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Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023-24| Merit cum Means Scheme, Eligibility, Last Date

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship

Apply Now For Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023-24!! The Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Trust, WB has given this golden opportunity to needy students on yearly basis. For Students who are from West Bengal and are studious but cannot afford higher studies, they can apply for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2022 before last dates. Before applying for the MCM Merit cum Means Scheme, candidates must check the required eligibility criteria thoroughly.


Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Overview

Scholarship Name Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (SVMCM)
Authority Name West Bengal Higher Education Department (WBHED)
Courses for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Bikash Bhavan HS, UG Honours, PG, Medical, Engineering, Nursing, Paramedical, Diploma, PG.
Swami Vivekananda Scholarship West Bengal Application Method Online
Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Helpline Number +1800-102-8014
Official Website svmcm.wbhed.gov.in

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023 Dates

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Application Form Opening Date Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Last Date
Fresh Application 2023 12.07.2023
Renewal Application Form for 2023-24 session 12.07.2023
Kanyashree (K3) Application Form 2023

Allocation of Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship:

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Amount:

Level- DPI
Course Rate Per Month
UG (Arts) Rs. 1000
UG (Commerce) Rs. 1000
UG (Science) Rs. 1500
UG (Other Professional Courses,
UGC Approved)
Rs. 1500
PG (ARTS) Rs. 2000
PG (COMMERCE) Rs. 2000
PG (SCIENCE) Rs. 2500
PG (Other Professional Courses,
UGC Approved)
Rs. 2500
NON NET M.PHIL./NON NET PH.D. Rs. 5000 – Rs. 8000
Level- DSE
HS Rs. 1000
Level- DTE
UG (ENGG.), PG (ENGG.) And Other
Professional Courses (AICTE Approved)
Rs. 5000
Level- DTE&T
UG (Polytechnic) Rs. 1500
Level- DME
UG (Medical-Degree) And
Diploma Courses
Rs. 5000 And
Rs. 1500 respectively

Get Details: Scholarships In India

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Amount Details

Category Level of studies
Directorate of the School Education (DSE) Higher secondary
Directorate of the Madrasah Education (DME) High Madrasah
Directorate of the public instruction (DPI)
  • Undergraduates in Arts
  • Undergraduates in commerce
  • Undergraduates in science
  • Undergraduates in other professional courses
  • Postgraduates in Arts postgraduates in commerce
  • Postgraduates in Science
  • Postgraduates in other professional courses NON-NET M.Phil/ Ph.D
Technical education at the college or university level Undergraduate or postgraduates in Engineering or other professional courses
Directorate of the Technical Education and the Training Undergraduate
Directorate of the medical education Undergraduate in Medical stream/ Diploma courses

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

  • This scheme is available for the students pursuing Class – XI and XII, and at under Graduate level in Engineering, Medical and Technical / Professional courses besides Under Graduate, Post Graduate level students pursuing General Degree courses.
  • These Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Scholarship will be sanctioned to deserving students on merit-cum-means criteria.
  • Students pursuing M.Phil courses and Doctoral courses (Non-Net Junior Research Fellow and Net-Lectureship) from State-aided Institutions will come under the purview of this Scholarship Scheme.
  • Kanyashree recipients (K-2) pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State will come under the aegis of this Scholarship Scheme.
  • The upper ceiling for family income has been fixed at Rs. 2,50,000 per annum.

Know Here: How To Get A College Scholarship

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Eligibility – Course-Wise

For Scholarship at Higher
Secondary level
(@Rs. 1000 per month)
Must have obtained at least 75% marks in
aggregate in Madhyamik Pariksha or its
For Scholarship at UG level
(@Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 per
Must have obtained at least 75% marks in
aggregate (Best of five).
Students who are enrolled in the first year of
UG course in Engineering/ Medical/ General
Education/ G.N.M. Nursing/ Para Medical
Diploma Course.
For Scholarship at Diploma
(Polytechnic) level
(@Rs. 1500/- per month)
Students who are enrolled after passing out
in Secondary (M.P) examination or its
equivalents stated above in 2022 for
first year Diploma (Polytechnic) courses
[H.S. Examination or its equivalent
For Scholarship at PG level
(@Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000 per
Candidates must obtain at least 53% marks
in Honours subjects at the Graduation level
in General Education and 55% marks for UG
level Engineering student in the year 2023
For Kanyashree individuals
(K-3 component)
(@Rs. 2000 for MA & M.COM
students and Rs. 2500 per
month for M.SC students)
Kanyashree recipients with valid sanctioned
K-2 ID pursuing PG courses in Science, Arts
and Commerce stream from Universities of
this State in regular mode (not distance)
must obtain at UG level 45% marks.
Research Fellow (@Rs. 5000 to
Rs. 8000 per month)
Students pursuing the regular course from
State-aided Institutions of higher learning in
the financial year 2023 onwards

Merit Judging Criteria for the SVMCMS Scheme 2022:

As per Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Status, Selection of the candidates to provide Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship Reward 2022 will be made on the basis of the qualifying marks in the aggregate. Individuals are required to secure 75% in the equivalent or in previous standard.

