IIT JAM Syllabus
Candidates seeking admission to the academic programmes covered under IIT JAM 2023 need to secure requisite marks in the entrance. IIT JAM Syllabus for all subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Maths and others has been provided below. With the help of IIT JAM Exam Syllabus, you may be familiar with the topics used to design IIT JAM Question Paper. So, why are you still waiting? Go ahead and download IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus PDF for any subject from here.

IIT JAM Notification 2023 Highlights:
Conducting Body | Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and IISc |
On behalf of | Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India |
Name of the Exam | Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. |
Exam Type | National Level |
IIT JAM Admission Courses | M.Sc. (Two Years), Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree, and other Post-Bachelor Degree Programmes |
Required Qualification | Bachelor’s Degree with at least 55% aggregate |
Number of Attempts | No Limit |
Official Website | jam.iitr.ac.in |
Mode of Application | Online |
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023
IIT JAM 2023 Exam Pattern
- Mode of IIT JAM Entrance Exam: ONLINE mode only.
- Section–A: Total of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) involving 10 questions of one mark each and 20 questions of two mark each.
- Section–B: Total of 10 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) carrying two marks each.
- Section–C: Total of 20 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions involving 10 questions of one mark each and 10 questions of two mark each.
- Negative Marking: For each wrong answer of 1 mark questions, 1/3 mark will be deducted and similarly for each wrong answer of 2 marks questions, 2/3 mark will be deducted.
Section | Questions |
Section-A | 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) |
Section-B | 10 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) |
Section-C | 20 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) |
IIT JAM Syllabus Download PDF
IIT JAM Syllabus Physics (PH) Download | Link |
IIT JAM Syllabus For Chemistry (CY) Download | Link |
IIT JAM Syllabus For Mathematics (MA) Download | Link |
IIT JAM Syllabus of Mathematical Statistics (MS) | Link |
Download IIT JAM Syllabus of Biotechnology (BT) | Link |
IIT JAM Syllabus PDF For Geology (GG) | Link |
IIT JAM Syllabus Economics (EN) Download | Link |
IIT JAM Exam Syllabus 2023
IIT JAM Physics Syllabus 2023
- Mathematical Methods
- Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
- Physics Electricity and Magnetism
- Physics of Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics
- Modern Physics
- Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics
START Now: Online Quiz for Competitive Exams
IIT JAM Chemistry Syllabus 2023
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 for Physical Chemistry
- Basic Mathematical Concepts
- Atomic and Molecular Structure
- Theory of Gasses
- Solid state
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chemical and Phase Equilibria
- Electrochemistry
- Adsorption
- Spectroscopy
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 for Organic Chemistry
- Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry
- Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications
- Qualitative Organic Analysis
- Natural Products Chemistry
- Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 for Inorganic Chemistry
- Periodic Table
- Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds
- Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)
- Transition Metals (d block)
- Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- Analytical Chemistry
Check Out: Chemistry Questions And Answers
IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2023
- Sequences and Series of Real Numbers
- Functions of One Real Variable
- Functions of Two or Three Real Variables
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Vector Calculus
- Group Theory
- Linear Algebra
- Mathematics Real Analysis
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 for Mathematical Statistics
The Mathematical Statistics (MS) test paper comprises of Mathematics (40% weightage) and Statistics (60%weightage).
IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2023
Syllabus of IIT JAM Sequences and Series: |
Convergence of sequences of real numbers, Comparison, root and ratio tests for convergence of series of real numbers. |
IIT JAM Exam Syllabus for Differential Calculus |
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 Integral Calculus |
IIT JAM Matrices Syllabus |
IIT JAM Statistics Syllabus 2023
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 of Probability: |
IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus of Random Variables: |
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 of Standard Distributions: |
Syllabus of IIT JAM Joint Distributions: |
IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 of Sampling distributions: |
Chi-square, t and F distributions, and their properties. |
IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus of Limit Theorems: |
IIT JAM Courses Syllabus of Estimation: |
Syllabus of IIT JAM 2023 Testing of Hypotheses: |
Also Check: Tips to Boost Your Mathematics Score
IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus of Biotechnology (BT)
The Biotechnology (BT) test paper comprises of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
IIT JAM Syllabus of Biology (10+2+3 level)
- General Biology
- Biochemistry and Physiology
- Basic Biotechnology
IIT JAM Subjects Syllabus of Chemistry (10+2+3 level)
- Atomic Structure
- Chemistry of Functional Groups
IIT JAM Syllabus of Mathematics (10+2 level)
Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex numbers, Linear and Quadratic equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight lines and Family, Circles, Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem
Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Mathematical Logic, Statistics, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vectors, Matrices and Determinants, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Functions, limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Application of Derivatives, Definite and Indefinite Integrals, Differential Equations.
