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BODMAS Full Form | BODMAS क्या हैं पूरी जानकारी – Meaning in Hindi/ English

BODMAS Full Form

BODMAS Full Form:- Most of the candidates start their life with studies, for which they have to study with many subjects, out of which some candidates have excellent math, and some candidates try to retreat into the subject of Math. Because they like to study mathematics, and the candidates who do not understand mathematics, feel much boredom in mathematics, due to which they are very weak and are left behind compared to other candidates in the subject of Math.

BODMAS Full Form

BODMAS Full Form


Therefore, there is a BODMAS formula to understand Math, through which the candidates can solve Math questions very easily and make their subject simple. So if you also want to know about BODMAS, what is the full form of BODMAS, BODMAS Full Form in Hindi, बोडमास क्या है, BODMAS ka Full Form, BODMAS का फुल फॉर्म, BODMAS Full Name, BODMAS ka Full Form Kya Hai, what is the meaning of BODMAS? Then Complete information is being provided here about it. 90% नहीं जानते होंगे – क्या है सभी Operation, जानिए इस पेज से.

BODMAS Full Form

BODMAS Full Form in Hindi

ब्रैकेट्स ऑफ़ डिवीज़न मल्टिप्लिकेशन एडिशन सब्ट्रैक्शन ”

BODMAS Full Form in English

“Bracket Of Division Multiplication Addition and Subtraction”

BODMAS Full Form

BODMAS क्या हैं पूरी जानकारी

बोडमास का मतलब ब्रैकेट, ऑफ, डिवीजन, गुणा, जोड़ और घटाव है। यह एक अभिव्यक्ति को हल करने के लिए संचालन के क्रम को संदर्भित करता है। इसे बोडमास नियम के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जो बताता है कि किसी दिए गए संख्यात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए कौन सी प्रक्रिया पहले करनी है। इसे पेडमास के नाम से भी जाना जाता है? कोष्ठक, घातांक, भाग, गुणा, जोड़ और घटाव।

एक मूल योग को हल करना आसान है जिसमें दो संख्याएँ और एक एकल संक्रिया होती है, जैसे जोड़, घटाव, गुणा या भाग। लेकिन अगर एक व्यंजक में कई संख्याएँ और अलग-अलग संक्रियाएँ हैं, तो आप यह कैसे तय करेंगे कि कहाँ से शुरू करना है और कौन सा ऑपरेशन पहले करना है, कौन सा ऑपरेशन दूसरा और तीसरा करना है और इसी तरह।

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BODMAS Full Form

What does BODMAS mean?

BODMAS means bracket, order, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. BODMAS is a rule used to execute operations in a given mathematical expression. It is an epidemic that can be used to remember the order of solving a mathematical problem.

According to the BODMAS rule: brackets first, followed by order (powers and roots), then division, multiplication, addition and subtraction from left to right. Brackets mean that parts of a calculation always come first inside the bracket. Commands means numbers that include powers or square root. Solving the problem in the wrong order will give the wrong answer.

Abbrreviation of BODMAS

The abbreviation of BODMAS is mentioned below:

  • Brackets (the expressions and operator inside the bracket takes preference.)
    Rule of order for brackets is: [ { ( bar ) } ]
  • Orders (square roots and powers) and ‘of’
  • Division
  • Multiplication
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
BODMAS Rule BODMAS: The order of precedence Operators
B Brackets [ { ( bar ) } ]
O Of (order) of
D Division ‘/’ or ‘÷ ‘
M Multiplication ‘*’ or ‘x’
A Addition +
S Subtraction

Check Here – How to Prepare Maths for Competitive Exams

BODMAS Full Form

90% नहीं जानते होंगे – क्या है सभी BODMAS Operation

BODMAS का पूर्ण रूप ब्रैकेट, इन, डिवीजन, गुणा, जोड़ और घटाव है। BODMAS एक अभिव्यक्ति को हल करने के लिए गणित में संचालन के आदेश को संदर्भित करता है। इसे BODMAS नियम के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जो किसी संख्यात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए पहले कौन सी प्रक्रिया करता है, यह बताता है। गणित में एक मूल योग को हल करना मुश्किल नहीं है, जिसमें दो नंबर और एक एकल ऑपरेशन करना है, जैसे कि जोड़, गुणा, घटाव या विभाजन।

लेकिन अगर किसी समन में, जिसमें एक अभिव्यक्ति में कई संख्याएँ और अलग-अलग ऑपरेशन किए जाने हैं तो आपके लिए यह तय करना मुश्किल होगा कि कहाँ से शुरू करें और कौन सा ऑपरेशन पहले करें, कौन सा दूसरा और तीसरा प्रदर्शन करें और इसी तरह ।

Easy And Simple Way To Remember BODMAS Rules

B → B racket first (brackets)

O → O f (Order i.e. Powers and Square Roots, Cube Roots, etc.)

DM → D ivision and M ultipulation (start from left to right)

AS → A ddition and S ubtraction (starting from left to right)

For Example:

4 + 82 × (30 ÷ 5) = ?

Start with the calculation inside the brackets.

30 ÷ 5 = 6

This gives you 4 + 82 × 6 = ?

Then calculate the orders – in this case the square of 8.

82 = 64

Your calculation is now 4 + 64 × 6

Then move to the multiplication 64 × 6 = 384

Finally perform the addition. 4 + 384 = 388

The answer is 388.

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BODMAS Full Form

Some Important Information Related To BODMAS

This BODMAS Formula of Mathematics was not invented by any scientist, but was invented as a convention, which is primarily aimed at different people and at different times in the same way. Apart from this, you can also solve questions using this formula in all banking related examinations and get success in the exam, because many questions are asked in banking related examinations, in which this formula is used.

BODMAS is a law of mathematical simplification. This is a rule through which it is easy to solve mathematics questions. For solving any type of question like “break the bracket” then solve “of” then “divide” then “multiply” then “add” and finally “subtract” is done according to this formula.

This formula is used when applying questions in mathematics. As long as you do not use this formula in any question, your question cannot be right. It is the basic formula of mathematics. Those who have any question or query in their mind can go through this page of recruitmentresult.com and must read necessary information.

Here we have given you what BODMAS means? Information about this has been provided. If you have any kind of question or idea related to this information, or want to get any other information related to it, then we can ask through the comment box, we are waiting for your feedback and suggestions. You can also bookmark this page of recruitmentresult.com using Ctrl+D for future use.

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