APSET Syllabus 2023
Check Updated APSET Syllabus 2023 from this page!! Aspirants who are going to appear in Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test can check Paper-1 and Paper-2 (All Subjects) AP SET Syllabus and APSET Exam Pattern PDF from here.

AP SET 2023 Exam: Highlights
Name Of The Exam | Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility test |
Name Of Conducting Body | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam |
Level Of Examination | State Level |
Purpose | Recruitment As Assistant Professors, Lectures |
Category | APSET Syllabus 2023 |
Mode Of Examination | Paper Pen Based |
Test Centres | 6 Regional Centres |
Date of Examination | Coming Soon |
Official Website | apset.net.in |
APSET Syllabus
ఈ పేజీ నుండి అభ్యర్థులు APSET సిలబస్ 2022 ను డౌన్లోడ్ చేయవచ్చు మరియు వారి తయారీని ప్రారంభించవచ్చు. మీరు పరీక్షలో వచ్చిన ముఖ్యమైన అంశాల జాబితాను పొందవచ్చు. అంతేకాకుండా, మీరు ఈ పేజీ నుండి PDF ఫార్మాట్లో AP SET సిలబస్ను కూడా డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
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AP SET Exam Pattern
- Paper-I will be of general nature that will be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of students.
- However, Paper-II will comprise of 100 Objective Type Questions from the subject chosen by the aspirant.
- There will be no negative marking in the examination.
Paper | Marks | No. of Question |
Duration |
I | 100 | 50 question | 1 Hours |
II | 200 | 100 questions | 2 Hours |
Press Here: To Download APSET Syllabus 2023
AP SET Paper 1 Syllabus
Teaching Aptitude
- Teaching: Nature, Objectives, Characteristics and basic requirements
- Learner’s characteristics;
- Factors affecting teaching;
- Methods of teaching;
- Teaching aids;
- Evaluation
APSET Syllabus for Research Aptitude
- Research: Meaning, Characteristics and types;
- Steps of research;
- Methods of research;
- Research Ethics;
- Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium;
- Thesis writing: its characteristics and
Reading Comprehension
- A passage to be set with questions to answered
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- Communication: Nature, characteristics, types, barriers and effective classroom
Reasoning (Including Mathematical)
- Number series
- Letter series
- codes
- Relationships
APSET Syllabus for Logical Reasoning
- Understanding the structure of arguments;
- Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning;
- Verbal analogies; word analogy-Applied analogy;
- Verbal classification;
- Reasoning Logical Diagrams: Simple diagrammatic relationship, Multi-diagrammatic relationship;
- Venn diagram; Analytical
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Data Interpretation
- Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data;
- Quantitative and qualitative data;
- Graphical representation and mapping of data.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- ICT: meaning, advantages, disadvantages and uses;
- General abbreviations and terminology;
- Basics of internet and e-mailing.
APSET Syllabus for People and Environment
- People and environment interaction;
- Sources of pollution;
- Pollutants and their impact on human life, exploitation of natural and energy resources;
- Natural hazards and mitigation.
Higher Education System: Governance, Polity and Administration
- Structure of the Institutions for higher learning and research in India
- Formal and distance education
- Professional/ technical and general education
- Value education
- Governance, polity and administration
- Concept, institutions and their interactions
AP SET Paper 2 Syllabus
APSET Syllabus for Archaeology
- Definition, aim and scope of archaeology, history and growth of archaeology
- Chronology and dating
- Geological, biological and cultural dimension of man
- Hunting Gathering stage
- Beginning of food production
- Pre and early Harappan Village Cultures of North and North-Western India
- Early occurrence of iron: Chrono-cultural features
- Architecture of structural stupas: North and south India
- Origin and antiquity of coinage in India. Techniques of manufacturing coins
- Origin and antiquity of writing in India: origin of Brahmi and Kharasthi scripts
- Proposed area of research
- Geo-chronology and Stone Age cultures of India
- Pre-Harappan cultures of India and Border lands
- Historical urbanization
- Architecture
- Epigraphy
APSET Syllabus for Anthropology
- Introduction to Anthropology
- Evolution
- Fossils
- Human Genetics
- Chronology
- Typo-technology and Palaeolithic Cultural Features
- Holocene Culture
- Evolution, Social Structure and Organisation
- Economic and Political Organisation: Religion and Magic
- Indian Anthropology: Basic Concepts and Issues
- Theories of Evolution
- Distribution, Characteristics, Classification, Position of Man in animal Kingdom.
