Commercial Language – SQL
Unit 4. Commercial RDBMS: Microsoft Access, DB2 & MySQL
- Basic Architecture of DBMS
- Working with databases and tables.
- Managing constrains and relationships.
- Using SQL queries.
Unit 5. Relational Database Design
- Pitfalls in relational database design
- Normalization using Functional Dependencies
- Normalization using Multi valued Dependencies
- Normalization using Join Dependencies
- Domain – Key normal form
Course Title |
Computer Programming and Programming Methodology |
Unit 1. Algorithm & Flowcharting
Unit 2. Programming Languages & Structured Programming
- Structured Programming
- Levels of Programming languages
- Compiler/Interpreter
- Program Bugs & Testing
- Program Bugs
- Preparing Test data
- Functional & Structural Testing
- Constants & Variables
- Character Set
- Constants – needs & definition
- Variables – needs & definition
- Storage Class
- Scope of Variables
- Expressions & Operators
- Operators : Assignment, Arithmetic, Increment, Decrement,
- Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Conditional
- Expression
- Evaluation & Assignment of Expression
- Elementary built-in functions.
- Input & Output Functions
- Jumping, Branching & Looping Statements
- String Built-in functions
- Array
- Structure Union & Enumerated data types
Unit 3. User Defined Functions
- Call by value
- Passing Structures & Array
- Recursion
Unit 4. Pointer’s
- Basics of Pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointer array
- Call by reference in User Defined Functions
- Pointer of function
- Multi-Dimensional arrays using pointers
Unit 5. Files and Pre-Processor
- Reading & Writing from a file
- Reading & writing structures
- Random accessing a file
- Pre-processor
- # and ## operator
- Pre-processor statements
- Macro definitions
Course Title |
Enterprise Resource Planning & Financial Management |
Unit 1. ERP Introduction
- An overview
- Integrated Management Information
- Advantages and disadvantages of ERP
- ERP and Business Processing Re-engineering
Unit 2. ERP Implementation Lifecycle
- Pre-evaluation Screening
- Package Evaluation
- Project Planning Phase
- Gap Analysis
- Configuration, Customization, Implementation Team Training,
- Testing
- Process Definition Documentation
- Issues in implementing ERP packages
Unit 3. ERP Modules
- Finance/Accounting
- General Ledger
- Payables
- Cash Management
- Fixed Assets
- Receivables
- Budgeting
- Manufacturing
- Bill of Materials
- Work Orders
- Scheduling
- Workflow Management
- Quality Control
- Cost Management
- Manufacturing Process
- Manufacturing Projects
- Manufacturing Flow
- Activity Based Costing
- Product Life Cycle Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Order to Cash
- Inventory
- Order Entry
- Purchasing
- Product Configurator
- Supply Chain Planning
- Supplier Scheduling
- Inspection of Goods
- Claim Processing
- Project Management
- Costing
- Billing
- Time & Expense
- Performance Units
- Activity Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Generic Architecture of CRM
- Key features of CRM
- Advantages & Disadvantages of CRM
Unit 4 Financial Management
- Meaning and role
- Working Capital Requirements
- Capital Budgeting
- Source of Finance
- Ratio Analysis
- Meaning
- Advantages
- Limitations
- Types of ratios and their usefulness.
Unit 5 Fund Flow Statement and Costing
- Meaning of the terms – fund, flow and fund, working capital cycle
- Preparation and interpretation of the fund flow statement.
- Costing
- Nature, importance, basic principles and Cost sheet
Course Title |
Mathematical Foundation Of Computer Science |
1. Statistics
- Concepts of Random Variable
- Probability & Probability Distribution
- Mean & Variance of Probability Distribution
- Statistical data
- Frequency Distributions
- Mean, Variance & Standard Deviation of Data
- Bivariate data
- Concept of Dependent & Independent Variable
- Correlation
- Linear Regression
2. Linear Algebra
- Matrices
- Elementary matrix operations
- Determinants
- Rank of matrix
- Adjoin & Inverse of a matrix
- Matrix representation of simultaneous linear equation
- Solution of simultaneous linear equations using Cramer’s Rule
3. Graph Theory
- Definition & Representation of graphs
- Properties of general Graphs
- Matrix representation of Graphs
- Trees and their properties.
4. Self Study
Problem solving using Excel/SPSS |
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How to Download VNSGU Syllabus?
- First of all, candidates will have to open official website of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat for downloading VNSGU Syllabus.
- Official website of university is
- On homepage, hit on “Syllabus” given under “Students Corner” tab from menu bar.
- Choose suitable course to download VNSGU Syllabus PDF.
- Finally your search is complete and a VNSGU Syllabus Pdf file will be opened in front of you.
- Download VNSGU Syllabus by follow suitable tab appearing on that page.
- You can take printout copy of VNSGU Syllabus for avoid any trouble in future.
- You should start preparation according to VNGSU syllabus.
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