Reading Comprehension Questions
The Reading Comprehension Questions section tests your ability to read and comprehend both academic as well as non-academic texts. Reading Comprehension is one of the most important parts of English section to score well in the examination. Here, we are providing Sample Reading Comprehension Practice Sets, so that candidates can improve their English Comprehension skills before the actual examination.
Reading Comprehension questions are designed to check the readability and reading skills of the participants. Reading Comprehension Practice Questions with Answers are given here. Candidates after reading the English Comprehension can look at the questions and try to finds out the correct matching answer. Correct answers of the given Reading Comprehension Questions are available at the last section of this page.
Reading Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension Practice Test 1
Answers are available at the end of Practice Test.
1. The 16th century was an age of great ______ exploration.
A. cosmic
B. land
C. mental
D. common man
E. None of the above
2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political ________.
A. entanglement
B. discussion
C. negotiation
D. problem
E. None of the above
3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees west of Greenwich that extends in a _________ direction.
A. north and south
B. crosswise
C. easterly
D. south east
E. north and west
4. One of Magellan’s ships explored the _________ of South America for a passage across the continent.
A. coastline
B. mountain range
C. physical features
D. islands
E. None of the above
5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ______.
A. coast
B. inland
C. body of land with water on three sides
D. border
E. Answer not available
6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of ________.
A. Greenwich
B. The equator
C. Spain
D. Portugal
E. Madrid
7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the _______ now called the International Date Line.
A. imaginary circle passing through the poles
B. imaginary line parallel to the equator
C. area
D. land mass
E. Answer not available
The following passage refers to questions 8 through 14.
Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
8. The Curies’ _________ collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
A. friendly
B. competitive
C. courteous
D. industrious
E. chemistry
9. Marie had a bright mind and a ______ personality.
A. strong
B. lighthearted
C. humorous
D. strange
E. envious
10. When she learned that she could not attend the university in Warsaw, she felt _________.
A. hopeless
B. annoyed
C. depressed
D. worried
E. None of the above
11. Marie _________ by leaving Poland and traveling to France to enter the Sorbonne.
A. challenged authority
B. showed intelligence
C. behaved
D. was distressed
E. Answer not available
12. _________ she remembered their joy together.
A. Dejectedly
B. Worried
C. Tearfully
D. Happily
E. Irefully
13. Her _________ began to fade when she returned to the Sorbonne to succeed her husband.
A. misfortune
B. anger
C. wretchedness
D. disappointment
E. ambition
14. Even though she became fatally ill from working with radium, Marie Curie was never _________.
A. troubled
B. worried
C. disappointed
D. sorrowful
E. disturbed
The following passage refers to questions 15 through 19.
Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions. The most famous of these eruptions occurred in A.D. 79.
The volcano had been inactive for centuries. There was little warning of the coming eruption, although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and a strong wind had disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night. Early the next morning, the volcano poured a huge river of molten rock down upon Herculaneum, completely burying the city and filling the harbor with coagulated lava.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, cinders, stone and ash rained down on Pompeii. Sparks from the burning ash ignited the combustible rooftops quickly. Large portions of the city were destroyed in the conflagration. Fire, however, was not the only cause of destruction. Poisonous sulfuric gases saturated the air. These heavy gases were not buoyant in the atmosphere and therefore sank toward the earth and suffocated people.
Over the years, excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal about the behavior of the volcano. By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects an animal specimen, scientists have concluded that the eruption changed large portions of the area’s geography. For instance, it turned the Sarno River from its course and raised the level of the beach along the Bay of Naples. Meteorologists studying these events have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge tidal wave that affected the world’s climate.
In addition to making these investigations, archaeologists have been able to study the skeletons of victims by using distilled water to wash away the volcanic ash. By strengthening the brittle bones with acrylic paint, scientists have been able to examine the skeletons and draw conclusions about the diet and habits of the residents. Finally, the excavations at both Pompeii and Herculaneum have yielded many examples of classical art, such as jewelry made of bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences have provided everyone with a wealth of data about the effects that volcanoes can have on the surrounding area. Today, volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, saving lives and preventing the destruction of other cities and cultures.
15. Herculaneum and its harbor were buried under _________ lava.
A. liquid
B. solid
C. flowing
D. gas
E. Answer not available
16. The poisonous gases were not _________ in the air.
A. able to float
B. visible
C. able to evaporate
D. invisible
E. able to condense
17. Scientists analyzed data about Vesuvius in the same way that a zoologist _________ a specimen.
A. describes in detail
B. studies by cutting apart
C. photographs
D. chart
E. Answer not available
18. _________ have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave.