- History and Development, Concept, Scope and Emerging trends-Relation to other sciences and medicine
- Red cell Enzymes
- Environmental Archaeology
- Cultural Ecology
- Ethno –archaeology
- Settlement Archaeology
- New Archaeology
- Action Archaeology
- Social and Economic approach in Archaeological Studies
- Methods of dating
- Earliest Cultures (Primitive Hunter – Gatherers)
- Emergence of Biface Technology
- Flake Tool complex
- Blade Tool Complex
- Advanced Hunter – Gatherers (Upper Palaeolithic Cultures)
- Final Hunter – Gather and Irrcipient Cultivators (Mesolithic Cultures)
- Mesolithic cultures of India
- Mesolithic economy and society
- Mesolithic art
- Beginning of agriculture, evidences from Mount Carmel Caves, Juricho, Beidha
- Diffusion of village Farming, Way of life in the Indo-Pakistan
- Birth of Civilization (Bronze Age)
- Indus Civilization
- Beginning of Iron Age and Second Urbanization
- The Meaning and nature of culture
- The contribution of E.B. Tylor; A.L. Kroeber; B. Malinowski
- Contribution to social-cultural anthropology by E.B.Tylor, Lewis Morgan, Franz Boas, A L Kroeber B Malinowski, A R Radcliffe-Brown, Evans-Prichard, C Levi-Strauss, Ralph Linton, Robert Redfield, Margaret Mead
- Weaker sections in India Population : Scheduled castes (SC), Scheduled Tribed (ST) and Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG), Denotified communities, Basic of labeling as ST and SC according to constitution
- Development Strategies (Plan / Sub-plans)
- Tribal Youth Self-Employement Scheme (TRYSEM)
- Indian Masters G S Ghurye, N K Bose, D N Majumdar, Verrier Elwin, M N Srinivas, S C Dube, L P Vidhyarthi
APSET Chemical Sciences Syllabus
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Interdisciplinary topics: Chemistry in nanoscience and technology, Catalysis and green chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Environmental chemistry.
APSET Commerce Syllabus
- Business Environment
- Financial & Management Accounting
- Business Economics
- Business Statistics and Data Processing
- Business Management
- Marketing Management
- Financial Management
- Human Resources Management
- Banking and Financial Institution
- International Business
- Accounting and Finance
- Marketing
- Income Tax Law & Tax Planning
APSET Syllabus for Computer Science and Application
- Discrete Structures
- Computer Arithmetic
- Programming in C & C++
- Relational Database Design and SQL
- Data and File Structures
- Computer Networks
- System Software and Compilers
- Operating Systems (with Case Study of Unix)
- Software Engineering
- Current Trends and Technologies
- Windows Programming
- Simple Applications
- Advanced Windows Programming
APSET Economics Syllabus
- Microeconomics Analysis
- Macroeconomics Analysis
- Development and Planning
- Public Finance
- International Economics
- Indian Economy
- Statistical Methods
- Theory of Demand
- Theory of Production
- Keynesian and Post-Keynesian approaches
- Development and Growth
- Theories of Taxation
- Components of Money Supply
- Industrial Structure and Economic Growth
- Population and Economic Development
- Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy
- Single Equation Linear Model
- Simultaneous Equation Models
- Techniques of Forecasting
- Theory of Consumer Behaviour and Theory of Firms
- Theory of Pricing
- Theory of Games
- Planning and Economic Development
APSET Education Syllabus
- Philosophical Foundation of Education
- Sociological Foundation of Education
- Psychological Foundation of Education
- Methodology of Educational Research
- Western Schools of Philosophy
- Process of Growth and Development
- Intelligence- Its Theory and Measurement
- Personality – Type and Trait Theories
- Concept and Principles of Guidance and Counselling
- Universalisation of Elementary Education in India
- Construction and Development of Curriculum
- Teacher Education
APSET English Syllabus
- Chaucer to Shakespeare
- Jacobean to Restoration Periods
- Augustan Age: 18th Century Literature
- Romantic Period
- Victorian Period
- Modern Period
- Contemporary Period
- American and other non-British Literatures
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Rhetoric and Prosody
- British Literature from Chaucer to the Present Day
- Criticism and Literary Theory
- History of English language
- European Literature from Classical Age to the 20th Century
- Indian Writing in English and Indian Literature in English Translation
- American and other Non-British English Literatures
- Literary Theory and Criticism
APSET Syllabus for Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean & Planetary Science
- The Earth and the Solar System
- Earth Materials, surface features and Processes
- Surface features and Processes
- Interior of the Earth, Deformation and Tectonics
- Oceans and Atmosphere
- Environmental Earth Sciences
- Mineralogy and petrology
- Structural geology and geotectonics
- Paleontology and its applications
- Sedimentology and stratigraphy
- Marine geology and paleoceanography
- Geochemistry
- Economic geology
