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How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage 2023 | Percentile Calculate MAT Exam

How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage

It’s important to know How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage 2023!! But before that you must know the difference between percentage and percentile. So percentage is what we calculate in our daily lives and percentile indicates the value for a given percentage of observations in a group of observations fall.

Percentage = (your marks/total marks) x 100

Percentile = (number of people behind you/total number of people) x 100

Calculate your MAT Exam Percentile from here!! To calculate MAT Exam Percentile you need scores of all the Candidates in the MAT exam that you appear in and number of candidates who have scored less mark than you.


You can calculate your MAT percentile by following below stated details. You can also calculate your MAT Exam Percentile by following the above stated formula.

Candidates who are seeking for further details in regards with How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage 2023 they can go through below section of this page which is well structured by the team of recruitmentresult.com

How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage

The candidates are scored on their skills in all subjects. However, since the exam is conducted four times a year, one MAT test may be slightly tougher than the other and vice versa.

This discrepancy is adjusted during scaling process so that the candidates’ scores represent about same level of ability as measured by the test.

MAT score and its calculation

Each MAT report card contains six scores; one for every subject. But the percentile cannot be calculated by candidate itself till he/she knows How To Calculate MAT Score Percentage.

P = Number of candidates scored less than an individual’s score/N x 100.

MAT Score Percentage can only be calculated until they know the number of students, who have appeared for the MAT Test and how many has scored less than them. The following formula is used for calculation of MAT Percentile of candidate:

Composite score based on 4 sections

Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency and Intelligence & Critical Reasoning are reported on a scale of 0 to 100. In this section, scores less than 20 and more than 80 are rare.

MAT Score based on Indian & Global Environment

Indian & Global Environment score, is calculated separately on a scale of 0 to 100. In this section too, scores less than 20 and more than 80 are rare.

MAT Percentile Calculation

The composite score of MAT is reported on a scale of 199 to 801. Less than 200 or more than 800 is a rarity and all scores below 200 are reported as 199 and all scores above 800 are reported 801.

It means that even if you have scored less than 199, your composite score will be reported as 199. Similarly, 801 or more will be reported as 801.

Equal weightage is assigned to all these 4 sections

Composite score is calculated on the basis of performance in the first four sections as these sections are related to the skills required over a longer period of time in management field. These four sections are assigned equal weightage.

MAT scaled scores

  • The most distinct feature of MAT is that the score scales of the first four sections and the composite scores are based on the performance of candidates who wrote the exam in 1996.
  • This is so because their scores were defined in a way that a score of about 50 in a section and about 500 on a composite scale represent the average performance of that group.

Further, for each of the six scores, a percentile below figure is given. This figure indicates the percentage of examinees who scored below the candidate based on the entire MAT testing population. The percentile below figure can change with each administration for the same scores.

Check Now: College is Registered OR AICTE Approved?

How to Check MAT 2023 Score?

The result for the next Mat EXAM will be declared by the end of month. To download your MAT Score Card, follow the below steps:

  1. Hit on MAT Official Website
  2. Enter your Registered Form number and Roll number.
  3. press on submit button
  4. Take the printouts of the results.

Final Words:

We hope that above stated details of How To Calculate Mat Score Percentage 2023 are beneficial for you. If you have any query or doubts related to this post, then you may type your comment in below comment box. Our experts will try to solve your queries.

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