A. Scientists who study oceans
B. Scientists who study atmospheric conditions
C. Scientists who study ash
D. Scientists who study animal behaviour
E. Answer not available in article
19. Scientists have used _________ water to wash away volcanic ash from the skeletons of victims.
A. bottled
B. volcanic
C. purified
D. sea
E. fountain
The following passage refers to questions 20-24.
Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England’s treasury and diminishing Spain’s supremacy.
Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England’s theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada, in January 1586.
Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshaled 130 sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than 19,000 robust soldiers and 8,000 sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England.
The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9, 1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable.
The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English attacked again on August 8.
Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously close to the rocky coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships would be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated.
20. Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and diminished Spain’s _________.
A. unlimited power
B. unrestricted growth
C. territory
D. treaties
E. Answer not available in article
21. King Philip recruited many ______ soldiers and sailors.
A. warlike
B. strong
C. accomplished
D. timid
E. inexperienced
22. The ______ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.
A. complete
B. warlike
C. independent
D. isolated
E. Answer not available
23. The two battles left the Spanish fleet _________.
A. open to change
B. triumphant
C. open to attack
D. defeated
E. discouraged
24. The Armada was ______ on one side.
A. closed off
B. damaged
C. alone
D. circled
E. Answer not available in this article
The following passage refers to questions 25-29.
The victory of the small Greek democracy of Athens over the mighty Persian Empire in 490 B.C. is one of the most famous events in history. Darius, king of the Persian Empire, was furious because Athens had interceded for the other Greek city-states in revolt against Persian domination. In anger the king sent an enormous army to defeat Athens. He thought it would take drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of the empire.
Persia was ruled by one man. In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule. Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were prepared to die for their city-state. Perhaps this was the secret of the remarkable victory at Marathon, which freed them from Persian rule. On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to fool some Greek city-states by claiming to have come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos refused to believe this. Not wanting to abet the conquest of Greece, they fled from their city and did not return until the Persians had left. They were wise, for the Persians next conquered the city of Eritrea and captured its people.
Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The Athenian people went to their sanctuaries. There they prayed for deliverance. They asked their gods to expedite their victory. The Athenians refurbished their weapons and moved to the plain of Marathon, where their little band would meet the Persians. At the last moment, soldiers from Plataea reinforced the Athenian troops.
The Athenian army attacked, and Greek citizens fought bravely. The power of the mighty Persians was offset by the love that the Athenians had for their city. Athenians defeated the Persians in both archery and hand combat. Greek soldiers seized Persian ships and burned them, and the Persians fled in terror. Herodotus, a famous historian, reports that 6,400 Persians died, compared to only 192 Athenians.
25. Athens had _________ the other Greek city-states against the Persians.
A. refused help to
B. intervened on behalf of
C. wanted to fight
D. given orders for all to fight
E. defeated
26. Darius took drastic steps to ________ the rebellious Athenians.
A. weaken
B. destroy
C. calm
D. irritate
E. Answer not available
27. Their participation _________ to the Athenians.
A. gave comfort
B. gave honor
C. gave strength
D. gave fear
E. gave hope
28. The people of Delos did not want to ______ the conquest of Greece.
A. end
B. encourage
C. think about
D. daydream about
E. Answer not available
29. The Athenians were _________ by some soldiers who arrived from Plataea.
A. welcomed
B. strengthened
C. held
D. captured
E. Answer not available
The following passage refers to questions 30-32.
The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars in history. It is well known for the 10-year duration, for the heroism of a number of legendary characters, and for the Trojan horse. What may not be familiar, however, is the story of how the war began.
According to Greek myth, the strife between the Trojans and the Greeks started at the wedding of Peleus, King of Thessaly, and Thetis, a sea nymph. All of the gods and goddesses had been invited to the wedding celebration in Troy except Eris, goddess of discord. She had been omitted from the guest list because her presence always embroiled mortals and immortals alike in conflict.
To take revenge on those who had slighted her, Eris decided to cause a skirmish. Into the middle of the banquet hall, she threw a golden apple marked “for the most beautiful.” All of the goddesses began to haggle over who should possess it. The gods and goddesses reached a stalemate when the choice was narrowed to Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Someone was needed to settle the controversy by picking a winner. The job eventually fell to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, who was said to be a good judge of beauty. Paris did not have an easy job. Each goddess, eager to win the golden apple, tried aggressively to bribe him.