Know Here: Scholarship for Engg Students

Documents Required For WB Swami Vivekananda Scholarship:

  • Passport Sized Photograph: The image must be of jpg or jpeg format with a size of minimum10 KB and maximum 20 KB.
  • Signature: Applicant must have a digital signature or a scanned format of sign in jpeg or jpg format with the six range of 10KB to 20KB.
  • Ration card of Voter Card as ID proof
  • Address proof
  • Last Educational Report
  • First page of the passbook of the bank account of the applicant
  • Domicile certificate to serve as a proof of resident of West Bengal
  • Income certificate for the family to prove the economic weakness

Documents to be uploaded for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Renewal Form:

  • Copy of the Mark sheet of the last examination in the present course of study (Both sides and in case of semester examination system, year wise semester Mark sheets)
  • Admission receipt for the promotion to the next higher class
  • 1st page of the Bank Passbook and the leaf of the Passbook in which the credited Scholarship amount of last year has been shown

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Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Scheme Details:

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Renewal:

  • For SVMCM Students: Candidates should apply through online mode using Login Id and Password as used at the time of first application through the official website.
  • Renewal cases will be sanctioned subject to good academic performance (Minimum 60% marks in aggregate should be obtained from Higher Secondary Level to UG and Diploma Level at the promotional examination) and 50% marks at PG Level).
  • For Kanyashree (K-3) Students: The students passed in 1st attempt may apply for renewal producing 1st year Marksheet (1st sem & 2nd sem together, not provisional Marksheet).

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Fresh:

  • Online application process for fresh candidates has been started and closing date of submission of Head of Institution certified copy in the web-portal.
  • Applicants must submit the office copy of Head of the Institution declaration form (hard copy) generated from the web-portal to the concerned institutions.

Check Out: Counselling Schedule

How to Fill Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Form:

Contenders can submit Application for Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Scholarship / Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Apply by following below mentioned hassle free steps easily!!

Step 1: Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Registration – (Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Online Apply)

  • To submit the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Online Application, first of all visit to the official portal that is svmcm.wbhed.gov.in
  • Thereafter contenders have to register themselves from the option available at the left side of the home page.
  • Then Applicant ID will be generated.
  • While selecting the Password please maintain the Password Policy as instructed in the form.
  • Applicants, willing to apply for K3 are required to fill up the authentication form to verify their existence in Kanyashree (K2) with the input fields Kanyashee (K2) Year, Kanyashree ID, Applicant’s Name, Applicant’s Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name.
  • On successful completion of K2 authentication applicants will be forwarded to registration form.

Step 2: Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Application Form 2023

To Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship Log in, you have to enter you ID, Password and captcha code.

  • Afterward you have to enter Basic Details, Personal Details in appropriate manner to apply for Swami Vivekananda MCM Scholarship.
  • While uploading Scanned Copy of Image and Signature, to Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Online Form please maintain File Format and File Size as mentioned.
  • Image and Signature format should be JPG/JPEG and size should be in between 20KB-50KB and 10KB-20KB respectively.

Step 3: Upload Documents

  • After the submission of above mentioned details in Swami Vivekananda Scholarship List, you have to upload Scanned Supporting Document (described above).
  • While uploading, please maintain the File format and File size as mentioned in the form.
  • Files should be in PDF format and size should not exceed 400KB.

Step 4: Final Submission Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Form

  • After the finalizing of the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Application Status, you have to download Verification Certificate containing two pages.
  • First page is the Applicant Copy and second page is the HOI (Head of the Institution) Copy.
  • After verification and signed by HOI, applicant will scan his copy and upload this in the application portal to complete the application process.

Get Here – Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Official Website

FAQ’s Related to West Bengal Swami Vivekananda Scholarship

Ques: What are the criteria to apply for SVMCM scholarship?


  • Yearly family income not more than Rs. 2,50,000 (Income criteria is not applicable for K3)
  • Must be a domicile of West Bengal
  • secured at least 75% marks in the last qualifying examination with no year gap (For School and Under Graduate applicants)
  • secured at least 53% marks in Honours subjects at the Graduation level in General Education and Graduation level and at least 55% marks in Engineering courses with no year gap (For PG applicants)
  • secured at least 45% marks at Graduation level in Science/Arts/Commerce stream with no year gap and valid K2 id. (For K3 applicants)

Ques: Why am I not able to apply for Renewal application process though I have valid SVMCM Applicant Id and Password?

Ans: Only the sanctioned applicants of previous year are eligible to apply for Renewal.

Ques: Where to apply renewal application of minority candidates from?

Ans: Minority students may apply from https://www.wbmdfcscholarship.co.in/

Ques: How to retrieve the forgotten Applicant Id/Password?

Ans: Link to retrieve Forgot Applicant Id or Password is given on the login pop up.

Ques: Why am I getting the message, “Sorry! Invalid Last Exam Roll No. entered” at the time of registration?

Ans: If a candidate with qualifying exam board is either WBBSE or WBCHSE or WBSCT&VE&SD (for Lateral) enters wrong roll no. for last qualifying examination or the roll no in wrong format, only then shows the aforementioned alert.

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023 PDF

Government of West Bengal is providing Swami Vivekananda Scholarship for the year 2023 to poor and meritorious students of West Bengal, pursuing higher studies. Willing candidates can apply for MCM Scholarship Scheme till last date as mentioned in the official notification.

The students of Post Madhyamik levels and onwards in regular courses whose annual family income is not more than Rs. 2,50,000 , may apply for this Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023 before Swami Vivekananda Scholarship last date through the help of this web page.


  • Portal: svmcm.wbhed.gov.in
  • Address: Higher Education Department, Bikash Bhaban, Kolkata, West Bengal.
  • Toll-free Number: 18001028014
  • Email: helpdesk.svmcm-wb@gov.in


Contenders are advised to be in touch with our portal for getting latest updates of Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship Renewal, Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Payment or others.

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6 thoughts on “Swami Vivekananda Scholarship 2023-24| Merit cum Means Scheme, Eligibility, Last Date”

  1. Susmita sarkar

    Hii ami h.s er somoi vivekanadar formfillup kora6ilam but taka dhokani then can i apply again this form… belonging general category.. 86% number paya6i..

  2. my self sumathro i completed bcom in june2018 with 83% now i joined llb 3years can i apply tell me please sir iam single girl for my parents which scholarship can i apply tell me please sir

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