IIT JAM Physics (10+2 level) Syllabus
Physical World and Measurement, Elementary Statics and Dynamics, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Electrostatics, Current electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus, Solids and Semiconductor Devices, Principles of Communication, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves.
IIT JAM New Syllabus of Geology (GG)
The Planet Earth
Origin of the Solar System and the Earth; Geosphere and the composition of the Earth; Shape and size of the earth; Earth-moon system; Formation of continents and oceans; Dating rocks and age of the Earth; Volcanism and volcanic landforms; Interior of earth; Earthquakes; Earth’s magnetism and gravity, Isostasy; Elements of Plate tectonics; Orogenic cycles.
Weathering and erosion; Transportation and deposition due to wind, ice, river, sea, and resulting landforms,structurally controlled landforms.
Structural Geology
- Concept of stratum; Contour; Outcrop patterns; Maps and cross sections; Dip and strike; Classification and origin of folds, faults, joints, unconformities, foliations and lineations,; shear zones.
- Stereographic and equal area projections of planes and lines; computation of true thickness of beds from outcrops and bore-holes.
Principles of stratigraphy; Litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphic classification; distribution and classification of the stratigraphic horizons of India from Archaean to Recent.
- Symmetry and forms in common crystal classes; Physical properties of minerals; Isomorphism and polymorphism, Classification of minerals; Structure of silicates; Mineralogy of common rock-forming minerals; Mode of occurrence of minerals in rocks.
- Transmitted polarised light microscopy and optical properties of uniaxial and biaxial minerals.
- Definition and classification of rocks; Igneous rocks-forms of igneous bodies; Crystallization from magma; classification, association and genesis of igneous rocks;
- Sedimentary rocks – classification, texture and structure; size and shape of sedimentary bodies. Metamorphic rocks – classification, facies, zones and texture.
- Characteristic mineral assemblages of pelites in the Barrovian zones and mafic rocks in common facies.
Economic Geology
- Properties of common economic minerals;
- General processes of formation of mineral deposits;
- Physical characters;
- Mode of occurrence and distribution in India both of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits;
- Coal and petroleum occurrences in India.
Applied Geology
- Ground Water
- Principles of Engineering Geology
Check Here: Tips To Reduce Negative Marking in Entrance Exam
IIT Joint Admission Test Syllabus of Biological Science (BL)
General Biology
Taxonomy of plants and animals; pro-and eukaryotic organisms; cell organelles and their function; multicellular organization; general physiology; energy transformations; internal transport systems of plants and animals; photosynthesis; respiration; regulation of body fluids and excretory mechanisms
reproductive biology; plant and animal hormones and their action; nervous systems; animal behavior; plant and animal diseases; Mendelian genetics and heredity; basics of developmental biology; biology of populations and communities; evolution; basic principles of ecology; genesis and diversity of organisms.
Basics of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biophysics
Buffers; trace elements in biological systems; enzymes and proteins; vitamins; biological oxidations, photosynthesis; carbohydrates and lipids and their metabolism; digestion and absorption; detoxifying mechanisms; nucleic acids; nucleic acid metabolism; nature of gene and its function; genetic code; synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins; regulation of gene expression; operons.
Structure Of Biomolecules
Intra and intermolecular forces; thermodynamics and kinetics of biological systems; enzyme mechanisms and kinetics; principles of X-ray diffraction; IR- and UV- spectroscopy; analytical and biochemical techniques.
Microbiology, Cell Biology and Immunology
Classification of microorganisms and their characterization; nutrient requirement for growth; laboratory techniques in microbiology; pathogenic microorganisms and disease; applied microbiology; viruses and fungi; microbial genetics;
cell theory; cell architecture; cell division; types of chromosome structure; biochemical genetics-inborn errors of metabolisms; innate and adaptive immunity, antigen antibodies; principles of processes of development.
Mathematical Sciences
Mathematical functions (algebraic, exponential, trigonometric) and their derivatives (derivatives and integrals of simple functions); permutations and combinations; basic probability and volumetric calculations.
Must Check IIT JAM Related Links Here
IIT JAM Question Papers | IIT JAM Result |
IIT JAM Application Form |
Some Facts about IIT JAM Conducting Body
IIT (Indian Institute of Technology)
Indian Institute of Technology is the most prestigious colleges in India. These institutes provide opportunities to the students for forming their future in the sector of technology. They also help the students to work in a competitive environment and prepare themselves for the future.
IISc (Indian Institute Of Sciences)
Indian Institute Of Sciences is the institute that offers the opportunity to the Indian candidates as well as foreign nationals to build their career. This institute provides its candidates such an environment so that they are able to work comfortably in the field of science and technology.
Press Here: JAM 2023 Official Website
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