“I’ll grant you vast kingdoms to rule,” promised Hera. “Vast kingdoms are nothing in comparison with my gift,” contradicted Athena. “Choose me and I’ll see that you win victory and fame in war.” Aphrodite outdid her adversaries, however. She won the golden apple by offering Helen, daughter of Zeus and the most beautiful mortal in the land, to Paris. Paris, anxious to claim Helen, set off for Sparta in Greece.
Although Paris learned that Helen was married, he nevertheless accepted the hospitality of her husband, King Menelaus of Sparta. Therefore, Menelaus was outraged for a number of reasons when Paris departed, taking Helen and much of the king’s wealth back to Troy. Menelaus collected his loyal forces and set sail for Troy to begin the war to reclaim Helen.
30. Eris was known for _________ both mortals and immortals.
A. scheming against
B. creating conflict amongst
C. feeling hostile toward
D. ignoring
E. comforting
31. Each goddess tried ______ to bribe Paris.
A. boldly
B. effectively
C. secretly
D. carefully
E. Answer not available
32. Athena _________ Hera, promising Paris victory and fame in war.
A. disregarded the statement of
B. defeated
C. agreed with
D. restated the statement of
E. questioned the statement of
Refer to the following passage for questions 33-37.
One of the most intriguing stories of the Russian Revolution concerns the identity of Anastasia, the youngest daughter of Czar Nicholas II. During his reign over Russia, the czar had planned to revoke many of the harsh laws established by previous czars. Some workers and peasants, however, clamored for more rapid social reform. In 1918, a group of these people known as Bolsheviks overthrew the government. On July 17 or 18, they murdered the czar and what was thought to be his entire family.
Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the czar’s family had been executed, there were rumors suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the most famous claimant was Anastasia Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna Anderson.
In 1920, 18 months after the czar’s execution, this terrified young woman was rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned her about her background. She disclaimed any connection with the czar’s family. Eight years later, however, she claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian soldiers after the czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers, who had taken her to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a vocation. Unable to invoke the aid of her mother’s family in Germany, she had tried to drown herself.
During the next few years, scores of the czar’s relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however.
Tired of being accused of fraud, Anastasia immigrated to the United States in 1928 and took the name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that she was Anastasia, though, and returned to Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother’s family. There she declaimed to the court, asserting that she was indeed Anastasia and deserved her inheritance.
In 1957, the court decided that it could neither confirm nor deny Anastasia’s identity. Although it will probably never be known whether this woman was the Grand Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish her identity has been the subject of numerous books, plays, and movies.
33. Some Russian peasants and workers ______ for social reform.
A. longed
B. cried out
C. begged
D. hoped
E. thought much
34. Witnesses ______ that all members of the czar’s family had been executed.
A. gave assurance
B. thought
C. hoped
D. convinced some
E. Answer not available
35. Tschaikovsky initially ______ any connection with the czar’s family.
A. denied
B. stopped
C. noted
D. justified
E. Answer not available
36. She was unable to ______ the aid of her relatives.
A. locate
B. speak about
C. call upon
D. identify
E. know
37. In court she _________ maintaining that she was Anastasia and deserved her inheritance.
A. finally appeared
B. spoke forcefully
C. gave testimony
D. gave evidence
E. Answer not available
Answers & Explanations
- B
“Terrestrial” means land. No choice here offers a synonym for “marine,” e.g. nautical/naval/water/seagoing, and no other choices match either marine or terrestrial.
- A
“Quagmire” means literally a bog or marsh, and figuratively an involved situation difficult to escape; entanglement is a synonym, more specifically similar than the other choices.
- A
Longitudes are imaginary geographical lines running north and south. Latitudes run east and west. The other choices do not equal either latitude or longitude in direction.
- C
Topography means the physical features of a land mass. It does not mean coastline (A), mountain range (B), or islands (D).
- C
A peninsula is a piece of land connected to the mainland by an isthmus and projecting into the ocean such that it is surrounded on three sides by water. A peninsula is not a coast (A); it is not found inland (B); and it is not a border (D).
- B
The passage was found near 50 degrees S latitude. Latitudes are measured horizontally, in relation to the equator or central imaginary line, equidistant between the North and South Poles. Longitudes are measured vertically. Greenwich (A), the location of zero degrees longitude, adopted as the global standard, is both incorrect and never named in the passage. Spain (C), Portugal (D), and Madrid (E) in Spain are also incorrect.