- Precambrian geology and crustal evolution
- Quaternary geology
- Applied geology
- Physical geography
- Geophysics
- Meteorology
- Ocean sciences
APSET Syllabus for Environmental Science
- Definition, principles and scope of Environmental Science
- Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry
- Chemical composition of Air
- Water Chemistry
- Soil Chemistry
- Toxic Chemicals in the environment
- Principles of Analytical Methods
- Definition, principles and scope of ecology, Human ecology and Human settlement, Evolution, origin of life and speciation
- Common flora and fauna in India
- Environmental Geosciences
- Earth’s Processes and Geological hazards
- Mineral Resources and Environment
- Water Resources and Environment
- Landuse Planning
- Environmental Geochemistry
- Introduction to environmental impact analysis
- Sources and generation of solid wastes
- Basic elements and tools of statistical analysis
- Environmental Education and awareness
APSET Syllabus for Geography
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- Oceanography
- Geographic thought
- Population geography
- Economic geography
- Political geography
- Regional planning
- Geography of India
- Cartography
APSET Syllabus for History
- Concepts, Ideas and Terms
- Ancient Indian History
- Medieval Indian History
- Modern Indian History
- From the Indus Valley Civilization to the Mahajanapadas
- History of India from 4th Century BC to 3rd Century AD
- India from the 4th Century AD to 12th Century AD
- India from 1206 to 1526
- India from 1526 onwards
- Socio-economic and Cultural Life under the Mughals
- Foundation of the British Rule
- Economic and Social Policies
- National Movement and Post-Independent India
- World History
- Research in History
APSET Syllabus for Journalism and Mass Communications
- Communication and Journalism
- Role of media in Society
- Journalism as a profession
- History of Print and Broadcast media
- Communication and theories of social change
- Introduction of research methods and process
- Colonial structures of communication
- Radio & TV and Video as media of communication
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- The techniques
APSET Syllabus for Law
- Constitutional Law of India
- Legal Theory
- Public International Law
- Family Law
- Law of Contracts –General Principles
- Law of Torts
- Law of Crimes – General Principles
- Labour Law
- Essential Features of Indian Constitution
- Nature, Scope and Importance of Administrative Law
- Nature and Sources of Law
- General Principle of Criminal Law
- Environmental Pollution
- Nature of International Law and its Sources
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Adoption and Guardianship
- Concept and Development of Human Rights
- Nature and Definition of Tort
- Partnership Act
APSET Syllabus for Linguistics
- Language and Linguistics
- Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology
- Syntax and Semantics
- Historical Linguistics and South Asian Language Families
- Socio-linguistics and Applied Linguistics
- Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
APSET Life Sciences Syllabus
- Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
- Cellular Organization
- Fundamental Processes
- Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
- Developmental Biology
- System Physiology – Plant
- System Physiology – Animal
- Inheritance Biology
- Diversity of Life Forms
- Ecological Principles
- Evolution and Behavior
- Applied Biology
- Methods in Biology
APSET Syllabus for Library and information Science
- Information, Information Science, Information Society
- Laws of Library Science
- Sources of Information
- Reference and Information Services
- Organisation of Knowledge/Information
- Management
- Information Technology
- Library Automation
- Types of Research
- Types of Libraries
APSET Management Syllabus
- Managerial Economics
- The Concept and Significance of Organisational Behaviour
- Concepts and Perspectives in HRM
- Financial Management
- Marketing Environment and Environment Scanning
- Role and Scope of Production Management
- Probability Theory
- Concept of Corporate Strategy
- Ethics and Management System
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Nature and Scope of Financial Management
- India’s Foreign Trade and Policy
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APSET Mathematical Sciences Syllabus
- Analysis
- Linear Algebra
- Complex Analysis
- Algebra
- Topology
- Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
- Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)
- Numerical Analysis
- Calculus of Variations
- Linear Integral Equations
- Classical Mechanics
- Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis
APSET Syllabus 2023 – Philosophy
- Classical Indian Philosophy
- Modern Indian Thinkers
- Classical Western Philosophy
- Modern Western Philosophy
- Appearance and Reality
- Prama
- Definition of Knowledge
- Concept of Pratyaksa in Nyaya
- Good, Right, Justice
- Ethical Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism
