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ICSE Full Form in Hindi/English| आईसीएसई बोर्ड क्या है – ICSE Meaning, Objective

ICSE Full Form

ICSE Full Form: Most of the people have heard about ICSE. But some of them will know about the Full Form of ICSE? We have provided you complete information about ICSE Full Form, आईसीएसई बोर्ड क्या है, ICSE Meaning, Objective in this article. The full form of ICSE is “Indian Certificate of Secondary Education“. This board provides education in India and other countries. ICSE Full Form in Hindi is “माध्यमिक शिक्षा के भारतीय प्रमाण पत्र ”. The headquarter of ICSE is located in New Delhi.

ICSE Full Form

ICSE Full Form


ICSE Full Form

ICSE Full Form in Hindi

माध्यमिक शिक्षा के भारतीय प्रमाण पत्र ”

ICSE Full Form in Marathi

भारतीय माध्यमिक शिक्षणाचे प्रमाणपत्र ”

ICSE Full Form in Kannada

ಮಾಧ್ಯಮಿಕ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣದ ಭಾರತೀಯ ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ”

ICSE Full Form in English

“Indian Certificate of Secondary Education”

आईसीएसई क्या है और क्या कार्य करती है?

माध्यमिक शिक्षा के भारतीय प्रमाण पत्र (ICSE) काउंसिल फॉर द इंडियन स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट एग्जामिनेशन के नेतृत्व में एक मूल्यांकन है। यह दसवीं कक्षा के लिए भारत में स्कूल प्रशिक्षण का एक निजी, गैर-प्रशासनिक अग्रणी समूह है। इसका उद्देश्य नई शिक्षा रणनीति 1986 के प्रस्ताव को संतुष्ट करना है। उस समय से, आईसीएसई सहायक स्कूलों के लिए रुचि बढ़ रही है। आईसीएसई में मूल्यांकन का तरीका अंग्रेजी है।

आईसीएसई के संबद्ध स्कूलों के सामान्य छात्रों को ही इस मूल्यांकन में शामिल होने की अनुमति है। इस आकलन में निजी छात्रों पर विचार नहीं किया जाता है। यह एक प्रकार की कक्षा 10वीं की बोर्ड परीक्षा है जो काउंसिल फॉर द इंडियन स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट एग्जामिनेशन (CISCE) द्वारा आयोजित की जाती है। यह परीक्षा CISCE से संबद्ध स्कूलों के नियमित हाई स्कूल के छात्रों के लिए आयोजित की जाती है। भाषा का माध्यम अंग्रेजी है। यह परीक्षा भारत में नई शिक्षा नीति 1986 के तहत आयोजित की जाती है।

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What Is ICSE And What Are Its Objectives?

This Indian Certificate of Secondary Education serves to provide education in India and other countries. Its head quarter is located in New Delhi. The ICSE board was created in the year 1986 to fulfill the recommendations under the New Education Policy. Only ICSE board students can participate in it.

The ICSE board provides education in more than 20 Indian languages and 12 foreign languages. There are more than 1000 schools related to this in many countries like United Arab Emirates Singapore including India. In this board, English, second language, history and geography and science application are kept in compulsory subjects. It is mandatory for every student to take these subjects.

Salient Features of ICSE Board –

Here are some important things related to ICSE board –

  • The ICSE Board has a wide range of subjects to choose from.
  • This board focuses on the holistic development of the students.
  • The syllabus of ICSE board is very vast and comprehensive.
  • ICSE Syllabus provides practical and detailed knowledge of various concepts.
  • Private candidates cannot appear for this exam.
  • ICSE board helps students to crack exams like TOEFL and IELTS as this board strictly emphasizes on English fluency due to which students of this board are more clear in English than others.
  • As soon as the proof marks of ICSE exam are released in the form of percentage students get an idea about their own performance.

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ICSE Full Form

Structure of ICSE

Subjects in ICSE are divided into three groups

Group 1:-

All the subjects in group 1 are compulsory.

These subjects are-

  • English
  • History, Civics and Geography
  • Any Indian Language of the student’s choice

20% of the total marks are given for internal assessment by the school for the subjects in group 1.

Group 2:-

Students are free to choose any two subjects from the following list.

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Agriculture Science
  • Computer Science
  • Commercial Studies
  • Technical Drawing
  • Economics
  • Any Modern Foreign Language
  • Any Classical Language.

20% of the total marks are given for internal assessment by the school for the subjects in group 2.

Group 3:-

Students are free to choose any two subjects from the following list.

  • Computer Applications
  • Economic Applications
  • Commercial Applications
  • Home Science
  • Art, Performing Arts
  • Cookery
  • Fashion Designing
  • Physical Education
  • Yoga
  • Technical Drawing Applications.

50% of the total marks are given for internal assessment by the school for the subjects in this group.

What Are The Benefits Of ICSE Board?

There are many advantages of this board which I am going to tell you now.

  1. ICSE Board is a very important board, which mainly focuses on the complete development of the child and its syllabus is also balanced.
  2. Its syllabus is more comprehensive and also increases the practical knowledge and analytical skills in the students.
  3. Special attention is given to the important subjects in the ICSE Board.
  4. In this syllabus, students are asked to select specific subjects according to their mind.
  5. Only English Medium is used in ICSE Board. So students who want to study through English Medium. This board is considered very good for them.
  6. Its wide coverage is also more than 1000 schools in India and other countries like Singapore, United Arab Emirates also.
  7. ICSE Board also provides facilities for more than 20 Indian languages and 12 foreign languages as language subjects.

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ICSE Full Form

ICSE Board Advantages & Disadvantages

Earlier, you got to know about Full Form Of ICSE Board. Apart from it, you need to know about the board and examination conducted by the authority as well. ICSE is an abbreviation for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. This is an exam that is done by the Board for the Indian Studies Certificate Examinations for the 10th standard.


  • The syllabus followed by the ICSE board is more comprehensive and complete, encompassing all fields with equal importance.
  • Students who are interested in careers in the lines of management and humanities will find the curriculum followed under ICSE to be more interesting and challenging, not to mention fruitful.
  • Certification under the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education board will be recognized around the world, particularly by foreign schools and universities when compared to the central board’s local margin.
  • Due to the emphasis laid on English in ICSE, students from this board may hold a slight edge over other students in exams like TOEFL.


  • Students may find the syllabus to be too extensive.
  • As an average student practicing under an ICSE board will face thirteen subjects/examinations during the sixth grade, when compared to the six subjects faced by the student’s counterpart in a CBSE affiliated school.
  • Although an ICSE syllabus can facilitate deeper understanding and better life skills and analytical skills, pursuing further education may prove to be a problem due to a lack of leniency in evaluating papers after an ISC examination.

Check Also: CISCE Official Portal

ICSE Full Form


This board provides such a learning environment which develops a student to the fullest. After taking education from here, a student definitely comes forward in his field. Although it is a bit expensive. But after reading this article, the confusion of your board must have been cleared.

Because you know here that what is ICSE, Meaning of ICSE in Hindi, Full Form Of ICSE, History of ICSE in Hindi and information about ICSE. As, we have provided all information about the full form of ICSE, आईसीएसई बोर्ड का पूरा नाम क्या है?, आईसीएसई क्या है? here.

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