- A
Meridians are imaginary geographical circles intersecting the poles. Imaginary lines parallel to the equator (B) are latitudes. The International Date Line is a specific meridian, not an area (C). It is not a land mass (D) as it crosses both water and land.
- A
“Amicable” means friendly. It does not mean competitive (B), i.e. oppositional, ambitious, or aggressive; courteous (C), i.e. polite; industrious (D), i.e. hard-working; or chemistry (E): their collaboration was in physics, but moreover, the passage specifically describes their collaboration as “amicable.”
- B
“Blithe” means light-hearted. It does not mean strong (A), humorous (B) or funny; strange (D), or envious (E).
- B
“Disgruntled” means annoyed. It does not mean hopeless (A), depressed (C), or worried (D).
- A
Marie challenged authority by going to study at the Sorbonne, because Warsaw’s university did not admit women. The passage indicates this challenge by describing her “defiantly” leaving Poland for France; i.e., she was defying authority. The passage does not indicate she showed intelligence (B), “behaved” (C), or was distressed (D) or upset by her move.
- A
A synonym for “despondently” is “dejectedly,” meaning sadly, with despair or depression. The passage indicates this by describing Curie’s emotional state as one of “heartbreaking anguish” over her husband’s sudden accidental death. She is not described in this passage as worried (B) by her memories, or recalling them tearfully (C), happily (D), or irefully (E), i.e. angrily.
- C
The closest synonym for the “feeling of desolation” (despair) described in the passage is wretchedness. Misfortune (A) or ill fate/luck is not as close. Anger (B) is a separate emotion from desolation. Disappointment (D) is also different from desolation, meaning feeling let-down rather than hopeless. Ambition (E) is drive to succeed or accomplish things. It was not Curie’s ambition that faded upon returning to the Sorbonne but her depression.
- C
“Disillusioned” means disappointed. It does not mean troubled (A), i.e. concerned or disturbed; worried (B) or anxious; sorrowful (D) or sad; or disturbed (E).
- B
“Coagulated” means solidified. Liquid (A) is an opposite of solid. Flowing (C) assumes a liquid, not solid, state. Gas (D) is another opposite of solid. (Three states of matter, like volcanic material, are liquid, solid, and gaseous.)
- A
“Buoyant” means able to float. The passage indicates this by indicating that the gases therefore, sank toward earth and suffocated people. Buoyant does not mean visible (B) or possible to see. Able to float/buoyant does not mean able to evaporate (C). Evaporation means turning to vapor, which only liquids can do. Gases are already vapors. Buoyant does not mean invisible (D) or unseen. Able to float does not mean able to condense (E), i.e. turn from vapor to liquid.
- B
“Dissect” means to cut apart for study. It does not mean to describe in detail (A), to photograph (C), or to chart (D) a specimen.
- B
Meteorologists are scientists who study atmospheric conditions, particularly weather. Scientists who study oceans (A) are oceanographers, i.e. marine scientists. Scientists who study ash (C) do not exist as members of a separate discipline. Climate scientists and many others concerned with its effects study volcanic ash. Scientists who study animal behavior (D) are ethologists or animal behaviorists and do not study ash.
- C
Distilled water is purified water. Distilled water is not equivalent to bottled (A), volcanic (B), sea (D), or fountain (E) water.
- A
“Supremacy” means unlimited power, not unrestricted growth (B). The passage states that Drake diminished Spain’s supremacy, but does not specifically mention diminishing its territory (C). Drake’s raids enriched England and reduced Spain’s power; no mention is made of eliminating any treaties (D).
- B
“Robust” means strong. It does not mean warlike (A), accomplished (C) or competent, timid (D) or fearful, or inexperienced (E).
- B
“Martial” means warlike or war-related. It does not mean complete (A), independent (C), or isolated (D).
- C
“Vulnerable” means open to attack or susceptible to harm. It does not mean open to change (A) or receptive, triumphant (B) or victorious, defeated (D) or beaten-they were vulnerable to attack first and then consequently were defeated-or discouraged (E), i.e. disheartened or dispirited.
- A
The passage indicates the Armada was “blocked” on one side, i.e. closed off rather than damaged (B) (it was damaged extensively, not on one side); alone (C) or circled (D), i.e. surrounded, neither of which can be done on only one side.
- B
“Interceded for” means intervened on behalf of, not refused help to (A), wanted to fight (C), given orders for all to fight (D), or defeated (E).