- Truth and Validity
- Truth-functions and Propositional Logic
APSET Physical Sciences Syllabus
- Mathematical Methods of Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Quantum Mechanics
- Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics
- Electronics and Experimental Methods
- Atomic & Molecular Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
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APSET Physical Education Syllabus
- Introduction to Physical Education
- Physiology of Muscular Activity
- Joints and their Movements
- Learning Process
- Development of Teacher Education in Physical Education
- Heath-Guiding principles of health and health education
- Characteristics and Principles of Sports Training
- Nature, Scope and Type of Research
- Concept of Test, Measurement and Evaluation
- Concept and Principles of Management
APSET Political Science Syllabus
- Political Theory and Thought
- Comparative Politics and Political Analysis
- Indian Government and Politics
- Public Administration
- International Relations
- Political Development
- Making of Indian Constitution
- Theories of International Relations
APSET Psychology Syllabus
- Perceptual Processes
- Learning Process
- Memory and Forgetting
- Thinking and Problem Solving
- Motivation and Emotion
- Human Abilities
- Personality
- Research Methodology
- Measurement and Testing
- Biological Basis of Behaviour
- Cognitive Strategies
- Current Trends in Social Psychology
- Development Processes
- Human Development and Individual Differences
- Development of Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- Psychopathology
APSET Syllabus – Public Administration
- Theory of Public Administration
- Comparative Public Administration
- Development Administration
- Indian Administration
- Research Methodology
- Social and Economic Administration
- Local Governments- Rural and Urban
- Public Policy
- Concepts of Social Welfare, Social Justice and Social Change
- Economic Policy in India since Independence
- Local Self-Government
- Concept of Rural Development
- APSET Syllabus for Sociology
- Sociological Concepts
- Sociological Theory
- Social Research Methodology
- Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology
- Neo-functionalism and Neo-Marxism
- Structuration and Post-Modernism
- Conceptualising Indian Society
- Theoretical Perspectives
- Contemporary Issues: Socio-cultural
- Contemporary Issues: Developmental
- Issues Pertaining to Deviance
- Current Debates
- The Challenges of Globalisation
- Rural Sociology
- Industry and Society
- Sociology Development
- Population and Society
- Gender and Society
APSET Syllabus 2023 for Social Work
- Evolution of Social Work Profession
- Meaning and Characteristics of Society
- Human Behaviours
- Case Work
- Concept of Group Work
- Concept, Principles and Objectives of Community Organisation
- Definition, Nature, Scope and Purposes of Social Work Research
- Social Policy
- Concept of Social Justice
- Social Development
- Labour Welfare and Human resource Management
- Concepts of Crime and Deviance
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Procedure to Download APSET Syllabus 2023
Candidates who wish to download AP SET Exam Syllabus need to follow below stated guidelines. Have a glance!!
- For downloading APSET Exam Syllabus, you need to visit the official visit that is apset.net.in
- After that, press on “Subjects” tab that is available in menu bar at top of the home page.
- A new page showing AP SET Paper 1 Syllabus and AP SET Paper 2 Syllabus will appear.
- Now, hit on desired course name and hit on the Download icon to get APSET Syllabus.
- Go through the APSET 2023 Syllabus thoroughly.
- At last download APSET Syllabus 2023 PDF and keep it safe for further use.
APSET 2023 Syllabus Main Link: Press Here
Official Website: Press Here
APSET Exam Syllabus 2023
Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility test is a state level examination, conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam for the recruitment and promotions of Lectures/Assistant Professors in Degree Colleges as per the University Grant Commission Regulations for the year 2023.
Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test consists of two papers. Paper-I contains general subjects on teaching and research aptitude. However, Paper-II consists of various subjects. Candidates can check the detailed APSET Syllabus 2023 for all the papers from this page.
APSET Syllabus in Telugu
Individuals going to appear in the APSET 2023 Exam can check the Updated APSET Telugu Syllabus from this page. You can also download AP SET Syllabus Telugu PDF from above given direct link. Candidates are advised to stay in touch with recruitmentresult.com gather latest updates.
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Final Words
Check Subject-Wise APSET Syllabus 2023 from this page and commence your preparation accordingly. To grab latest updates on AP SET Exam Date 2023, stay tuned with recruitmentresult.com
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