BDO Full Form
BDO Full Form:नमस्कार दोस्तों, क्या आप BDO फुल फॉर्म की सर्च कर रहे हैं ? Block Development Officer कैसे बने? बीडीओ फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है? बीडीओ का क्या कार्य होता है ? उनका वेतन कितना होता है? उनकी योग्यता क्या है और अन्य सवाल तो घबराइए मत इन सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर आपको इस लेख में मिलेंगे। BDO की फुल फॉर्म “Block Development Officer” होती है. BDO Full Form in Hindi is”खंड विकास अधिकारी”|
BDO Full Form deals with different types of fields. Internationally, BDO full form deals with financial accounting that is Business Development Officer (BDO) while on the other hand; British Darts Organization is also the full form of BDO related to Britain. In India, BDO Full Form is Block Development Officer.

BDO Full Form
BDO Full Form in Hindi– खंड विकास अधिकारी
Overview of BDO Officer:
Educational Qualification | Graduation degree |
Age limit | 21 years to 40 years |
Relaxation in Age | 3 years for OBC 5 years for SC / ST |
BDO Selection Process | Written test (preliminary, main and interview) |
Wages | Can be from 9000 to 38000 |
BDO Full Form | Block Development Officer |
BDO Full Form in Hindi
BDO की फुल फॉर्म “Block Development Officer” होती है. BDO की फुल फॉर्म का हिंदी Meaning “खंड विकास अधिकारी” होता है| चलिए अब इसके बारे में अन्य सामान्य जानकारी प्राप्त करते हैं। आप सभी का यह जानना काफी आवश्यक है की विकास खंड का निर्माण बहुत सी पंचायतों को मिलाकर किया जाता है|
दोस्तों विकास खंड के हेडक्वार्टर को सामुदायिक केंद्र कहा जाता है. आइये अब इसके बारे में अन्य सामान्य जानकारी प्राप्त करते हैं। अगर बात करे BDO की यह प्रखंड का एक आधिकारिक प्रभारी होता है, इसका काम खंड विकास अधिकारी योजना और प्रखंडों के विकास से संबंधित सभी कार्यक्रमों के Implementation की निगरानी करना हैं, BDO कार्यालय विकास Administration के साथ-साथ नियामक Administration के लिए सरकार का मुख्य संचालन विंग है।
यह तो आप सबको ही पता होगा की एक ज़िले को कई तहसीलो में बाटा जाता है और उन तहसीलो के अंतर्गत काफी ब्लॉक्स होतेहै| और जितने भी ब्लॉक्स होते है सब पर सरकार की ओर से एक अधिकारी नियुक्त किया जाता है जो यह देखता है की विकास कार्य सही से हो रहा है या नहीं| यही अधिकारी BDO कहलाताहै| जिसकी फुलफॉर्म Block Development Officer (खंड विकास अधिकारी) होती है|
How to Become a BDO Officer?
बीडीओ अधिकारी कैसे बनें?
If your dream is to become BDO Officer then the very first step is you should know about the entire eligibility criteria as per the official advertisement as mentioned below: After that you will have to wait for the advertisement for the engagement of BDO officer.
To apply for BDO Officer Official Advertisement you can submit Block Development Officer Application Form through official advertisement as per the instructions which will be given in official website. Then you have to qualify the selection rounds to become a BDO that is written examination and interview. The detailed selection process if mentioned below.
BDO Officer बनने के लिए योग्यता
Qualification to become a BDO:
To apply for Block Development Officer Job Vacancy, individuals must possess graduation degree in any subject from a recognized university/ Institutions with good academic records.
Grab: Jobs By Qualification
Age Limit to become BDO
- Minimum Age: 21 years
- Maximum Age: 40 years
- OBC category candidates will get 3 years relaxation.
- SC / ST category candidates will get 5 years of age relaxations.
Check Out: Upcoming Government Jobs
Block Development Officer Selection Process:
Initially screening of candidates will be done after that selected candidates will eligible to appear in preliminary examination. Qualifying candidates in BDO Prelims exam will appear in mains exam. However, those candidates who will able to qualify prelims and mains exam will only eligible to attend Interview Round.
- Preliminary Exam
- Main Examination
- Interview
BDO Officer Salary (वेतन)
- After qualifying the BD Selection Process, Block Development Officer will get monthly salary in the pay scale of Rs 9,300 to Rs 34,800.
- Along with this, Block Development Officer get extra benefits, allowances etc.
Work Of BDO in English
- BDO Officer has to monitor all the development work in his area.
- Block Development Officer completes the work regarding schemes brought for the development of villagers.
- With the representatives of the state as well as the center Block Development Officer helps in the doing of rural activities
BDO Work in Hindi
- बीडीओ अधिकारी को अपने क्षेत्र के सभी विकास कार्यों की निगरानी करनी होगी।
- खंड विकास अधिकारी ग्रामीणों के विकास के लिए लाई गई योजनाओं के बारे में काम पूरा करता है।
- राज्य और केंद्र के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ, खंड विकास अधिकारी ग्रामीण गतिविधियों को करने में मदद करता है।
Powers of Block Development Officer:
- The Block Development Officer is the official in-charge of the block.
- BDO Officer directs the planning and implementation of all the programs regarding the development of the block.
- All the work to be done in that block is under the supervision of the Block Development Officer and no development work can be started in that area without their permission.
Some important functions of BDO are: –
- Agriculture, education, stores and distribution of agricultural supplies
- Production Planning and Allied Services
- Organizing cooperatives and other supporting agencies
- Participation in Panchayat Samiti and Gram Sabha meetings
Entrance Exam to Become BDO (बीडीओ बनने के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा)
BDO बनने के लिए हर राज्य में PCS के Exam होते है। जैसे कि
- झारखंड में JPSC (Jharkhand Public Service Commission) Exam
- बिहार में BSSC (Bihar Staff Selection Commission) के Exam
- उत्तर प्रदेश में UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) के Exam होते है।
Check Here: Latest PSC Jobs
BDO संक्षिप्त रूप के अन्य फुल फॉर्म
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- Business Development Officer
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- Business Depot Ogden
- Bund Deutscher Orgelbaumeister
- Beresan District Odessa
- Black Desert Online
- British Darts Organisation
BDO Full Form FAQs:
Question 1: What is BDO?
Answer: BDO is the Block Development Officer. BDO is designated as an officer for the activities and development of a block.
Question 2: What is the full form of BDO?
Answer: BDO full form is Block Development Officer.
Question 3: What does BDO do?
Answer: The BDO monitors the ongoing activities and development works in its block. Apart from this, there are some functions of BDO, whose list you will find in this blog.
Essence of the Page:
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BDO- Wikipedia
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