- C
“Pacify” means to calm or make peaceful. It does not mean to make weaker (A), to destroy (B), or to irritate (D), i.e. annoy or provoke.
- B
“Ennobled” means gave honor to or made noble. It does not mean gave comfort (A) or solace, gave strength (C), i.e. fortified or reinforced, gave fear (D) or frightened, or gave hope (E) or encouraged.
- B
To “abet” means to enable, support, or encourage, usually in crime or doing something wrong. It does not mean to end (A), think about (C), or daydream about (D) something.
- B
“Reinforced” means strengthened, not welcomed (A), held (C), or captured (D).
- B
The passage states that the presence of Eris, goddess of discord, “always embroiled mortals and immortals alike in conflict.” Embroiling them in conflict is creating conflict amongst them. It does not mean scheming against (A) them, feeling hostile toward (C) them, ignoring (D) them, or comforting (E) them.
- A
“Aggressively” means boldly. It does not mean effectively (B) or successfully, secretly (C), or carefully (D).
- A
“Contradicted” means Athena disregarded Hera’s statement and disputed or countered it. It does not mean she defeated (B) her statement, agreed with (C) it, restated (D) it, or questioned (E) it.
- B
To “clamor for” means to cry out for (something). It does not mean to long for (A) it, beg (C) for it, hope (D) for it, or think much (E) “for,” of, or about it.
- A
To “vouch” means to give assurance. It does not mean to think (B), hope (C), or convince some (D).
- A
“Disclaimed” means denied, i.e. refused or declared untrue. It does not mean stopped (B), noted (C), or justified (D), i.e. substantiated or confirmed, the opposite of denied.
- C
She was unable to invoke, i.e. to call upon, the aid of relatives. To invoke does not mean to locate (A) or find; to speak about (B) or discuss; to identify (D), i.e. recognize; or to know (E).
- B
“Declaimed” means spoke forcefully. It does not mean finally appeared (A). Though she did also give testimony (C) in court, “declaimed” does not mean to testify; it describes the way she spoke while doing so. “Declaimed” also does not mean she gave evidence (D).
Reading Comprehension Practice Test 2
Answers for these questions are available at the end.
Direction (1-5): A vexed problem facing us is the clamour to open more colleges and to reserve more seats for backward classes. But it will be a sheer folly to expand such facilities recklessly without giving any thought to the quality of education imparted. If admissions are made far more selective, it will automatically reduce the number of entrants. This should apply particularly colleges, many of which are little more than degree factories. Only then can the authorities hope to bring down the teacher-student ratio to manageable proportion. What is more, teachers should be given refresher courses, every summer to brush up their knowledge. Besides, if college managements increase their library budget it will help both the staff and the to new students a great deal.
At the same time, however, it will be unfair to deny college education to thousands of young men and women, unless employers stop insisting on degrees even for clerical jobs. For a start, why can’t the Government disqualify graduates from securing certain jobs, say class III and IV posts? Once the link between degrees and jobs is severed at least in some important departments, in will make young people think twice before joining college.
Question 1) Many of the new college are –
(A) Centres of advanced learning
(B) Research institutions
(C) Factories producing degree holders
(D) Knowns for their academic excellence
Question 2) The author is in favor of restricting college admissions –
(A) Only when degrees are delinked form jobs
(B) When alternative avenues are open for the students
(C) When the teacher student ratio is reduced
(D) Only when parents think gtwice before sending their children
Question 3) What can automatically help to reduce admission:
(A) Though entrance tests
(B) Discouragement to open new coll1eges
(C) Selective admissions
(D) Abolishing reservation
Question 4) How can teachers are –
(A) By arranging refresher courses
(B) By providing monetary help/incentive
(C) By providing better library facilities
(D) By sending them abroad
Question 5) The phrase “Vexed problem” means
(A) A serious problem
(B) A debatable problem
(C) A difficult problem
(D) An irritating problem
Direction (6-10): Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that the English language is in a bad way, but it is generally assumed that we cannot by conscious action do anything about it. Our civilization is decadent and our language-so the argument runs-must inevitably share in the general collapse. It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes. Underneath this lies the half-conscious belief that language is natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes.
Now it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on indefinitely. A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these habits, one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step towards political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers.
Question 6) The author believes that –
(A) It’s now too late to do anything about the problem
(B) Language is a natural growth and cannot be shaped for our won purpose
(C) The decline in the language can be stopped
(D) The process of an increasingly bad language cannot be stopped
Question 7) The author believes that –
(A) English is become ugly
(B) Bad language
(C) Our thoughts are becoming uglier because we ae making the language uglier
(D) Our civilization is decadent so nothing can be done to stop the decile of the language
Question 8) Many people believe that nothing can be done about the English language because –
(A) Bad habits spread by imitation
(B) We live in a decadent civilization
(C) There are too may bad writers
(D) People are too lazy to change their bad habits
Question 9) The author believes that the first stage towards the political regeneration of the language would be –
(A) Taking the necessary trouble to avoid bad habits
(B) Avoiding being frivolous about it
(C) Clear thinking
(D) For professional writers to help
Question 10) What causes bad language in the end?
(A) The bad influence of individual writers
(B) The imitation of bad language habits
(C) Political and economic causes.
(D) An assumption that nothing can be done about
Direction (11-15): There are three main groups of oils-animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, creatures of the sea, which are the largest of the animals remaining in the world. To protect the whales from the cold of the Artic seas, nature has provided them with a thick covering of fat, called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down. It produces a great quantity of oil which can be made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures yield oil, but none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. Both cod liver oil and halibut oil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins.
Vegetable oil has been known from very old times. No household can get on without it, for it is used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from eatable and animal products and the oils of certain flowers.
Question 11) Vegetable oil is mainly used for –
(A) eating
(B) cooking
(C) frying
(D) lubricating
Question 12) The thick protective covering of fat on a whale is called a –
(A) skin
(B) cell
(C) blubber
(D) fins
Question 13) The main source of animal oil, is –
(A) fish
(B) whale
(C) seaweeds
(D) plants
Question 14) The…….of fish yields nourishing oil.
(A) liver
(B) stomach
(C) eyes
(D) head
Question 15) ……………. are made from vegetable, animal products and the oils of certain flowers.
(A) Perfumes
(B) Cosmetics
(C) Cooking medium
(D) Soaps
Practice Here: Spotting Errors Questions and Answers
Direction (16-20): What, one wonders, is the lowest common denominator of Indian culture today? The attractive Hema Malini? The songs of Vinidh Barati? The attractive Hema Malini? The sons of Vinidh Barati?
Or the mouth-watering Masala Dosa? Delectable as these may be, each yield pride of place to that false (?) symbol of a new era-the synthetic fibre. In less than twenty years the nylon sari and the terylene shirt have swept the countryside, penetrated to the farthest corners of the land and persuaded every common man, woman and child that the key to success in the present-day world lie in artificial fibers:
glass nylon, crepe nylon, tery mixes, polyesters and what have you. More than the bicycles, the wristwatch or the transistor radio, synthetic clothes have come to represent the first step away form the village square. The village lass treasures the flashy nylon sari in her trousseau most delay; the village youth gets a great kick out of his cheap terrycot shirt and trousers, the nearest he can approximate to the expensive synthetic sported by his wealthy citybred contemporaries. And the Neo-rich craze for ‘phoren’ is nowhere more apparent than in the price that people will pay for smuggled, stolen, begged borrowed second hand or thrown away synthetics. Alas, even the uniformity of nylon.
Question 16) The synthetic fibre has –
(A) Always been popular in India
(B) Become popular during the last twenty years
(C) Never been popular the last twenty years
(D) Been as popular as other kinds of fibre
Question 17) The tern ‘Neo-rich’ means –
(A) The aristocracy
(B) The industrialists
(C) The newly rich people
(D) The common people
Question 18) ‘The lowest common denominator’ of the Indian culture today is –
(A) Hema Malini
(B) Songs of Vividh Barati
(C) Masala Dosa
(D) Synthetic fibre
Question 19) The latest symbol of modernity for the rural people is –
(A) The bicycle
(B) The wristwatch
(C) The transistor
(D) The synthetic cloth
Question 20) The tone of the passage is –
(A) Tragic
(B) Ironic
(C) Sombre
(D) Satiric
Ans1) (C) | Ans11) (B) |
Ans2) (A) | Ans12) (C) |
Ans3) (C) | Ans13) (B) |
Ans4) (A) | Ans14) (A) |
Ans5) (D) | Ans15) (D) |
Ans6) (D) | Ans16) (B) |
Ans7) (C) | Ans17) (C) |
Ans8) (B) | Ans18) (A) |
Ans9) (C) | Ans19) (D) |
Ans10) (C) | Ans20) (C) |
We the team of hopes that the Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers given here will be useful for the candidates at that time, when they are preparing for the English section of various competitive examinations.
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